Thursday, August 24, 2023


 Hmmm... that Kiwiana Braid Runner that I made yesterday flew out the door!

Lacy bought it!  She just fell in love with it, and that was it.

I posted it on Facebook and it got some good attention there too.

So clearly, I will be making a few more like that.

I bought the last of that green fabric at Spotlight yesterday, so have ordered some online.

What fun online shopping is!  I love getting parcels in the post!

Now that my Mum has passed away, we don't get parcels.  How sad.  Mum would always send Christmas parcels and Birthday parcels.  I miss them so much.  NOT for what they were, but who they were from.

I did get two from TEMU a couple of days ago, which was nice.

WARNING, RANT COMING.   Scroll past if not into my Rants!

OMG TEMU!!!!  They kept sending me emails and messages NON STOP, up to 10 a day! All were suggestions of things I might like to buy, or offering me a special discount on 'XYZ', or saying I had WON a special discount, or their top PICKS for me ... bla bla bla.  Would you believe I got OVER 80 emails/messages in 10 days!!!

So I spat the dummy and opened a Live Chat session, and told the lady I was being HARASSED by TEMU, and I wanted it to STOP.  So she assured me she would make the emails stop.  

THEN the stupid bitch started harassing me!  Did I want anything else from TEMU?  Was I happy with TEMU?  How could they improve my customer experience?  Was I happy with my interaction with her? Could I fill in their Customer Survey?  In the end I told her she was now harassing me, and to go away.  I wanted to say FUCK OFF BITCH, but I didn't.

I'm rather proud of that, cos I seriously wanted to be so rude.

AND THEN, to add insult to injury, the emails and phone messages CONTINUED!  I saw red.

And contacted them via the Live Chat again.  And had to go through it all over again... and once again I was promised the contact from TEMU would stop.

After that, within minutes I got yet more emails from them!

If it doesn't stop I will be going to Fair Go.  It's HARASSMENT, through and through. 

So be warned, you too can buy something from TEMU, and hear from them MULTIPLE TIMES EVERY DAY, for the rest of your life.  lol, but really not funny.

I'm sewing this morning, then around lunchtime Lacy and I will be doing our Lake Walk again.

So... catch ya later.

To all and sundry... I did click the UNSUBSCRIBE word, over and over again!  Did not stop them.

So far today though... NO EMAILS!  No phone messages!  NOTHING.   Bloody miracles do happen.

Lacy can't join me today for a walk after all, so I am going to get on our Cross Trainer after lunch instead.  

*  I clicked the UNSUBSCRIBE button ON TEMU about a week ago.  FYI.

ABOVE:  12.15 pm and the next Braid Runner is done.  

ABOVE:  A close up of the centre block.  It's rather lovely.  With 'fussy cutting' I can't always get so much in each centre block, this one is lucky cos it got a lot in it.

Now I'm taking a lunch break, before going back to try and get another one done today.

ABOVE: Lucky last for the day.  Next one will be with the green borders again.

It's now 6.37 pm, Stew is at the pub and I'm finally done for the day.

Time to wind down and just relax.  Heaters on, blankie on... looking forward to a quiet evening, then bed.

Catch ya tomorrow.

DAY 15 DONE AND DUSTED, and it wasn't too hard today.  Staying home helped.


  1. OMG! I'm glad you ranted about TEMU. I have considered buying from them but have not. I guess... If I do - I will use my junk email address. I have ordered from AliExpress, I DO get emails. But not that many!

  2. Is there an "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the TEMU emails?

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I feel the same way about the constant onslaught of offers from businesses. Here in the USA we can Unsubscribe. There is usually a link at the bottom of the page they emailed to you. Do you have that option where you are? Ky Girl

  4. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Chris can’t you scroll to bottom of email, and there should be a message there with the word Unsubscribe, click on it, and you should be able to quickly unsubscribe. I do it all the time. Marie, Melbourne

  5. Anonymous9:00 AM

    When I ordered from TEMU there was a box to tick to tell them whether you wanted emails from them with future offers - did you not see it? Haven't received anything from them since. Don't know if FairGo could do anything because it is a very large Chinese online business that acts as a go-between for suppliers who don't want warehouses in Australia. As suggested, look for the unsubscribe box. Audrey

  6. Anonymous10:10 AM

    From my experience it takes 24 hours for the unsubscribe to kick in from all sites....Peta

  7. Rhonda11:06 AM

    Clearly your constant pressing of unsubscribe has finally been processed. It usually takes a few days for unsubscribing to kick in especially from huge online enterprises like Tumu. As you often say patience is not your virtue. Living in this age of technology isn’t always instant unfortunately. Hope you enjoy your day

  8. I won't buy from them because they steal designs from others and undersell the original designer.

  9. Rhonda2:01 PM

    I get it was very frustrating for you and all clutter in your inbox is really annoying, I have had the same at times and yes it has taken a week for it to finally cease 🤦‍♀️

  10. Oh crap, I just ordered stuff from Temu for the first time today 😕

    1. Bex has ordered stuff off Temu many times and not had the problem I had, so you might be lucky?

  11. I have my Temu account email go to my Hotmail account which is just for junk....then I forward the relevant emails for shipping etc to my email account that seems to work for me. Just spent last 45 minutes threading beads for Christmas decorations from temu.

  12. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Your runners are really lovely and the latest ones quite spectacular. Congratulations you are a very talented lady. Ro (N.W. Italy)

  13. Anonymous12:08 AM

    I love the runner done in greens where you showed the centre panel, just lovely. I have a round table though. Have you ever done round ones? You probably don’t ship to Canada, but if you did I would love one. Gigi

  14. Temu is advertising heavily online in Australia but your experience is putting me off!


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