Wednesday, September 13, 2023


 First up for today, I might be looking after the boys while Bex works.

After they go home (If I have them),  Lacy and I will go for our lake walk.

NOT Lake D today.  We both agreed that while it is a very pretty lake to walk around, we didn't like the gravel track.  We both ended up with gravel in our shoes, which necessitated us stopping to empty our shoes.

So it will be our lovely Hamilton Lake from now on.

After our walk, I will be doing a grocery shop before coming home.

Then I will finish this runner:

ABOVE:  It won't take me too long to quilt it and put it's binding on.  Then I will show you how it looks.

ABOVE: I saw this plant on Facebook yesterday, fell in love with it.  Does ANYONE know what it is?  I'd love to get one.

I have some friends coming to play cards with me tonight.  I hope I can remember how to play SCUM!  

Bex is coming too... cos she loves cards, and like me, misses playing.

I am going to make some lovely cheese scones for supper.   Yum.  It will be the 3rd time in the past few days I've made me scones.

And that's all for now... catch ya later.

OK, thanks for all the info on the plant.  Clearly I won't be getting one.  Sad.
It's so pretty.

Moving on, the boys are here and happily ensconced in the family room, heaters on, blankies on, playing on their laptops.

I'm in the sewing room working.

ABOVE:  number 35 Braid Runner is done.
While it isn't done in 'my' preferred colours, it is nice.  
I'm now working on number 36.  Black 'n' White, without a border, so longer and narrower than the above one.
And a SQUARE end.   I'm totally over those freaking pointy ends.

ABOVE: Our walk today was good, but I totally forgot to take any photos!  So Lacy snapped this one as we drove home.
Better than nothing. lol

I did the grocery shopping after dropping Lacy off, and then came home and put it all away.

ABOVE:  Lacy's pride and passion right now.  She's growing an Avocado from the pip/seed.
Let's see how that goes.

ABOVE:  Another Black 'n' White Squared end Braid Runner ready for quilting tomorrow.   I really like this one!  It has one fabric in it with a touch of warm browns.  

I think it will go quick at market... but then ya just never know what will sell on the day.
That's half the fun of it.

It's 4 pm and I've just had a very, very late lunch.  And it's time to relax for a little while.  I'm actually just a bit knackered.

ABOVE:  I just realised that today's walk was our 2nd 'Best Time'.  No wonder my legs are a bit sore.  We really are walking quite fast to get around that lake in under 40 minutes, when the 'average' time to get around it is an hour.
Proud of myself, and so thankful to Lacy for joining me and motivating me to do it.

We had a really lovely evening playing cards.  There were 6 of us all up, and two were total newbies to playing.  They did well too.

ABOVE:  Instead of trophy's for the Winner and Loser, I got a chocolate bar for the winner, and a lemon for the loser.
Funnily enough, Bex supplied the lemon, and got to take it home again.  lol

And that's my evening over.  I can now simply sit and watch some tv till bedtime.

Absolutely no temptations today... not even an urge.  Rockin' it.


  1. Cool flower - no idea what it is though.
    Why does that runner have pointy ends?

  2. Good morning. Looling forward to seeing what your latest runner looks like completed. I just did Google lens on your flowering plant photo and I would say it may be from the Lantana Camara family. Enjoy your walk today and good luck at your cards evening πŸ™‚

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Yes, my plant app says Lantana. FYI - Poisonous.

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Love the colours in that runner, they are so out of your comfort zone, which can be really hard to do

  4. Anonymous8:03 AM

    It's Lantana, considered a pest in Australia

    1. interesting they are just ornamental here in California.

  5. Anonymous9:28 AM

    It is a lantana and was very popular in NZ at one time - they are no longer allowed to be sold or distributed. So many plants are considered toxic now such as oleander and we had a whole hedge of that in Auckland in one of the houses we lived in. Enjoy your busy day. Audrey

  6. Your blinken awesome Ma xx I told you you would do what I thought πŸ˜‰

  7. Wow Lacy what a whip cracker she is for your
    Motivation nice

  8. Kiwionholidays10:59 PM

    Fab catchup as usual,
    Thanks for sharing your blog with us
    The pics are always awesome, and nice Lacy did the pic in the car and seeing Bex and your other card friend with the prizes makes for a happy end to your day
    πŸ₯‚ Cheers

  9. I think that floral runner is my favorite so far, definitely my colors :)

  10. WOW. You are almost halfway there already. OMG. Time flies!

  11. If you like the form of the plant, rather than the colour, have a look at Hoya. But I suspect you are attracted to the bright colours.


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