I've got a runner on the table right now, about 80% finished.
Once it is finished, I'm going to make another one, but instead of having 'pointy' ends, I'm going to square them off for a change.
I hope it looks OK. The pointy ends can be a right shit to make them sit right. I'd love it if squaring the ends off looks good, cos I'd far rather do that!
This week is an exciting one. Bex goes for her Anatomy scan on Friday. They will be finding out what baby is... HUMAN OR ALIEN. 😂😅👶👦👧😇
Of course GENDER. But sorry, they will not be telling anyone as far as I know. Except Stew, Me and a couple of other very close family members. 🙊
So of course, Friday can't come soon enough.
Until then, I will keep myself busy in the sewing room, and walking around the lake.
ABOVE: There's a couple of these signs around the lake. Warning about water quality. It's on ALERT right now, which means no one should enter the water. Yet we see people on kayaks and canoes etc on the lake all the time! Seems they are taking a health risk. And the sign says don't feed the ducks bread as it's not good for them. EVERYONE is feeding them bread!
ABOVE: BTY, the correct name for the lake is Lake Rotoroa. I think most people call it Hamilton Lake like I do.It is fed by rainfall and runoff from surrounding hills, and then spills into a pipeline under roads near the city centre and into a gully system that flows behind the FMG Waikato Stadium, and spills into the Waikato River near Fairfield Bridge.
That is information I never knew until I looked it up. I always wondered how it got water flow through it. Now I know.
Years ago when we left Hamilton for Palmerston North (shit that's like 22 years ago!), I told Stew I never wanted to live in Hamilton again.
Primarily because it's a friggin cold hole in winter, and a steaming, humid hole in summer.
But yesterday I told him I'm now enjoying living here again, primarily because of the lake!
That lake is so lovely and it makes me so happy being there so often. I'm going to be lost over summer when it's too hot to go there for my walks.
* I suppose I have to say it. I also love living here as it's where quite a lot of our family live too. *
And family is everything at the end of the day, to me and Stew anyway.
Righty ho... time to make a start on my day.
It's gunna be a lovely day, I'm sure of it.
11 am.
Am feeling rather proud of myself.
Lacy bailed on our walk this morning, so I went on my own!
I don't really enjoy walking on my own, and usually just stay home. But as it was a lovely morning, I went.
ABOVE: Signs of Spring. New bullrushes coming up.
ABOVE: Pukekos nesting on a bullrush 'island'.
ABOVE: If I could choose any house to own on the lakes perimeter, it would be this one.It's gorgeous. Has stunning views. And the public walkway does not go right in front of their lawn. There's even a 'moat' in front. LOVE IT.
ABOVE: This piece of land juts out into the lake. It's where all the model boat enthusiasts launch their boats. It's had a major overhaul the past few months.
ABOVE: It has a lovely new path out to the jetty.
ABOVE: So lovely and new.
ABOVE: selfie. As ya do. 😂
ABOVE: Today's walk stats. Another very decent time. And no Lacy spurring me on either.
I've had some very sad news today.
But I won't talk about it. It's too soon. BEX AND BABY ARE FINE.
I'm feeling really down now, so am going to just chill out this afternoon. I really don't feel like doing much.
I made a dish of Cauliflower Cheese for tomorrow's dinner. Kept me busy.
And I've pinned up the next runner for quilting tomorrow.
Maybe I'll even start the next one.
As for Rounded Ends ANON, yeah nah. Messy. Putting binding on curves is a right shit! Might give that a miss. 😊
Well it's been a bit of an up 'n' down day. But life goes on, and I'm thankful for so much in my life.
I worked out we are saving hundreds of dollars a month doing this challenge! That's great eh? I do miss our Indian Restaurant THE MOST. Stew reckons they won't even recognise us by the time we go back! He misses the takeaways too... poor man.