Saturday, August 12, 2023


 At midday I am getting picked up by 'C' and we are going to my first ever Waikato Guild Meeting.

ABOVE:  If ya don't know what that is, it's where ladies from all the smaller, local patchwork groups in the area meet on a fortnightly basis. 

Not everyone goes of course, but quite a few do I understand.  

At this meeting you don't take your sewing.  It's a yakkity yak thing, sometimes with a guest speaker and a 'merchant' selling stuff.

I am very interested to see how it goes.  I can visit twice before I have to pay the joining fee.  So let's see how it goes.

This morning Stew, Lacy and I are doing a lake walk.  It's becoming a 'thing'!

After that Stew will do his grocery shop, and I will get myself ready for the Guild meeting.

...  Today is going to be the first big test of my 73 day Challenge!  We almost always have a takeaway meal on a Saturday.  Yikes.  Must hold strong to my resolve.  Stew is doing this challenge too by the way.

Our walk this morning...... first Lacy was coming.  Then she wasn't.  Then she did!

Bloody woman, make up ya mind.

ABOVE:  The sun was trying damn hard to break through the entire time we were walking.  

ABOVE:  I don't think I'd gain any enjoyment from sitting on a chair, using a remote control to send my 'ship' around and around in circles.

But, each to their own eh?

ABOVE:  We've seen this old fulla playing with his boat on the lake a few times now.  He says it's an exact replica of the very last British Battleship ever built.   

I'm sure there's been more, but maybe not of that sort.

ABOVE:  It was a gorgeous calm day today... stunning scenery.

I will never tire of it.

ABOVE:  He's rather cute too.... though I was hoping to get the water tower in the background a bit clearer.  Ya can't really make it out among the trees.  Oh well. I tried.

ABOVE:  She must be feeling OK... we did our usual pace today.  Around the lake in 38 minutes.

Now... home.  Stew's at the supermarket and I'm about to get myself ready for Guild.

3 pm, and I'm home from the Guild Meeting.

ABOVE:  I was surprised at the number of ladies there, I forgot to count up, but dozens?

Most of the ladies from the group I joined last week were there, plus a couple of ladies from the Cambridge group I used to go to.

And a lady came up to me to say hi, she recognised me from 20+ years ago, when I worked at Hukanui School, here in Hamilton!  She was in the Office, and I was a Special Needs Teacher Aide.   

I really enjoyed the meeting, the ladies I spoke with, caught up with and met today.

Once the yakkity yak, hellos were over the meeting started.

We had a guest speaker today, who talked about her art, and how she incorporates fabric into it.  Very interesting young lady.

Then it was 'show and tell', and today there were HEAPS of ladies who came up and showed us what they had finished, or were still working on.

Very inspiring.  Mostly quilts, but quite a few bags as well.

I'm not inspired to make either !  lol

I might take a runner to show next time.

Next month I will probably join the Guild, because they run classes fairly regularly, and I'm very interested in doing more classes.

I am now having a VERY LATE lunch of yoghurt and fruit.

This evening I am making Stew and I a Chicken and vege stir fry for our dinner.  And I'm also using Chicken Bacon.  Yum!

ABOVE:  I wasn't sure what to wear to the Guild Meeting... did they all dress up?  Or go super casual?  I opted for 'tidy'.  I found that jacket in me wardrobe and thought... hmmm wonder if it fits me again?

IT DID... and I felt really happy wearing it.  I even wore black boots instead of sneakers! 

FELICITY: I hope you are feeing well and you're managing to eat and drink after your dental work. 

Stew just spent a good couple of hours washing both our cars, and cleaning/vacuuming/polishing the insides as well. My car will think all it's Christmas's have come at once!!  Thank You Darling.  YOU ROCK.

Our dinner was delicious.  I made a cheese sauce and added a little bit of pasta, then added Chicken, Chicken Bacon, Onions, Mushrooms and tomato.  

Now we are chilling out, watching the telly.

Catch ya tomorrow.



  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    It would be interesting to note the approximate $$$ you would have spent over the 73 days, and calculate that total.

    Maybe you had already thought of that.


  2. That guild meeting sounds fantastic for you! Regarding food and avoiding takeaway, I find that making sure you have quick and easy food at home helps. Often the temptation of takeaway food is because there's nothing appetising at home. We love the Tegal Louisana Take Out Chicken tenders with salad (not the Nashville ones as they are hotter and you don't do hot). Another super easy quick home meal is butter chicken or mild chicken curry. Enjoy your walk and your guild meeting :)

  3. Rhonda11:41 AM

    I agree with Lynda about having food accessible easily. Homemade hamburgers and chips are a great quick meal as are fish and chips. Supermarkets have a great range of burger patties, fish, chips and so much more. You’ll do this. Have a wonderful time at the Guild

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    The ninth HMS Vanguard, bearing one of the most illustrious names in the Royal Navy with honours from the Armada to Jutland, was the last and largest of Britain s battleships and was commissioned in 1946. Battleships have been replaced by aircraft carriers and Britain also has nuclear submarines. I love looking up things that you mention and increasing my knowledge - keep them coming, please. Audrey

  5. Om'gosh my side on I look Pregnant 😱......I can assure you all I'm not lol πŸ˜†

  6. Love the jacket! Glad the guild went well, did they just talk or did people sew too?

    1. Some ladies arrived early and did hand sewing. No one had machines there. It was primarily a yak session, share their work/projects, borrow from the library, buy kits and fabric from the visiting merchant etc.

  7. Thanks Chris yes feeling ok...last of homemade pumpkin soup for late breakfast and just had a yogurt now. My throat is a bit sore but that is understandable. Staying at mum again I'll make scrambled eggs for tea no toast though. Trying a hotter coffee over cold coffee lol.

  8. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Wow! That’sa new look for you. It looks great! Glad your new groups are working out. And your walks too! The sky looks beautiful!

  9. Anonymous6:00 PM

    You look very chic in the jacket!!! Peta

  10. That jacket looks fantastic!!

  11. Oh wow, your “guild” outfit is fabulous!!!! Glad you enjoyed it, sounds like you have finally found your people 😊

  12. Nice Jacket very swish!

  13. Sounds like a lovely day. Great that you enjoyed your walk and the Guild outing πŸ™‚

  14. Love that jacket.
    Go you on day going to smash the challenge.

  15. Anonymous10:49 PM

    In my life - I call that “real clothes”.

    You look fabulous. A good reminder to us all.


  16. Rhonda12:15 AM

    Just wondering, what is chicken bacon ?

    1. Chicken meat thats been made to look and taste like bacon! Way less calories.

  17. Anonymous3:07 AM

    I love that jacket. And that red looks good around your face. Good color for you. Ky Girl


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