Sunday, September 03, 2023


 Last night I finally got around to trying a Braid Runner with a Squared off end.

It's not finished by any means, and I just laid the border fabric around the edge to see how it would look...

ABOVE:  So, Stew likes it.  I like it.  What do you think?
Does it look 'wrong' without the pointy ends?

While we debate that (or not cos you fullas are bloody quiet on the weekends)... I'm off to Spotlight to get more black fabric and batting.

Just have to wait for the freakin' shop to open!  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰

I'm not sure if I'll actually get back into the sewing room today, as we have family visiting.
So, let's see how the day pans out.

It is Fathers Day here in New Zealand today.
Stew and I don't Celebrate Fathers and Mothers day personally.   But it is nice for the kids to acknowledge it.

Lacy arrived with this:

ABOVE:  Stew really IS a Hero!
My Dad said he was either a Hero or a Fool for taking on a woman with FOUR KIDS.... and I agree.
HE IS MY HERO.  And everything else.

It's looking to be an average day out there, fine but cold.  
I'm sewing.
In my room with the heat pump on.  My hands are frozen today.

I have just realised that by squaring off the runners, I am not going to be using (and not wasting) as much batting!  Score.  I don't think I will be doing pointy ends again somehow. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š
And it's a relief that so many of you think it looks just fine.  Thanks for letting me know.

We just had the most lovely lunch.  We got a chicken from the supermarket and had chicken and salad on buns. YES, it was a pre-cooked chicken, cos I caved on that particular NOT TO HAVE.  It's not really a 'takeaway' after all.

Stew and I then went out to Spotlight and got a whole shit load of black fabric for me runners, and more batting.  I'm set for making the next 5-6 runners at least. 

When we got home Steve and the boys were here for a visit.  So that's nice for Stew on Father's Day.  They are happily now yakking... cos they sure can do that really well!  πŸ˜€πŸ˜…πŸ˜†

Oh I am so happy with my sewing today!
I have finished the squared off Braid Runner , and will show it to you tomorrow.

ABOVE:  It's a wonder I didn't get dizzy watching this kid ride around and around in circles today!  She loves the new bike.  Lacy brought her bike over too, so they rode together as well.

All is quiet again now... Stew will be home soon and we can spend some time together, now that I've finished sewing for the day.

The end of another lovely day here.  The weather was lovely, it's so nice to see Spring coming.  Flowers and new leaves budding everywhere.  
Bring on SUMMER!  I'm praying for a DRY one, with just enough rain for the farmers to get by on.
Last summer was WET, WET, WET.  And horrible.

Quietly watching the telly now till bedtime, very happy with our lot.

I did feel slightly naughty buying a cooked cook today, but it isn't really a 'take away' is it? And we took it home and made home made buns with it, so 'home made'.  lol


  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Could you perhaps display it so we can see the whole thing?? I know it's on your cutting board but the colours confuse me πŸ˜… heading to see me Pa for Father's Day love having them in the same city now GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

    1. I will do a full reveal when its finished.

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I like the square ends very much. Maggie Melbourne.Au

  3. The squared off end is just fine. I never would think twice if I just saw that version vs. the pointy versions. I kind of like the square one even more...

  4. Is the heart border attached? It would look good ending at the black border, too. Or making the black border a bit wider.

  5. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Squared ends are good

  6. I prefer square ends ◾️

  7. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I like the square ends much more than the pointy ends. ;-) Ky Girl

  8. I really like the square ends. I would love it on an oblong coffee table. I like the pointy ends for on a sofa table so the ends hang over the ends.

  9. Square is good and if you wanted you could put tassels on the corners (if it was hanging over the edge of a table).

  10. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I had to go back and find one of the old pointed ones to compare.

    Until I saw them side by side, I did not realize.

    I think squared/new version looks more contemporary, timeless, and polished.

    So if it is easier, yep, I agree with everyone else.


  11. I like the square for table top rather than pointy one but like the edges hanging with the pointy end...if a customer has a child or inquisitive pet the hangy end might be a disaster waiting to happen...this time next year you gonna need to proof your house again how exciting

  12. Sounds like you're all a bunch of Squares lol πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚ 🀣 sorry all couldn't help myself....and a Circle end would be better πŸ˜‰ 😜 jjs

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      It’s hip to be square πŸ˜†

  13. Happy Father's Day to Stew and Steve. Keera looks like she is enjoying the bike.

  14. Miss K is just like her Mumma 😊 I have always loved push bikes 🚲 I remember our trip to Hamner Springs and being told I could ride on their bike...around and around and around on a big grass patch for what seemed like hours but I loved it, still do but I go further these days lol 😊

  15. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I like both! Be interesting to see which sell the best!

  16. Buying a cooked chicken is not cheating! Buying KFC would be cheating :) That's awesome for Keera to have that bike and lovely that Lacy has one too.

  17. Rhonda8:31 PM

    Definitely not cheating! I agree with Lynda

  18. Cooked chook definitely not a cheat. I like the squared ends on the runner.

  19. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Yep don't stress the cooked chook, definitely not takeaway if you got it from the supermarket


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