Tuesday, September 26, 2023


ABOVE:  This is number 15.  He's all ready for stitching and titivating.

So, that is what I am doing today.

Not much else that I can think of.

Just the usual, a bit of housework before I head into the sewing room.

I will get on our Cross Trainer for a break from sewing around midday.  Have some lunch, bla bla bla.

ABOVE: On my dining table ... flowers and ferns.

And pretty, glittery lights.  Cos I can.

ABOVE:  I copied this meme, then pondered it.

I am very, very close to my second 'goal', and after attaining that, I need to re-evaluate where I want to be.  Not where I NEED TO BE, because who is the judge of where I need to be?

Certainly not Weight Watchers, or anyone else.  It is entirely up to ME, and how I feel.  Both physically and mentally.

This weight loss has been slow, much slower than I anticipated at the start of 'this round'.

BUT, I am perfectly happy that it's taking longer, because it is STAYING OFF, and I am maintaining the losses.  Gotta be good eh?

It is Weight Watchers this evening.  I am praying I get to my next goal.  But if I don't, next week for sure!

1 pm:  And I've been sewing for 5 hours solid.

And this is what I got done:

ABOVE:  Number 15 is done.  And I just love him!  
I am now taking a break, I need me lunch.

After that I will stop sewing and actually tidy up the sewing room ... it needs it before I start on the next runner.

I'm not going to get to my second goal today.  I stood on the scales. Might be a tiny gain?

I just don't understand that!  I have been doing all I should this past week.  Under eating even.  THAT might be the problem.  ***Grrrrrr***

I suppose I will have to see what the WW scales show.  But certainly not a good loss.

Feeling damn crabby as fuck right now.  What else can I do???  STARVE?  

So weigh in.  I lost 100 grams.  That's not even a piddle!  Pfffft.  Not impressed.

I talked to the WW Leader and she thinks I'm not eating enough.  *sigh*

So, sitting in the meeting and it's like 6.15 when I suddenly remember I've left a pot of sausages on the stove... GOING.

FUCK!  Quickly ring Stew, hoping he's home and has saved the house from burning down!!!

NO ANSWER.  So I RUN to my car and speed home.

He's home.  Was in the loo.  He got home in time  to save the house, and the sausages from imminent demise.


I have NEVER EVER EVER  done that before!

OMG that was scary.

And now I'm cooking dinner.  Cos I need food apparently.

Those sausages were... well done.  But OK.  After dinner we did our usual evening routine... TV. Sudoku (him) and me watching some videos while also watching TV.  We 'multi task' ... lol.

Now, time to say 'Catch ya tomorrow'.

No temptations at all today.  Cos I stayed home!


  1. You are rocking it Chris! Look at the difference this time around, you are walking nearly every day and have a completely different outlook on food and eating. Cutting 'eating out' has also helped change your behaviour massively. I also agree about goals, they are yours alone to decided. I wonder how your blood sugar numbers will be next time you get checked? That alone is a win :)

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    You are doing a wonderful job on your weight loss program and you are making smart decisions on what to eat at home. Keep up the good work, you're almost there!! Wherever there is. ;-) Ky Girl

  3. If you block out "the girls" you are slender. Just saying!

    1. Lol!!!! I was just thinking the same damn thing! And those bitches will be the last place to shrink. So frustrating.

  4. OMG re the sausages! Easily done but scary.

  5. Kiwionholidays8:40 PM

    Whew you nearly had me flying in to save the day ,
    Catch-up soon 👍🥂
    Cheers 🥂

  6. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I have to set a timer every time I use the stove and also every time I turn on a sprinkler/watering.

    I think of it as having too much information, stored/going on in my brain, at any given time.

    I use a Siri so the timer has a message with it. She answers to “Hey Siri” so just saying her name does not trigger her.

    This is really fabulous for cooking, several timers can be going at once.

    I also have a list for leaving -
    check the stove, front door locked, lights off, puppies in their crate/white noise machine on, kitchen gate closed, ate my breakfast/took my medicine, have my phone, closed the garage door. I say each one out loud as I go, so I remember. Otherwise I am sitting on my mat at yoga, 20 minutes from home, wondering.


  7. You are doing a wonderful job of the WW. Keep up the good work. Slow and steady wins the race.

  8. I nearly left a pot of boiling water on the stove last week. Luckily noticed it just as I was grabbing my bag off the kitchen counter as I was leaving. Very thankful I did as we were going on holiday for 3 weeks. Love #15 too.


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