Monday, September 25, 2023


 Start of a new week.

I will get me washing on, tidy the house, water the plants then head out for a walk around the lake.

All going well... Amanda and Lacy will be joining me.   And perhaps young Liam too.

The weather forecast is looking good for our walk, no rain, cloudy.  So hopefully not too hot either.  

Once I get home I will be finishing #14 Reindeer Runner.  He's looking really good.  

ABOVE:  Talking of runners, I somehow mucked up the Reindeer #'s.  So I'm actually working on #14, not #13 as I thought.  

Just clearing that up for myself really.

Well that weather forecast was wrong. Its raining. So Amanda isn't walking today. I still am. Not sure about Lacy yet, but she probably will join me.

11 am: We were very lucky, and it only rained for the first 5 minutes of our walk this morning.

Usually we pass at least a couple of dozen other walkers around the lake.  Today?  Only three.

Why don't people like walking in the rain?  It's so nice!

Anyway.... moving on...

ABOVE: Whoops!  I managed to park in a bit of a puddle, and as it was quite deep, we moved.

ABOVE: Just an 'I was here today' photo.  As ya do.

ABOVE: We sat and watched a few cars go through a flooded section of the road...

ABOVE:  And then it was our turn...  did I drive through the middle to avoid the water?

ABOVE:  Hell no!  That would have been boring.  Lucky Lacy put her window up!  😂😉😅

ABOVE:  Not breaking any records... just a good walk to get the heart rate up.  

Now that I'm home, I'm cooling down so will put something warmer on, then head off to the sewing room.

ABOVE: And there we have #14 finished.
I'm now taking a lunch break (it's 2.48 pm).

And now it's 5.20 pm and I've been working all afternoon, laying out THE NEXT freakin' Reindeer Runner.
I have three finished for the pre-Christmas markets.  I think I should have 6 at least, so I can't stop yet.

Lucky I am enjoying making them.  😊😉

7.53 pm:  And it's the end of the day.  It's been a good day, loved me walk, loved finishing another Reindeer Runner.
Stew is home... quite love him too.  lol
Catch ya tomorrow.

Just 26 days to go!  Time is flying by.


  1. Anonymous10:18 AM

    It is fun to see all the reindeer. I think #2 has always been my favorite.

  2. Dogstars has left a new comment on your post "BACK TO WALKING AND SEWING":

    I hope you are able to walk. I just did a rare bit of exercise! We really should keep it up - both of us! I am so impressed with your organizational skills! Keeping track of all those runners. !!!

    1. Sorry Christine, I managed to hit DELETE instead of PUBLISH!

  3. So after seeing all your neat walks around the lake - I did it yesterday while I waited for family in Hamilton. You must motor around - I thought I was quickish - but not as fast as you hahaha. Such a lovely walk though with lots to look at.

    1. How lovely that you were inspired to walk around the lake. It is a beautiful walk.

  4. More beautiful table runners Chris you are doing awesome with the walking you rock

  5. Ever the busy bee. Keep up the good work on the walking.

  6. We were so sad when they fixed the road and got rid of our big puddle by our house lol


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