Thursday, November 16, 2023


 Today I'm going to work on a new project.

ABOVE:  It involves all these little pieces of fabric.  It's going to be a new runner.  

And that's all you get to see for now.

ABOVE:  The newest Grandbaby's profile from yesterday's ultrasound.

The round 'things' are actually cross sections of the cord.  Looks like bubbles!  lol

I plan on going for another walk this morning, probably really early, when it's still cool.

So, catch ya later on.

9 am and I'm doing it again.  Off on the Orbiter bus, this time heading to Chartwell.  Once at Chartwell I'm going to walk to Lacy's house. Visit her and her new pet, then reverse my trip. So fun on the bus, a nice visit with a tart and some exercise thrown in as well.

Slight change of plans.  I did catch the bus/walk to Lacy's.  And spent about an hour chatting with her.
Then she drove me home, as I'd completely forgotten that my cousin, Debbie, was visiting us today!

ABOVE: So Lacy now has a Guinea Pig!
I'm hoping she doesn't kill it with overhandling it.  lol

ABOVE:  My 'Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow' shrub is coming into bloom.  It's going to be absolutely covered in flowers soon.  Sooooo pretty.

Right gotta go, I've got a salad to make, and scones in the oven.

ABOVE: Not sure if that worked, but OMG I love this guy!  He has so much wisdom.  And he's teaching me how to cope with stuff. 

ABOVE: Seems I'm now Grandma to a freakin' Guinea Pig named Onyx.
Oh ya.

ABOVE:  Lacy and her 2nd cousin Deb.  We had a really lovely day together, and visiting Lacy was neat too.

8.15 pm:  Stew and I just arrived home from the local pub.  Deb came with us and had a drink before heading home to Rotorua.  Stew and I had dinner there, just toasted sandwich and chips.  It was very nice though.

Now it's back to our usual evening routine.  Watch the telly then off to bed.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous6:46 AM

    He looks like his brothers!

  2. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Chris I have an idea that the berries that grow on that plant are poisonous. Maybe google and watch young children. Marie, Melbourne

  3. Cute blinken Kid and it's not even born yet and it's already got a gorgeous profile.
    Thanks for the lovely visit Ma xx

  4. Those words are very true and describe a certain person just perfectly.
    Bub is cute already but what would you expect with his/her parents? And his/her grandmother, of course!

  5. Anonymous1:45 PM

    The advice guy is rather handsome as

  6. Anonymous2:26 PM

    That guy is the "Best" - quick to the point information bundles. Nice calm voice. I use him to coach my mum on handling my dad- its - the - only - way!!! Choose to walk away from conversations where the other person is trying to hook you into an argument. Limit your conversation especially if you are not in agreeance with each other. Rather stay firm in your decision and limit the conversation. Mum rings me constantly with arguments between her and dad. Eg. Arguing over paying their regular tax. He won't admit her forgot to do it. She believes they haven't - argue, ring me argue over phone with me listening.(rolls eyes). I just say ring tax department - get the accurate information from them. No discussion between each other. She did that - and has now paid the outstanding tax. So yeah that guy that guy amen that guy (they are sending me insane) - is my go to - I study him and then coach her. Fantastic. Maria(Australia)

  7. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Also exciting times - new grand baby - just around the corner - cute button nose. Its happening. Maria(Australia)

  8. Hey Lacy, Guinea pigs are really social animals & it is recommended that you have two not just one. Pet shops are not supposed to sell them in ones (the joys of having a daughter who works in a pet shop, it is like living with Steve bloody Irwin lol).

    1. Hi Tracy, yes I do no this, I got him off a private seller.
      I got him knowing I'd be around him enough for him to not feel lonely, yesterday evening I had him beside me on the couch with some hay and his carrot, and he just chilled with me till it was his bed time.

  9. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I had a Guinness pig named Harvey!

  10. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Narssasist clip was very true Felicity

  11. Oh and Ma his name is Onyx 💯✌️
    Well unless Miss Keera says no and changes it lol

  12. I gasped when I saw the picture of Debbie. She is almost a doppelganger of a younger version of a friend of mine named Bonnie. Weird!


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