Thursday, August 03, 2023


When I'm in the sewing room, I always listen to music, or a movie.

A couple of days ago a song came on that I'd not heard before and it brought me to tears.

It immediately made me think of my Stew.
And how lucky I am to have such an awesome, loving, devoted husband.
He is the best person you could ever hope to meet, and if he's your friend, he's your friend through thick and thin, for Life.

If you are new here, I met Stew months after leaving a fucking shit marriage, and we fell in love right away.   I do believe he moved in with me and my 4 children after about 10 days.

And he has stuck with us through thick and thin, good times and some very bad times.  
He took on my first 4 kids as HIS OWN, then we added Steve and Mike.  And then Brylee and Griffin!

He has never, ever complained about how hard he has had to work over the years to provide for all of us.  He has had to go without so much, and he's done it with a smile, and love for all of us.

So yes, that song just hit a nerve with me.  
Because I ADORE HIM, and am so very thankful that he loves me too.

All that from listening to a freakin' song!  lol

I've got a busy day planned.  Sorta.
First up, housework, and prep work in the sewing room.

Then I will be picking Lacy up so we can go for another lake walk.  Rain or shine.
Probably rain.

Then after that I'm taking her to the dentist.  She lost a tooth and what remains in her jaw/gum has to be removed.  It's just a consult today.
She is like me and has a very healthy fear of dentists.
So I'm going as moral support.

After that I will take her home, and come home myself.  I hope to make a couple more bowl cosy's this afternoon.
I have really enjoyed making them again.  They are relatively quick to make, and always look so nice.

And that's me for now.
Catch ya later.

11.51 am.
First up for the day... Lacy arrived bright and early.
Last night was goddam FREEZING... so much so that I went to Briscoes this morning and bought this:

ABOVE:  Even Stew was cold in bed... so it was worth it.
AND it wasn't on sale.  Dang.
BUT.... if it goes on sale in the next two weeks I can take my receipt back into the store and they will refund me the difference between what I just paid, and what the sale price is.  
I'm hoping they go on sale over the next two weekends!  I'll get back over a hundred bucks.

Moving on... after buying the electric blanket, Lacy and I did our lake walk.

ABOVE:  Another sub 40 minute walk!  And this time I didn't feel like I was pushing it too much either.  Proud of myself.

ABOVE:  I feel like I look fatter in this top.
NOTE TO SELF:  Don't wear that top again.

ABOVE:  Most annoying duck, would not keep still for his photo.

ABOVE:  I really wanted Lacy to walk out on this fallen log for a photo.
Only it was rotten and she was bound to end up in the water.
NOW that would have made a cool photo, but then she would have been all wet sitting in me car.
Yeah Nah.
Don't want the car seat wet do I?

ABOVE:  I made her climb up a tree instead.

ABOVE:  One of hundreds of Pukekos around the lake.  

After yesterday's torrential rain and thunder storms, it was a glorious day for a walk.

We are now home, heater on, hot drinks each.... killing time until the dental appointment.

1.55 pm:  And we are back from the dentist.  Lacy has an appointment next Thursday to have the remainder of the tooth removed.
Then she has to get a plate made to cover the gap in her face smile.  That might take a while.  I hope not.
Gappy smiles are not so pretty.

Now... Lacy has gone home, and I'm going to have some lunch.  Then, maybe sew.  We will see.

ABOVE:  In answer to your question ANON & LAURA, I think this is what Lacy already has with one tooth on it.  It will be having the 2nd tooth added eventually.

I am really EXCITED to try out the new electric blanket this evening.
Never in a million years did I think we would be using one again.
18 years ago I started with the MENOPUASE.  It caused hot flushes EVERY SINGLE 20 minutes, day and night.
Only recently have they eased off!!! 
Like only in the past 6 months.
Now I only get them 1-2 times a day.  It is such a blessing.  I thought I'd go to my grave having a friggin hot flush!

Anyway, last night was a shocker, so damn cold.
I cannot get to sleep if I'm cold.  Stew was freezing as well.
The hot pod didn't help as it only heats up one area.

So tonight the blanket will get switched on well before bedtime, and we should really appreciate the warmth when getting into bed.

Stew just arrived home, and has now gone to the pub for a couple of hours.  I won't be joining him tonight.  I'm just happy to chill at home.

Well... another lovely day, done and dusted.  Cleared the air with someone which felt great.
Looking forward to more open communication.
Stew arrived home safe and sound after walking home from the pub.  He said it was only 5 degrees outside, he froze on his way home.
I am sure he's gunna love the electric blanket tonight.
And that's me till tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    That song,I have a good one too! We are so lucky. Thanks for putting the song on your blog Chris. Stew is an absolutely wonderful man. Maggie Melbourne Au

  2. You certainly do have a good man. I am happy for you both!

  3. I also have an amazing man... my Stu seems to love me no matter what. Nearly 22 years and he still accepts all of my faults and ups and downs (of which there are many). We are a team, just as you and Stew are. Solid. We are so lucky to have found our Stu and Stew :)

  4. I loved yesterday post the photos how pre IOU’s.
    I also love todays post Stew knew he was a lucky man to meet you all those years ago that night! Enjoy your day sunny as here BUT hella cold !!

  5. That's so sweet. He does seem like a lovely person even though I've only met him a handful of times πŸ₯°. God... good luck for the dentist. Shit sounds serious πŸ˜–

    1. Nothing serious, it's just I'm a big wooos and well I don't like the murder house lol, she brought out some picky tool things and I went um no thanks today is not your day lol πŸ˜…
      After the remainder of tooth is pulled ill be fine...but until then I'm a big baby πŸ‘Ά πŸ€ͺ

      And yes our Dad is one of a kind, I'm so happy our Mother found true love πŸ’―✌️πŸ’™

  6. Anonymous12:29 PM

    What a lovely post. It is great that Stew is so great, but I also think good people soon attract good people. You are perfect for each other. Congratulations to you both for having each other and such a great family. Christine from Aus XXX

  7. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Describe a “plate”. Is it removable or permanent? Metal or plastic? Is it an implant? I have traveled to Costa Rica for dental work because it’s so expensive here. I am no stranger to dental hell!

  8. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Yes I’ve got a good one too. Meet when I was 17, he was 23. Been married 47 years πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•. Light coloured tops do that 🀦‍♀️😑

  9. Sometimes we just need a litter reminder to let us see how lucky we are, that is awesome that you are both so happy. LIke you I have been very lucky as well.

  10. Ack! That made me shudder!!!!
    That's a partial denture here in the USA.
    Why do you always have terminology that is so much more "comfortable" and laid back?

    1. Simple. We are more 'laid back' here! But meh, probably not, we just have different terminology. Some things we say mean something quite different in other countries I'm sure. I once called a guy a DORK, meaning silly. He took offense because where he lived it was an insult! Whoops. I bet there's heaps of things I say that would offend people ... cos well, let's be real. I don't give a shit any more! I am outspoken, opinionated, sometimes very potty mouthed, and yeah. If you ever do meet me in real life, be prepared! Be VERY prepared. lol

    2. OH and I just LOVE that your husband calls me 'Diet Coke'! That is just so fun!

    3. Anonymous2:13 AM

      We all call you Diet Coke! Me, my husband, and my mother in law! Mother in law was the original reader of your blog. She told me about it. She reads everyday but never comments.

  11. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I describe you to mum as 'Chris in north island I was staying with when Anthony had Sarah' of course by time I get thru that she knows already who I mean after all Sarah will be 16 on Saturday. Long time. I never would have dreamt you would need an electric blanket.
    I love a cold bed never even had an electric blanket in Twizel. Be cozy

  12. Anonymous8:36 PM

    It's a partial denture here too or a plate. Audrey

  13. You definitely got a keeper in Stew Chris πŸ’• I'm happy to say I got me one too.


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