Thursday, November 23, 2023


 Had planned on walking really early today. But I've got a thumping that plan just went out the window.

ABOVE:  Today's bowl cosys to be sewn up.  Once I've got them done I know I won't need to make any more for a while.

It's neat how I've gotten on a roll, and am churning them out so fast.

Right,  ...

10.20 am.  Bit of  a late start today.  Once up, I went and bought liquid chlorine for the pool, got it home and damned if I can get the lid off!
I will have to wait for Stew to get home and open it now.  Grrrr.

And now... I'm finally about to start sewing for the day.

1.40 pm:  And I'm pretty much done for the day in the sewing room.

ABOVE:  Today's crop of cosys.  

I'm now taking a break. Probably have some lunch.
Then I want to get all the cosy's already made weeks/months ago, and re-press them and freshen them up.

I'm reading that quite a few people have to jump through hurdles to leave a comment.
So I've taken comment moderation off ... FOR NOW.  Please let me know if that makes a difference ok?


2.45 pm:   And I just had a good, brisk walk on our treadmill.  With two fans on, and my spray bottle as well.   I spray water on me face and the fans do the rest.  It helps a bit to keep me cool.

ABOVE:  I have no idea if that distance is 3 miles, or 3 kilometres!   If it's kilometres, then I was certainly NOT going very fast!  If it was recording in miles, then I did 4.8 kms.  I can't believe either of them really.  *sigh*

Time to just relax for a while.

So the treadmill reads in Kms.  So I wasn't going as fast as I thought the entire time.  Pfffft.  Must do better!  Or not.  It's all exercise, and that's what matters.

Dammit!  I had a huge spiel typed up, and lost it somehow.
It's been a quiet evening, much like usual really.

It's never too late to learn lessons, just wish I didn't have to sometimes.  I should know by now when to just shut the fuck up.
Bite my tongue and let it go.  
It's just NOT WORTH IT.

And on that shitty note, I'm outta here.


  1. Why so much light tan in that mix?

    1. Lol. Thats the cotton batting that acts as the insulation.

  2. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Lids - they are becoming a bother for me. Especially the screw on type. Hurts my fingers to have to try to twist it so hard. Ugh! Love the bowl cozies. Ky Girl

  3. Anonymous10:41 AM

    So - in order to post a comment...I write a comment, hit Publish, a mssg says it failed...but if I cut the comment, X out of your blog, reenter your blog, go to the comment section, paste the commet...hit publish...and it goes through. Crazy. Ky Girl

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      You can just refresh and it works the same as getting all the way out and back in. I do the same thing - copy, refresh, paste, publish.

    2. I have taken Comment Moderation OFF for now... can you let me know if that makes any difference to how easy, or not, it is to leave a comment?

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      As many problems as you had with comments, I would turn it back on. It is not a big deal to copy, refresh, paste, publish. (It gives me an opportunity to catch typos as well!).

  4. I have a soup cozy. It doubles as a trivet for my hot serving dishes too. I know they sell a ton at the craft fairs here. They make a great Christmas gift.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      We are making bowl cozies as Xmas gifts this year.

      Fabulous way to use up lots of extra cotton fabric and cotton batting scraps.

      I have been setting aside fabric specifically for this project (things I would not use in my quilt projects).

      The scraps that are left after this project, I am donating to a group that makes charity quilts.

      I did the same thing with flannel a couple months ago. I made cherry pit (microwave) bags with flannel scraps and what was left, I donated to the same group.

      It cleaned out a ton of old fabric and gave it new use/life.

  5. Anonymous2:00 PM

    1st - I doubt many cloth artists, like yourself, takes the time to iron projects completed and stored. You doing that shows your wonderful professionalism. Or, maybe I'm wrong and all cloth artists do that? I dunno. Ha
    2nd - thanks for responding to the issue I'm having in leaving posts. Ky Girl

    1. Did it help Ky Girl?

    2. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Yes, it is working perfectly now. Thanks so much for the quick response. And I understand if you need to put the "monitoring" button on again. People are just nasty out there in the world anymore. No one has manners. ;-) Ky Girl

  6. Hi Chris, just checking

    1. Well that work, I can actually comment as myself
      I doubt you will be able to leave comment moderation off unfortunately

    2. Time will tell!

  7. Check see if I can post without it bouncing

  8. That comment problem often pops up on my phone but not on any other device. I'll try and get my head around Ky girls answer.
    I love the look on those bowl holders but they wouldn't work here. Theyd rather have something to cool down the soup. Different culture completely. Luke warm is the ideal food temp here. Weird or what.
    I tell them my mother used to heat up the plates too.

    1. Where do you live and eat lukewarm soup? Sounds good to me. So does room temp cheese. But chocolate cookies must be WARM. And milk very COLD. Can you tell what I just had as a midnight snack?

    2. She lives in Greece, but is a New Zealander by birth.

  9. Anonymous1:36 AM

    I worry that you seem to get so many headaches. Have you been checked for that by your Doctor? I have a thin piece of rubbery fabric that helps with opening jars and bottles. It helps to get a grip. Gigi

  10. We are all continuing to learn that button up thing lol. I usually do pretty good til I get to a certain point and then lose my shit lol

  11. Your blog has become a sanctuary of knowledge and enlightenment for me.


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