Friday, September 29, 2023


 Initially I had planned on making another Reindeer Runner today, but I've changed me mind.

There's enough in the stash to be going on with, so I am going to make a few more Kiwiana Braid Runners.  I think I have one or two left?

Not sure.  But as they are great sellers, I really should make more.

Before that though, I will be off for a lake walk with Lacy.  Not sure what the weather is like outside.  I will find out when I actually get outta bed eh?

It's supposed to just be cloudy this morning, with rain in the afternoon.

ABOVE:  This tickled me fancy.  I dream of donuts.  And Taco Bell chips. And Chinese takeaways.  And hot dogs and chips. And... oh hell!  You get the drift.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‹

10.24 am:  I left early today, did a little grocery grab, then picked Lacy up for our walk.

It was DAMN COLD and blowing a gale around the lake today.  We had to fight a head wind 2/3rds of the way around too, so it wasn't that pleasant.


ABOVE: We improved on our BEST TIME by 2 seconds!  So happy with that.

ABOVE:  Looks nice eh?  It doesn't show how cold it was!

ABOVE:  These geese are the 'unfriendly' ones.

ABOVE:  And there goes the hissy, nasty one... telling me to piss off!
I pissed off.

ABOVE: Lacy chased him away.  He was all talk, no do.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜…

Now I'm home, and am about to head off to the sewing room.  I've finally decided to make three Fish Runners, then Kiwiana ones.

So ... I'll be back later.

ABOVE:  Lacy came around after our walk and cleaned her car.
It needed it!

ABOVE:  And I got on with preparing the backgrounds for these three Fish Runners.
Lots of quilting.  Now on to cutting out fish.

6.23 pm:  And I got all the fish cut out and ironed onto the backings.  Getting all three ready for stitching has taken me ALL DAY.
And my back is bloody killing me.
So, I've stopped for the day.
Stew is home so it's now time to spend time with him, and watch some mindless TV till bedtime.

Not a bad day today, I'm really enjoying having wraps again.  They are such a nice meal.


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    My opinion, which I realize you did not ask for, but I have been thinking about this, when you are done with your challenge, maybe make Saturday lunch your (one) food outing for the week.

    That way you can plan what you REALLY want and look forward to it all week.

    It will be lunch portions, smart.

    It will be a date with your hubby which will be super fun. Each lunch can be special/memorable.

    The rest of the time, there can be outings, but maybe pack picnics from home like you have been doing.


  2. Lacy do ya wanna clean my car

  3. Blustery cold here too that looks like almost a “goose” step from the geese πŸ˜‚

  4. I'm loving your walk pics, what a beautiful area.

  5. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Lacy needs a step ladder because she's a short arse like me πŸ˜‚ you go girls it's amazing how well you are doing GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

    1. Take another look at the photo Robyn! There is a step ladder there, AND she used it. lol

    2. And yes I'm a short ass lol πŸ˜† but my personality makes up for it lol 😁 thanks GM x 😊


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