Tuesday, September 19, 2023


 All going well, I will be able to finish this Runner today:

ABOVE:  I have to stitch around all the lights, then put the backing fabric on and bind it.

Those lights are a right bitch to stitch around, and there's so many of them!  πŸ˜–πŸ˜•

I am taking Bex to the hospital today!  Yep, another one.  It's not a 'worrisome' reason at all... just some physio support during her pregnancy.

Apart from that though, I will be here, sewing.

I woke this morning to a text from a friend... and she is buying that Reindeer Runner.
So it's off to Wellington tomorrow, therefore I better get on with actually finishing it!

ABOVE:  And he's done.
Now on to the next one.

Out and about a bit today!  Just took Bex to the hospital, then brought her home again.
Then I went and posted two runners to Wellington (KJ they are on their way).... and then to the supermarket for spuds.  
We are having crumbed chicken sausages and cheesy mashed potatoes for dinner.  Baked beans on the side.  Drooling.

It is Weight Watchers this evening.  I will be staying the same, or having a tiny gain.
Last week was not a good one for me... far too much emotional eating.  *sigh*
It always catches up with you.
This week I have been 100% on track, so mitigated the damage.

Well.. I went DOWN .200 grams.   It may only be a small amount, but I'm rather happy with that little loss.  A loss is a loss after all.

Home now, had dinner and just killing time till bedtime.

It's been a busy day.



  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Cute, cute, cute, cute!!! I love how the brown/black material can be used for a fence. Ky Girl

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Those runners are so fabulous.....Peta

  3. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Any loss is a good loss. My inches have increased a bit but the scales went down πŸ™„

  4. Anonymous10:10 PM

    The runners with the reindeer look like they are leaning on your fence...lol..Peta

  5. Kiwionholidays10:15 PM

    Sorry it’s a late Hi n Bye but time got away on us here,
    Every loss is good all the wee ones add up and fab you’re keeping fit and healthy

    You’re a great motivator for us here at ours πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸ’―πŸ‰☕️
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  6. Anonymous9:18 PM

    The runners are stunning. Oma loved Δ₯ers and I have just shown everyone a retreT my reindeer. The ladies loved him but said you should so much work. Kj be charging more Chris.

    1. I have recently reviewed my prices, and most runners of that size are now $75. I can't imagine charging more than that. I've worked out a way to price them by size, complexity and time it takes to make them. That has helped get the pricing consistent.

  7. Thankks for writing this

  8. Thanks for pposting this


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