Thursday, September 14, 2023


 Right, today I am going to finish the Black 'n' White runner I started  yesterday.  It is going to be the last one I make before our Market on Saturday.

ABOVE: I bought this bird seed for the Ducks, Pukekos, Geese and other birds at the lake.  I am going to bag it up into smaller packets today, so I don't have to carry all of it.

Hopefully the ducks and other birds like it.

ABOVE:  Last night Steve talked to Marley over a video chat.  Marley was not impressed, and after a minute or so refused to even look at him.

She was so funny.  Ya had to be there of course.  😊

ABOVE:  My friend Susan D knows me so well.  She gave me this last night.

One of my nick names is 'Crabby Tart'.   Can't think why!

And now... I'm off to do the housework, then finish off that Braid Runner.

ABOVE:  And there is yet another Black 'n' White Braid Runner.  I really love this one.
And of course, the squared off ends make me very happy... SO much easier to do.

Now... I am going to make the matching coaster from the cut off pointy bits.

3.35 pm: And Whoops!

ABOVE:  I didn't have much else to do after finishing # 36, so I made #37.
A Christmas Braid Runner.  I kinda like it.  It's a rather big one too... just over 1.5 meters long.

Now... I'm definitely done for the day.  I'm going to pay for it later with a bloody sore back for sure.

8.20 pm:  Stew arrived home and took himself off to the pub.  He enjoys catching up with his mates so much.  Sometimes I feel like I should go down with him more often, but I'm just not a pub sorta person.  
Anyways, he's home now and we are watching some real crime thing on the telly.
Bedtime in a 3 more hours.
Nice and comfy with me blankie and hot pods.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Almost half way there!  I am already dreaming of my Birthday Dinner!  Pizza, Dumplings and CHIPS.  Lots of chips.  lol
OMG I drool thinking about it.


  1. That's such a cute tile!
    Hope the ducks like the seeds. Otherwise give them a can of corn or frozen peas. Now - I want to go find some ducks and do a Ducky Taste Test!

  2. Kiwionholidays4:23 PM

    I can just imagine Marley at the chat lol
    They’ll do all the amazing cute things until we want them to perform but they sure know whose voices they love too
    To get a minute with Steve was pretty good

    Loving your work , You really have a skill that I can’t do but sure can relate to the work involved and enjoy the variety of your runners n coasters etc

    Lovely sunny afternoon so time for a wardrobe cull , I’m doing it in stages so it’s not too huge a job 🕺🏿

    One of our family is going to a clothes and accessory swap at the weekend among friends ,,,so sending I’m some new things I’ve not worn or no longer need but still newish .

    All helps with the culling ,,,,,the rest goes to a fabulous op shop here that employs through disability services a big staff of all ages and their prices are fabulous so they have a huge turnover of great stuff

    Enjoy your dinner
    Cheers 🥂

    1. I did a wardrobe cull just a little while ago. It feels so good to declutter. I also donated heaps to a local Op Shop, and some also went to friends.

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The Christmas runner should sell well best of luck

  4. Headed to Twizel for a few days...futherest I've driven since my stroke few years ago which was another visit to Twizel.

  5. Can't you have chips now? As long as you are not buying them out... I thought that was the thing, buying or eating food out? You can certainly have pizza and chips at home especially if you make them yourself. I make homemade oven fries and they are great. You are doing well and I think not giving in to takeaway food or eating out is a fantastic way to 'reset' your eating habits.

    1. Oh yes, I have done home made chips, burgers etc. You can make just about anything at home that you can get as a takeaway. But, on my Birthday we are having TAKEAWAYS!

  6. Love the runners!


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