Saturday, August 19, 2023


 Today we will be at our new 'permanent' site at the Tamahere Market.

I'm looking forward to seeing if it makes a difference being in a more visual position, both for visitors to the market, and Stew and I.

I know that from our new spot we will be able to see SO MUCH MORE.  More stalls, more people coming and going, more of the buzz.  I'm really excited for today to go well.

Selling much isn't the issue today, it's how well we are seen, and how much better WE enjoy the market.

ABOVE: The new site is only two spots away from where we were before, but it's on the main walkway into the market, not an offshoot path.  (our previous spot was 25A, if you can see it on the map)

People will see us almost as soon as they arrive, and they have to pass us again to leave.

So, a prime site.  One that has only been 'available' for the past 3 months.  We are very happy we thought of asking to move to it when it became vacant.

So it's a usual market day, up good and early...  getting ready to leave in about 30 minutes.  

Catch ya later.

... PRAY FOR A DAY WITHOUT THUNDER/LIGHTENING AND RAIN... I can live with clouds and sprinkles here and there.

ABOVE: New spot!  Photo taken from the entrance to the market.

ABOVE: For some reason it took us much longer to set up this morning. 

Just the new spot, and changing a few things... like having an open side. That's so I can keep an eye on the rack outside.

ABOVE: An amazing sunrise. But bodes for wet weather later.

ABOVE: Showing 'open side'. 
I have a lovely view around the market from my pozzie. 


 We are still at the market.

We are having the BEST DAY ever at Tamahere! 

More later.

2.15 pm:  Finally sitting down after arriving home and unpacking the car.

What can I say about today?

It was bloody cold.  But people came out in droves, particularly between 9 -12.

Our new site ?  Did it make a difference?


One lady who works at the market said she'd NEVER noticed us at the market before, yet we have been there for a year!

We sold FOUR times more than 'usual' today.

We had masses of conversations with people who stopped to admire or buy

It was just a lovely day.

And the forecast rain has held off too.  We had a few spits as we were packing up, but nothing to speak of.

My job over the next couple of weeks is to replace all the BRAID RUNNERS we sold!

We sold across my entire range today, but mostly the large Runners.

AND I have an order for an extra long Wonky House Runner too.

Now.. it's time to sit and relax and GET WARM.  I'm frozen to the bone.  Even though I had several layers on, plus hat, plus gloves, plus thermals! It is NEVER warm sitting outside in the middle of winter.  Brrrrrr.

Only two more 'cold' months to go, thank goodness.

I think I might have snored in me chair this afternoon!  I could hear myself!

Then Stew ate something and I wanted to kill him.  I have an aversion to listening to someone eat, particularly if it's NOISY.  Stabby stab stab Stewie.


It's been such a good day, I'm buzzing.  I just heard from a lady who was at the market.  She has given me the dimensions of a runner she wants me to make for her.  So that will be TOP OF THE TO DO LIST.  Might even start it tomorrow, as she needs it by early September.

Like... we all know I can knock them out pretty quick, so that time frame is totally doable!

And now... it's time to sign off for the day.  Stew and I will be off to bed early tonight, we are both freakin' tired.



  1. Oooh it is a great spot!! Looks like a good market too.. might have to make a trip one time 😉

  2. What a beautiful sky! Where is the "obnoxious" table runner? (the pink one) I am looking for it as contrast to the others and to appeal to different sorts. Hope the market went well.

    1. The pink one ended up on the back wall after I sold a couple from that spot!

  3. Ohhhhh great to hear si pleased it’s going well have the best day ever and more sewing for you then!

  4. Great news about the market!!!

  5. Great to hear the new site was a great success ... so happy for you as I know how much hard work you put into your beautiful runners

  6. Anonymous3:21 PM

    So happy that you had a successful day, it certainly is a little boost when that happens

  7. Congrats on the great day!!!!

  8. Kiwionholidays4:59 PM

    Just want to say great news about the markets well done you guys all your hard work paying off just love those runners

    Lovely n sunny where we are today Two months time, everyone will be complaining, it’s too hot lol

    Missing our NZ some days cos seasons here aren’t as distinctive as they are at home

    Especially love spring there with all the pretty gardens and wee lambs and of course the fab scenery,

    Enjoy your evening and catch up soon

    Cheers 🥂

  9. Wonderful!! So glad to read that your new site is the best, you sold so much, you enjoyed it all and it didn't rain. Awesome!!!

  10. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Sounds like a fun day!!! Peta

  11. Awesome to hear you had the best market. The new site sounds the best 👌

  12. Glad you had a good day

  13. Anonymous2:31 AM

    So happy for you!

  14. Amazing what a change of location makes!! Well done. It always gives such a feeling of accomplishment when people are appreciating and BUYING your work! Cccongratulations!

  15. Anonymous3:51 AM

    It is amazing how nice and social markets are for you both, bonus something to do together. Also a purpose for sewing, being creative, enjoying all the colors/fabric, which is great.

    Did you see anyone from either of the sewing groups there shopping or with a booth of their own?


  16. Woohooo a good market day is awesome

  17. Glad you had a great day and well done on finding a prime spot


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