Thursday, August 17, 2023


 Yesterday I went to the supermarket to buy a cooked chook and some pre-made salads for our dinner.

BUT... I was like... are they technically TAKEAWAYS?

Already cooked and prepared... hmmmm.

So, rather than compromise my 73 Day Challenge, I didn't get any of them.

I bought seafood for a chowder (so bloody yum!), and a raw chicken to cook in a couple of days time.

I felt really happy that I didn't 'cheat' on the Challenge.

It might not have been 'cheating' ?  But it would have felt like it to me.

What do you think?  Would it have been cheating or not?

The weather is pretty 'iffy' right now. edit:  Nope, it's looking amazing outside right now!  But never mind.  Lacy and I are off walking later on this morning, then she's coming back here for some Seafood Chowder.   I've got enough left to make us both a nice bowl full.

After lunch I will be finishing off that Braid Runner.  Lacy thinks it's lovely, so someone else is bound to at some point at a market.

ABOVE:  I finally found a use for this lovely pot!

I LOVE Basil Pesto as you all know.  But it's dripping in oil, like it's 90% bloody oil!
So the other day I bought two basil plants, and am hoping that by just using the leaves, finely chopped up, I will still get that lovely basil taste on me wraps.
Worth a go eh?  And I think there will be zero points for fresh basil too.  SCORE.

The past two hours I've spent fluffing around in the house again!
The 'gym room' got a tidy up, so did the garage.
Just moving things around so they don't block cupboards.

ABOVE:  Today is the first day I've felt like it was nice enough to sit in the sunroom.  I've put a Scentsy Wax Burner in there cos it smells damp.
It should be really lovely soon.

The girls love the sunroom too... so many sunny patches to lie in.

I'll be off in an hour to pick Lacy up and head off to the Lake.  Looking forward to it, though not going to break any personal records today!  I don't feel like trotting!

ABOVE:  I thought we would go slower today, as we both had sore legs.  But no, we kept at a very decent pace and did yet another sub 40 minute lap around the lake.
So proud of us.

ABOVE: The first ducklings of the season!

ABOVE:  That Mumma Duck has 15 babies!  And that Goose?  Protective Aunty by the look of it.  It certainly made sure you kept your distance.

ABOVE:  One of the ducklings got very close to Lacy... then thought better of it and took off back to Mum.
It made my day to see the babies!

ABOVE:  I whizzed up the soup base, then heated it up, added the seafood and cream, a sprinkle of fresh basil and wah laaa.  That was the best Seafood Chowder I've ever had.  Lacy loved it, and went home full as a bull too.  ***Recipe below.

Now... I'm going to watch something on YouTube for a while, and let me lunch go down before heading into the sewing room later on this afternoon.
5.49 pm:  I've had the most lovely afternoon.  Enjoyed some down time.
I didn't sew.
I just blobbed out.  Did Wordle and Quordle.
Did the lunch dishes.  
Just bits of this 'n' that.

Stew has been home, and is now at the pub for his ONCE A WEEK catch up with mates. 😜

And yep, that's about it from me.
Might sign off early and ...
catch ya tomorrow.


Seafood Chowder Recipe:


  1. Hmm. Technically I'm going to say yeah its pre-prepared but takeaways always conjure up naughty fods for me. I think as long as it isn't the typical high fat or deep fried stuff then its more a "convenience " food as its already cooked.

  2. I don't think Buying a cooked chicken is cheating. I made some homemade coleslaw the other day. It has a ton of mayo and stuff in it. The prepared stuff would too. You are being mindful of food choices and that is the most important thing.

  3. No not cheating. It is just cooked

  4. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Most food has been partly pre-prepared such as cheese, ham, bacon, etc, etc, so a cooked chicken and prepared salads are not cheating but if you are uncomfortable about buying them then it is probably best to steer clear. I personally think we worry too much about food these days - when I was growing up it was just "food" and you ate what you had but that was when there was only fish and chips as "takeaways". Audrey

  5. Kiwionholidays6:02 PM

    Fabulous catch up as usual love all photos you just have a knack of getting the right things at the right time,
    Love your commitment to your challenge it’s worth sticking with that you’re well disciplined.

    Thanks for keeping us up-to-date. It’s always a great pleasure to read. Take care catch up soon

    Cheers 🥂

  6. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Hi can you give the seafood chowder recipe? looks nice...Peta

    1. Peta, the link is at the bottom of today's post.


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