Tuesday, March 19, 2024



Well, it looks like another nice day out there.

Shame really, cos I'm gunna be inside cutting out bowl cosy's and batting all day.

But, it won't get done on it's own eh? 😉😏

ABOVE:  I do believe I've finally found the 'box dye' that works with my hair!

I'm really happy with the results I got yesterday.  And spending $60 on dye and purple shampoo/conditioner is a huge saving on the last quote I got from a hair salon.  

Which was about $310!  Seriously?  I'm NEVER going to spend that sort of money getting my hair coloured again.  It's daylight robbery.

In fact, so many things have gone up in price over the past 2-3 years, all blamed on fucking COVID!  Bullshit and arseholes.  There is no justification for some of the price increases, except GREED.

Hmmm.... I better stop with the bitching.  It's a lovely day!  I'm off to get to work.

*But tell me, do you think I'm wrong saying so many of the price increases are mostly down to GREED?*

ABOVE:  You couldn't ask for a more stunning day!  Not a cloud in the sky here.

Sorry it's not stopped raining since you got home to Scotland Jane.  😔😓😒

ABOVE:  50 bowl cosy's lined up ready to sew, and at least that many more cut out waiting their turn.

ABOVE:  There is the table runner I gifted Jane, now on her table in Scotland!

I love knowing my runners (etc) go all over the world.  😊😍😏

It is almost lunch time, so I'm taking a break before I start the sewing.

7.19 pm: I'm super happy with how much I got done this afternoon!

I'll show you tomorrow.

I went to WW this evening.  Didn't weigh in as I feel fat.  Been overeating the past few days... cos I'm feeling crabby.

I wish I wasn't an emotional eater, but I am.

Can't change a lifetime of bad habits sadly.

We are now awaiting a visit from Brylee, which will be neat.  It's always lovely to see her.

ABOVE:  Our happy girl.  And she is happy, and content, and doing very well for herself.  We are super proud of her.  

And on that happy note, I've out of here.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Definitely down to greed. The UK is, I admit, in a really bad way economically but there's so much price gouging going on by businesses here too! I swear you can see the food prices ticking up more and more while you're in the actual shops

  2. Your hair is a beautiful colour. Back to blonde!

  3. The hair looks great - and your eyes look bluer than ever!

  4. Anonymous8:16 AM

    My instinct - not greed.
    My instinct - trying very hard to stay in business.

    I am not sure why companies are having such a hard time staffing, but they seem to have a terrible time getting employees, which means production is hard.

    I also think that people do not buy nearly as much stuff these days. I think people started dramatically decluttering in 2020 and that ideal continues.


  5. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Our small country with its small population (ergo less tax for the government) is completely dependent on global trends and the whole world is in the middle of an inflation crisis not helped by the constant wars everywhere. I agree with Vickie that it isn't greed but needing to stay in business. I am glad that we raised our children before everything became so expensive - it wasn't always easy but at least it was doable. Audrey

  6. Anonymous4:05 PM

    It is greed but mostly for the larger businesses like supermarkets they're literally ripping everyone off!! Plus no doubt screwing the market gardeners for everything they can. I don't have an issue paying more for thing at a small business but the big ones can fuck off 😤 GM 💙💙

  7. It's so pretty! I like hearing you complain about the same stuff as us since that means it's not just our President f*cking it up lol.

  8. That runner looks lovely on the table

  9. Love your hair Chris.
    I’m with you on the greed…totally unnecessary it is too!!

  10. Your hair looks great.
    The supermarkets are greedy, blaming the Covid years of loosing so much money, but when you look at their profits, it's not millions of dollars it's billions.
    There is a staffing problem here too, no body wants to work for the wages these companies are paying, I am sure so they can make more profit. I believe the governments make it too easy for people who are able to work, to sit at home and get all of the benefits, which pay more than the businesses are paying. Can't blame them really, can you.

  11. RuthW in MD4:50 AM

    Your hair and eyebrows and eyes and entire face look so very NICE!! Just pleasantly normal and friendly. Wonderful hair color! That table runner in Scotland looks great. You really love to sew!


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