Monday, November 27, 2023


 Well... the pool got christened yesterday afternoon.


ABOVE:  Stew got in the pool cos he was super hot after doing the gardening.  He said it was 'fresh'.  So not freezing.  He did say I wouldn't have liked it, I believe him.

ABOVE:  My favourite place in the garden.  It's just so pretty, and Stew has got it looking so good.

Our hydrangeas are starting to flower...  love them.

I cut out some fabrics yesterday for a new Braid Runner, as I sold a few at Saturday's market.

This one is slightly 'different' from my other Black 'n' Whites.  Cos it's got no white, and more browns and greys mixed in with the blacks.

ABOVE:  And in fact the centre block is totally different too.

It's going to be interesting to see how it comes out.  I can't wait to do it!

I will work on that after I've done me usual morning routine.

ABOVE: The last Caramel Cornflake slice I'm making.
Stew and I had a piece each last night and decided we were over it, and it really was too sweet for us.
So, family.... come get it!

11.05 am:   Well... Lacy and I went for a 'Mall Walk' today as it was just too hot outside.
We had lots of fun!
And kept cool-ish.

After that we went to The Base for a spot of shopping... I needed a few things.

ABOVE: Our walk stats are a bit buggered up cos the app I use refuses to track when you are inside a building.  Oh well... we know we walked at a good pace, and we walked for longer than usual too.  It was neat in the mall... lots to look at, people to harass!  lol


Time for sewing.  

Or not.
Grrrr. I started cutting out fabric, and remembered my rotary cutter needed a new blade.  There is only so much tolerance I have for a blade that leaves tiny pieces of fabric NOT CUT.
So I jumped in me car and headed off to Lacy's first, to drop off her jandals and cake that she left at mine.
Then to Spotlight for the rotary blade.

There was a bloody sale on fabric eh?

ABOVE:  Bit hard to pass up a 40% off sale ... oh and I then went to Bunnings for Chlorine tester and a couple of other things.
Cos I was then in a shopping mood totally.

Now I'm finally home, and don't know if I have the energy for sewing.
Might have some lunch first.

6.20 pm:  Well I had lunch.
Then I spent about an hour or so cutting out strips of fabric.

Then I had a nana nap.

Got woken by Lacy messaging me cos she had just woken up after having a nap!

So I went back into the sewing room and cut more strips ... but did not get to do any sewing.
That will have to happen tomorrow.

Stew is home from work, so I've stopped work too.
Time to relax for the remainder of the day.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. LOVE that color scheme.

  2. Boys and Lacy be knocking at your door for pieces of cake yeah it looks very sweet. Yes the pool looks "fresh" not for me either. New runner looks interesting.

    1. Haha yip, the cake is so so good 😊

  3. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Ohh new colour scheme 😘
    Looking forward to seeing, looks interesting.

  4. That cake looks yuuummmm... wish i was closer 🀣. Ugh and just tested positive for Covid so i won't be going anywhere for a couple of days... I'll have to make my own cake πŸŽ‚

  5. 40% off is hard to resist.

  6. Sorry for waking ya Nanna nap Ma xx

  7. Oh darn had to hit the fabric store haha


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