Thursday, April 25, 2019


Today I don't have any work.... so I shall probably sleep in.

Like right!  I almost always wake up at 6.30, if not earlier.  Grrrrr.  Sometimes I can doze off again, but not that often.

What's on my agenda today?

Probably some sewing, and maybe even a painting or two?

Stew got most of the lawns done yesterday, so if it's not raining he will probably get them finished.

It's a public holiday today (ANZAC DAY), so heaps of people up early to pay their respects.

I hope no one decides to do anything horrific today, taking advantage of people gathered in public places.  

There has been some really scary things happening in the world of late, and of course, here in Christchurch a few weeks ago.

I used to dream of travelling... but not any more!  Seems nowhere is safe from terrorists and friggin lunatics.  It makes me sad to think I'm scared to go travelling in case some maniac blows us up! ... and angry that they achieve what they set out to do.

I took two photos last night at sunset.... one out the front door and one out the back door, within 30 seconds of each other:

ABOVE:  Out the front door....

ABOVE:  ... and out the back door!  Both photos are 'natural', not doctored at all!  Quite cool eh?

And there ya go... the start of another day here in Cambridge, where the 'worst' thing to happen of late is some idiots ram raiding the local Stirling Sports Shop for the FIFTH TIME!

ABOVE:  5th time in 3 years! At least the local council have now installed concrete boulders in front of it for protection!

Meanwhile ... over in Melbourne (Australia):  HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my niece Shelley.  I never forget her birthday... being on Anzac Day an' all!  (smiles)


Well it's 2 PM and I've managed to get some sewing done today!

We have MICE. First time we've seen them in this house. Ikkk. Stew spent some time today laying baits around the house... obviously in places that the dogs can't  access.

We are now in Hamilton... having dropped all of Lacy's stuff off at her sister's place, where she's living right now.

We are doing a big clean up of our back shed. We've kept far too much 'stuff's! 

Time to declutter again.

6 pm:  lunch today, well Stew and I popped into the Hillcrest Haven (a bar/eatery) on our way home.

I don't need dinner now:

ABOVE:  We ordered a pizza and potato wedges to share.  And OMG, as I told Stew, this place gives HUGE portions!  And bloody cheap too.
So as you can see, no dinner is necessary for us tonight!

I did some more sewing this afternoon, even though after that huge lunch all I really wanted to do was sleep it off!!!

And that's about all I have for today, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I hear you about what's going on in the world. I was more fearful of travel to Europe for a few years but we are looking forward to our trip next month. The trouble is that travel becomes addictive! I certainly have no desire to go to any danger zone though, intrepid I am not!!

  2. Glorious photos of your sunset. It's very unsettling seeing armed police in the chch streets and at the hospital too

  3. Kiwionholidays11:43 AM

    Those two pics 30 seconds apart are brilliant.
    So much to appreciate around us

  4. I LOVE to declutter. I don't have much problem with getting rid of stuff. I just did a big Spring Cleaning - and I heard a SNAP! The Shih Tzu came sheepishly into view with a mouse trap hanging from his beard. Glad he didn't get snapped! My cleaning revealed a mousetrap and the dog stuck his beard in it before I could get pick it up!

  5. Nice to have a good outside shed cleanout as its amazing what we think we need, keep and then don't need (smiles) Nice you took Lacys things round too always good to catchup.

    Must be in the air cos ours got done 4 days ago and 90% done so just needs a final cull

    That dinner looks amazing talk about huge can see why you shared ?/

    Nice to have a cooking break when you can ,

    Lovely to see Sue back blogging ,,Thanks so much for putting my ?? up for her..

    So appreciated ,, Cheers!!

  6. Looks like a lovely day in NZ. I seriously need to declutter my house. Never enough time. Thanks for the good wishes. My daughter has unfortunately moved halfway around the world to Jordan for the next 3 years. I get to chat with the boys every few days but never the same as the real thing. Some days they are still a little weepish but for the most part they are very happy with the change. Me not so much. Take care.

  7. I haven't sewn in weeks, starting to finally want to again. Of course now I'm busy tomorrow after work and Saturday.


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