Friday, September 22, 2023


 I am feeling so very lucky to have my girls.

They are both walking with me today.

How lucky am I to have such lovely company, and motivation and encouragement with my walking?

I know I probably wouldn't go so often if it wasn't for Lacy, and now Amanda too.

We will be 'doing' the lake walk again... cos let's get real, it's PERFECT.

Just the right distance.


Beautiful scenery to look at.

Lots of lovely fellow walkers to say 'Good morning' to.

And it has Ducks, Geese, Pukekos, Australian Coots, and a few other cute birds to look at.

In fact, I've not shown you any Australian Coots have I?  They are so cute, with the most FUNKY fleshy lobed toes!  Let's see if I can get a good photo to show you today.

Once I get home from our walk, I will make a start on the stitching of this Reindeer Runner:

ABOVE:  He already looks so cute.

I'm sure it will be even better once I've done the stitching and titivating.

I'm mentally smiling heaps today.  Cos I just don't care anymore!  So liberating, knowing that my life is so happy... filled with family who LOVE us so much.  And yes, just thinking about our new grandbaby, who is coming in just a few months, is enough to wipe out anything else.  I'm free from giving a fuck anymore.

ABOVE: I've started wearing my 3/4 tights instead of full length ones.  And none of them have a phone pocket.  So this morning I put one on these tights, and later on today I will put a pocket on all of them.
Having a phone pocket is so damn handy!

Not long till I leave with Amanda to pick up Lacy, and go walkies.

ABOVE:  Never a truer saying.   I just saw it on Facebook.  Gosh there's some good ones on there almost every day.

ABOVE:  My second best time.  And I was puffed!
I am blaming Amanda this time for pushing the pace.

ABOVE:  We fed the ducklings.

ABOVE: Lacy tried patting one.  What a dick.

ABOVE: That goose is the 'defender of the flock'.
Seriously.  It stands guard.
We didn't see and Australian Coots on the ground today, they were all in the water.

ABOVE:  They make the walk .... .... ... interesting.

ABOVE:  GM... just for YOU.  I'm smiling.

ABOVE:  As I said, having them makes walks interesting.  

ABOVE:  I'm taller!  NO, I am... standing on tip toes the pair of them!  Eeeegits.

Now, after such a good walk, I'm off to the sewing room to get on with my runners.

PENNY:  I can see how that might be confusing!  lol  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‰

ABOVE:  bloody hell... there's twenty five freakin' lights on that string.  πŸ˜•πŸ˜’πŸ˜–

And they ain't gunna get stitched unless I make a start....

8 pm:  And we just got home from Steve 'n' Bex's, who kindly invited us around for dinner.  Lasagne, Steve and Archer's speciality.
Very yum, and I have some for my lunch tomorrow as well.

Time to wind down for the day.  Catch ya tomorrow.


I wasn't around any temptations today, so a good day.  

I was just saying to Stew, it's not the food I am  missing now, it's the social aspect of going out and enjoying a meal in a nice place.  I do miss that.

We will have to be very careful once the Challenge is over that we don't go straight back to over doing the takeaways/meals out again.
I don't want to do that.


  1. Penny1:38 PM

    I just bought new runners for my walking. I got really confused for a minute: you are done with your walk, and off to your runners! :-)

  2. Anonymous2:47 PM

    #1 Child, lol I didn’t set the pace, I walked at your pace, hard to walk at your pace tho when your jutting off on photographic tangents and sitting in children’s playgrounds sliding down slopes πŸ˜† #snapped.

    1. Bullshit! Who went off like a rabbit in heat towards the end??? Hmmm... sure wasn't me.

    2. Sounds like a great walk - do it again tomorrow!

    3. Heck no #Dogstars lol someone will definitely end up in the Lake lol πŸ˜† and it will probably be me because of one of them lol πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚ 🀣 bit was definitely a fab walk lol πŸ˜†

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Ohhhh well there you go nice photos and lots of smiles yay πŸ˜„ I'm knackered been a busy couple of days using muscles that haven't been tested for quite some time GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Child #1 - Ha! Got sick of weaving between you and others on the track, it it did made you get your mini jog on tho. Tryna chaise the chicks lol, I almost got her in the drink tho.

  5. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Was it hard to add a pocket to your exercise joggers?? Did you use a nylon type fabric that matches the joggers? Just wondering if I could do it without a sewing machine lol - a unicorn am I when it comes to craft/sewing. The gyn pants I have are made of nylon and elastane. Thinking if I cut up one of my older pair and made myself pockets for the others ones I have because how good are pockets. Glad you are experiencing some well deserved special moments with your daughters and also the excitement of a new grand baby. Maria (Australia)

    1. It was incredibly easy! I just used ordinary black cotton fabric, doubled it over to form a rectangle, then stitched it on. You don't need to use elasticized fabric at all. Took me all of 5 minutes.

  6. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Fab update on your day
    Love the pic of the three of you on the walk
    Cheers πŸ₯‚ Kiwionholidays

  7. You'll all be running in no time haha.

  8. I needed that fools/wise meme today. extended family being a$$es while acting like they are the most perfect loving people in the world. I'm done being the only who makes any effort.

  9. Laura8:19 PM

    I'm going to make a request. I hope that some day, if you want to, you will share some of the ways that you were able to get yourself free from family bullshit. I mean REALLY free. You seem so happy and you don't get obsessed with wasting your time being bitter or angry. You enjoy your sewing and walking with your daughters, (the good ones) and you seem to have perfected the art of "no longer giving a fuck" But how did you go about it? How did you get yourself to that place where you can let it go and move on to live your life? I'm seriously not trying to be nosy. It's just that I see a person who is doing a great job taking her life back and refusing to let the piss-ants win. And I want (need) to do that also. I could use a few ideas from an inspiring person who has "been there, done that"

    1. Two of our kids have treated us TERRIBLY in various ways over the past few years, one son for even more years than I care to remember. You have to go through all the emotions, hurt, anger, grief, wanting retaliation, disbelief, turmoil and so on BEFORE you can finally accept, yes accept that it is NOT YOU, it is them. Their choices. And then you have to slowly accept that you have to let them go, in order to be happy again. You have to stop allowing them to hurt you. Remove them from your life. If you see them, IGNORE them. They are strangers to you now. They cannot hurt you if you have let them go. It can take YEARS to get to that place in your life where you are happy, and they cannot affect you any more. Accept that they are not worthy of being in your life, and you are a better person than their narrative. You can even feel sorry for them, but never, ever let them back in, because they are by nature, going to hurt you again if you let them. I am truly happy now, because they are no longer in our lives. I do still have moments when I feel a bit sad about it all... but the good feelings far outweigh those fleeting moments now. I think harbouring some anger helps too! But I don't let it consume me anymore like it once did. LETTING GO is the best thing ever. I hope I helped you.


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