Friday, August 18, 2023


 Well... tomorrow is market day at Tamahere, so today I go through all my market stuff and make sure nothing is left behind.

I always worry we will forget something IMPORTANT... but so far?  We never have!

Just too organised I suppose.

I always have been a super organised person.

Comes from having to be, with 6 + 2 kids to raise I'm sure.

Anyway, that's my main job today.

I'm really not inclined to sew much at the moment.  All those Braid Runners kinda did me in.  I don't anticipate selling much tomorrow, people are not buying heaps at the moment.

Hopefully things pick up closer to Christmas.

At least I know I have plenty of stock.

I've not been to the shops in a while, except the supermarket.  So perhaps I'll have a browse in the mall today.  Get myself out and about a bit.

OR NOT!  All that food!  Food Courts.  Cafes.  Dunkin Donuts!  OH HELL NO!

I'm staying home!!   πŸ˜³πŸ˜£πŸ˜©

11 am:  And I've not done any prep yet.  It has been a foggy morning, so a perfect time to go walking.
I decided I'd walk to Chartwell Square, and if I had the energy I'd even walk back.
So, off I went.

ABOVE:  My walk took me along Wairere Drive, a very busy main road.  But it was still a nice walk.
Very dirty stream, and not much colour in the trees yet.  EXCEPT FOR...

ABOVE:  A Road Cone stuck in it's native environment.
Too bad I couldn't save it.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„πŸ˜…

ABOVE:  I did look at the bus and think, one day I would go on it.  Even if it was just to see where it went, and how close it got to my home?

Plenty of time for that once I'm able to travel on them for free!  And that will be in OCTOBER!
I do wonder if I'll ever use a bus, you lose your ability to go here, there, and anywhere on a bus eh?  And well, can't imagine taking the groceries on a bus.

ABOVE: Today's walk.  I'm happy that I kept up my pace, very much the same as our lake walks.
I also walked around the mall for about half an hour, but didn't add that to my 'walk' to and from the mall.

Now that I'm home, I'm going to cool down, have some lunch then get into the garage and sort out the market stuff.

ABOVE:  Everything is ready to go in the car, except the last minute food, and us dressing warmly in the morning.
I don't know why I stress out over it all, I have  a system, a check list and am organised.  No need to stress, but I do.

And you can bet I don't sleep well either, knowing I have to get up at 5.45 am.  Stew always sets the alarm, but we both wake up before it.  Derrr.

I've got a chook to go in the oven soon, and the left overs will be for our lunch at market tomorrow.  See?  Organised to death.

8.30 pm:  All is ready for the morning.  Dinner was roast chicken and veges, which went down very well.
Just watching some tv now till bedtime, which won't be too late tonight.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is looking OK for the morning, and rain in the afternoon.  We are hoping it holds off until 1.30, when we are all packed up and on our way home!

Catch ya tomorrow.



  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    If you have a time/weather related where you need to walk indoors/mall, do not take any money or credit cards with you. It works very well for me.

  2. Oh - a market.... Hopefully there are a few buyers out and about!

  3. Thankfully food courts and cafes don't tempt me. If I know there is something at home I look forward to that. It's usually the cost that puts me off! I'm way too cheap to spend money on food when I'm out :)

  4. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I have never been on a bus in my hometown. We have extensive routes that go everywhere, but none of us have had reason to use one.

    Various combinations of us have taken several coach tours and loved them (England/Scotland/Wales, Alaska, Hawaii).

    Depending on your bus routes, it might be that you could take a local bus outbound and then walk home, to give you walking variety. The main problem with that, my opinion, I would have to research if it were me, is accessibility to bathrooms and length of walk. But if a bus route goes somewhere great, that might be a fun option.

    My daughter and I were in London a few years ago and spent most of the day riding the whole double decker route. It was a great way to sightsee.


  5. So proud of you Ma, I wouldn't of been able to do that walk, it's not a familiar one and the the Mall....well those of you who 'know me' will understand xx but I'm stoked you did it xx

  6. Cash float you normally mention that.?
    Excited to see the set up.

    1. Yep, I have that. My set up will be pretty much the same, just in a different spot. I'm so excited to have this new spot, we will be able to see so much more of what's going on at the market from the new position. Usually we get to stare at two other stalls opposite us, and that's about it!

  7. Have a great day tomorrow Chris I will be thinking of you mum and I r off to CHCH for my aunt 90th birthday so won't get much chance to message ya

    1. I hope you are recovering well from your dental work chick. Have a lovely weekend. Safe travels.


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