Wednesday, September 27, 2023


 Well, after last night's weigh in, I'm AGAIN having to re-think what I'm doing diet wise.

It's a never ending battle to get the balances right.

I've been REALLY good with my portion sizes, so it must be my food choices that are 'off'.

Grrrrr.  I bloody well refuse to be a rabbit and eat lettuce salads non stop.  So I'm going to try hitting reset again.  Only this time I'm going to do something I hate.

Eat more fruit and veges.  I eat NO FRUIT usually.  And only a very select number of veges.

Let's see if that helps.  BACK TO WRAPS I think.

Lacy and I are off walking this morning.  Perhaps Amanda too?  Not sure yet.

I AM going to do a few small jogs, to mix it up.  As long as I'm careful, it should be ok.  I'm much fitter now as Lacy keeps reminding me. And there's less stress on me knees now my weight is coming down too.

ABOVE:  Number 16 is almost ready for stitching and titivating. I just have to muck around with placement a bit.   I'm starting to run out of theme ideas for the reindeer.  Any ideas appreciated.  But don't suggest anything complicated!

Remember we already have 'behind the fence', 'presents', 'christmas tree', and 'on the roof'.

Right, I'm off to start me day.

ABOVE:  First thing I did this morning was get some wraps and chicken out of the freezer.
Then, got some washing on.
Made the bed.
All the usual morning stuff.

Then, off to pick up Lacy and go for our walk.
We did a quick pace today...

ABOVE:  Our new second best time.  I only did one small jog too.
But one thing Lacy insisted we do was do a couple of exercises at the 'outdoor gym', which is over by the Yacht Club.

ABOVE: We did a few steps, I did the low one, Lacy did the middle one.  Then some weights using those weights on poles.

ABOVE:  We fed the duckling family, and I got hissed at by the boy goose.  He shut up when I gave him some seeds.

ABOVE:  It was a cold, blustery day, with the odd shower.  This was on the wind protected side of the lake.  I thought it was lovely that flowers were breaking free from the rushes.

After the walk I stopped in at the supermarket and bought some lettuce, carrots, red onions and cucumber for my chicken wrap.  
And now, it's lunch time and I shall make my wrap, then head off into the sewing room.

Thanks for the Reindeer ideas... there's a couple there that might make it into fruition.

1 pm:  And I turned my sewing machine on, and this came up:

ABOVE:  Hmmmm.   So I checked the Instruction Manual.  It said if it needed oiling, a 'professional service person' needed to do that.
So, before I go to that EXPENSIVE option, I decided to clean under the plate.

Something I hate doing, cos for whatever reason, I always have trouble lining up the bobbin case afterwards, and the machine goes mental at me!

Today I took a photo of the bobbin case placement, so hopefully I get it back in correctly.

Next, take off the plate...

ABOVE: And HOLY HELL!  It was probably the worst it's even been!  Maybe that is why the thread cutter stopped working a few weeks ago?
I'm a twit.
Half an hour later and I had vacuumed all the fluff out, and using tweezers had removed all the threads.

Next.  Put the bloody bobbin case back in, screw the plate back on and try the machine.

BIG breaths. ..... and it went!  Thank god for that.
I've lost my shit over that bobbin case clunking and clanging cos it wasn't in properly once too often.

Now I'm gunna sew.  

6.37 pm:  Well cleaning out the machine certainly made a huge difference!  The thread cutter works again, and the machine notifies me when the bobbin is about to be empty too.
So maybe I better clean it more often eh?  lol

Stew is  home, I just made him a lovely wrap with salad stuff and bacon.  He is really enjoying it.  I had a chopped up pear and two tablespoons of Natural Yoghurt, which was very nice as well.

I didn't finish the latest Reindeer Runner today, so that will happen tomorrow.
But for now, I'm going to snuggle under my blankie and enjoy some mindless tv till bedtime.

Catch ya tomorrow.

I can't believe I'm almost at Day 50!  I am so proud of myself for sticking with this personal Challenge.  


  1. I really like the Christmas tree one. How about riding IN Santa's sleigh? you could have a beautiful background with that one! Or standing/sitting on a chimney?

  2. Anonymous7:21 AM

    You might want to consult with a registered dietician. They can tell you that fruits are extremely high in sugar and carbs and are not a good diet choice. Stay away from carbs including breads, potatoes, baked goods, fruits, white rice, and gravies. Eat foods high in protein and you'll see the weight fall away. When you're at a comfortable goal you can reintroduce small portions of carbs once a week or so and you should be able to maintain your weight.

  3. Loving your runners ... maybe you could try two reindeer kissing under mistletoe for a quirky twist ...

    You can definitely see how much weight you've lost in your recent photos ... well done!

  4. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Do you swing your arms when you walk? That can help.

    Is there somewhere to walk with inclines? To start it does not have to be major hills, but some incline will help. You talked about adding thigh/glute exercise. Those are big muscles that help burn calories. Plus are good to keep strong as we age.

    I would increase speed but not add impact of jogging. If you develop foot, knee, back, neck issues, you will be inconvenienced and have great difficulty exercising.

    It almost always comes down to food, not exercise. But agility, range of motion, cardiac health, flexibility, strength, strong bones are all very important reasons to exercise regularly. Not just to burn calories, that is a bonus. People who exercise and then eat back the calories, they think they have burned, usually get into trouble unless they are professional athletes.

    I agree, fruit will not help, there’s a lot of sugar. Green vegetables (roasted, steamed, raw) and lean protein will likely help.


  5. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Good idea about re-configuring what you are eating. I think maybe our bodies get bored with the same foods.
    I think adding toys like tops, blocks, etc might be a good addition to the reindeer runners. Ky Girl

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    It could just be a wee plateau don't stress about it that could make it worse and you could go off track. Just roll with it your doing amazing GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

    1. That's what I was thinking too

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Perhaps stop weighing yourself as you know that you are losing weight - the photos prove that and the numbers on the scales don't really matter. It will make a difference if you have decided you want to get back to a certain age and weight as we all change as we get older. You are doing everything possible in the way of exercise and diet and you are just stressing yourself by worrying about small gains or losses. Audrey

  7. Anonymous11:30 AM

    What about a reindeer popping out of a big present?

  8. Anonymous2:22 PM

    How about standing on something and putting the star on top of the Christmas tree? As far as weight, I hear ya. I am at the same stagnant place going on 2 weeks. I lost almost 30lbs and's a struggle again.

  9. A reindeer upside down out of a chimney!
    There is a school of thought that suggests fortnightly or monthly weighing. If you had more salt the day before or of your weigh in you will be retaining fluid. Stress can muck up certain hormones which can result in fluid retention (what? say all your readers. Chris stressed?!) Just some things to thing about. Reducing your carbs and upping your protein will help.

  10. Wow your machine will have been glad to see u coming with the vacuum....if the runners etc weren't evidence enough that build up of fluff shows ya how busy u have been.

  11. That's a lot of fluff 🀣

  12. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Hi what about an exhausted reindeer lying on the couch with a wine?

  13. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Perhaps keep an eye on the sodium you are taking on as that can be a fluid retainer.
    Often i find my fingers are way puffier than I prefer.

    Not suggesting water on any level but maybe have less Diet Coke for a couple of weeks and see if that has any impact.
    Meg, Melbourne

    1. Funnily enough my fingers do not swell much at all. It's my lower legs and feet that swell up. If I cut back on my Diet Coke I'd probably get dehydrated! But I will try to have a little less and see what happens. If I look like a prune in two weeks... it's on you! LOL

  14. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Don't cut back on any fluids...I like Coke Zero but I also drink sparkling water....I drink a lot....Peta

  15. I was going to suggest a sleigh. Weight is a battle for some, trying to find the right balance of food, exercise and mental state seems to be the right way to go. Slow and steady wins the race, so they say.
    You are doing well and look amazing, keep up the good work. Pat

  16. Great work on your challenge. Keep it up! Woohoo.

  17. Girllllll you gotta clean that more often lol.


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