Monday, September 11, 2023


 Back to my usual weekly routine.

Walk this morning with Lacy.

Today we are going to 'do' Lake D.  Lacy has not been out there and wants to do 'THE PLANK' onto the Mai Mai.  Rather typically.

I suspect she will do it just fine.

Here's a question for you.

At my age, should I even be bothering to try and jog for longer than a minute at a time?  I've never been a runner, or even a jogger.

I keep thinking I SHOULD be trying to do better with the little jogs.  But then I think... why?  I'm getting older, and does it matter if I can jog or not?

Should I just concentrate on walking for my health and fitness?

Once we've done the lake walk, I'll drop Lacy off at her place, then come home to work on those Christmas Braid Runners.

ABOVE:  Marley yesterday, looking rather fetching.  She is due for a groom soon I think.
Coco will be a month after her, cos her coat is not as quick growing.  

Right, catch ya later on.

10.38 am:  And.... Lacy and I did indeed go and walk around Lake D again.

We did the loop, then walked an extra 300 metres and back so that our walk was on par with our Hamilton Lake walk.

ABOVE:  Our time was a bit slower as we stopped and started quite a few times, so momentum was not kept up.   And I didn't jog much.  

I don't think I will jog much really, maybe just when passing people who are a bit slower than us.

I don't really want to muck up me knees at this point in me life.

I took quite a few photos of Lacy investigating Mai Mai's...

ABOVE:  Mai Mai B'n'B... sleeps 4!  Yeah nah.

ABOVE:  Lacy stalking the Mai Mai.

We somehow managed to miss the Mai Mai she wanted to 'walk the plank' on.  Maybe another day.

ABOVE:  Hello to the cows, who didn't like us.

ABOVE:  A cute little gnome on a tree stump.  I'm surprised it's still there!

Along the path, there's quite a few little 'Fairy Houses' that people have placed among the trees, in the bushes etc.

Most are brightly painted, weather worn, not very pretty.  NOT something I enjoyed seeing at all.  They looked out of place.  Garish in some cases.  

ABOVE: Except these three.  They were well built, in good condition and well... BLUE.

And they looked nice there.

ABOVE:  Doing the 'beached whale' look.  I look very chunky on a side angle!  Ikkk.  Lots of work still to do obviously.

And that's me update for now... I've now cooled down and am feeling cold.  So I better get off me bum and do something constructive.  

Like hang out the washing.  Oh yaaa.

ABOVE:  Pondering a mistake I made.  Lessons to still be learnt in this life.  I really need to listen to my inner self more often.  THAT.  IS.  ALL.

No explanation necessary.  

NOTHING IS WORKING.  I've been in a super duper foul mood all day.

Nothing I do stops my brain from ticking over and over the situation I put myself and Stew in.

Totally MY FAULT.  Totally.

Cannot be rectified.  Cannot be taken back.  It's done.

And it's really depressed me.  I can feel myself spiraling downwards.  I just want to go to bed type of feeling.

I ate lunch... today's, tomorrow's and probably wednesday's as well.

Doubt I'll be going to WW tomorrow!

Signing off for the day, cos it's not going to get any better.


I came SO CLOSE to driving down the road and buying a burger and chips, and a tub of ice cream today.  SO CLOSE.  But I'd already fucked up one thing badly, that is the only reason I didn't.


  1. NOOOO!!!!!! NEVER JOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yuck Spit Poo Blech............

  2. Anonymous8:32 AM

    If you have never jogged or enjoyed jogging, why would you start now? Walking is just as good for you and you obviously enjoy it more than jogging so just do what you like doing - that is definitely better than nothing at all which I am doing right now. Audrey

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I would say just keep your heart rate up and not bother jogging, especially if you don’t enjoy it. It’s hard on knees and other joints. But if you like it, start out slow and don’t push yourself too hard.
    You’re doing great! Walking is so good for overall health, and you have the prettiest scenery! Caroline

  4. Definitely stick with the walking. Jogging can play havoc with your knees, and can put pressure on your pelvic floor…. No one wants to jog and pee… 😆 besides the walking is working for you, and you’ll jog past all those lovely views you take pictures of for us!

  5. No to jogging. Yes to walking and even fast walking. I have never jogged and know I will never job, uphills are enough for me. I think it's awesome that you are out walking but up to you and how you feel.

  6. Anonymous10:18 AM

    If you want to jog, jog, if you don't, don't. It might be something fun to do while you're walking, to change things up a bit, but I wouldn't worry about it. Since I am a non-jogger, I might be biased. Haha Ky Girl

  7. Rather than jog you can try a fast shuffle. It is something an ex US marine taught me to do to get the heart rate up a bit. Much gentler on the joints.

  8. Stop being so hard on yourself! You look great. Not like a beached whale. I want to see these "ugly fairy houses". Next time. Take pics.

  9. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Don't worry about jogging now. Too easy to fall or hurt your knees Chris and you're doing a great job with walking. You're fantastic! Looking awesome.kj

  10. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Jogging question - Not only risk of knee issues, large risk of ankle/foot problems. Avoiding injury is key at any age.

  11. Anonymous5:17 PM

    No to the jogging unless you are being chased by a rabid dog. It is not necessary and walking is better on your joints :-)

    1. *snort*... that's what I always say! I don't run unless I'm being chased by a rabid dog! No rabid dogs around here btw.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Re walking/jogging, the bottom line is that you're looking to increase exercise intensity so you get the same bang for your buck. Your body will get so used to the walking routine that you won't get the same improvement after a while. So look at changing things up a bit, to shock your body into working a bit harder without having to jog. The best way is to find a different walk that has some hill work in it. Still walking you'll up your intensity with minimal strain. If you can't do that, then stop every 10-15 mins on your regular walk and do some higher intensity moves -- jumping jacks, walking lunges, fast high knees, anything to push you out of your regular steady state workout. Otherwise you'll have no choice but to walk for longer, and that then becomes a time management issue. Re your mistake -- face it, own it, apologise for it, move on. Brooding won't help or change anything. Ditto beating yourself up. Ditto eating to numb the feelings (but you seem to have that one sorted!) And be prepared for the injured party not to forgive you. There's no law says they have to, just because you've apologised. Mostly we want people to say okay good fine straight away because we want to stop feeling bad. But that's too bad for us. The injured party gets to feel what they feel for as long as they need to. All we can do is apologise, sincerely, and give them space to feel. And then we focus on understanding how and why we screwed up, and work on not making the same mistake again. Finally (I know!) I think the best life advice ever is -- when in doubt, don't. It's hard to go wrong if you listen to yourself, ignore pressure from outside, and make choices that align with your best interests. All the best!

    3. very sound advice all round. Thank You.

    4. Anonymous10:58 PM

      Incline, hills, is a very good suggestion.

      Also increasing your speed, without impact of jogging.

      Stairs are another idea. I went to an event yesterday that involved a lot of stairs, at odd intervals, not all in a row. I am going to start doing some stairs every day.


  12. What in the world. Todays post took a wild turn. Happy to hear that you are still exercising, and eating mindfully, I know how easy it would be to do the opposite.


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