Thursday, April 27, 2023


 Bex had this snazzy idea to buy some 'snap shut' bag closers via online shopping.  They were dead cheap...  SCORE!

ABOVE:  Then using said 'snap closers' she made one into a Glasses Case. It is so cute, and feels lovely too.   

I saw it and my brain started ticking over... I could make them too.  But using fabric.

So I tried.  And do you think I could get the fabric to go over the snap closure and end up looking really neat and tidy?


It totally did my head in.

Then LIGHT BULB MOMENT.... all I needed was for Bex to crochet the top bit for me, and then I could hand stitch the fabric case part onto it.

So that's what we did.

Bex, although being super busy with working, looking after her family AND doing her own market work... kindly made some top 'bits' for me.  THANK YOU SO MUCH BEX.

And this is what I now have to take to market this coming Saturday:

ABOVE:  Glasses cases... or pens, or whatever!

*Bex and I will be selling our respective cases at the same price, so we are not undercutting each other.*  

So, it will be interesting to see if any sell, and how long they take to sell.  As with everything, some things don't sell at one market, then BOOM... Ya sell heaps of them at the next.

It's nice to have something new for market I must say.

ABOVE:  These arrived yesterday afternoon, I just remembered I didn't show you.

ABOVE:  I think they look good!  They come with sticky strips to hold them on the chairs arms... if they slip around.  I will probably have to use the sticky strips on the leather sofa.  I've now put both of them on the leather sofa btw.

Now back to Today.  I'm 100% dedicated to finishing off my Cat Wall Hanging Order.  I must get Stew to paint some dowel for the hangers.  Perhaps he can do that this evening.  

10.33 am:  I've been a really busy bee this morning.
I got our gazebo sides out on the clothes line to dry.
Then I tried to put the gazebo itself up on the driveway to dry out.  Couldn't do it on my own, so Stew came home and helped me.

Just before Stew arrived home, a courier dropped off our new gazebo 'door wall'.

ABOVE:  Of course I had to put it on to see how it looked.  And it's PERFECT!   Both middle zips can be opened and the middle section can roll up and be secured.   But as it's for when it's wet, I will only keep one zip open so people can come inside.
I'm looking at getting a clear plastic strip added into the middle section, it will depend on price if I do it or not.
But for now, we will have protection from the rain.  
And how perfect is that shade of blue?!  I love it obviously.

Bex and the boys stopped in again after school today.  Bex has made a couple more crocheted tops for my cases.  
I also got an order for 2 glasses cases and a coin purse today. 
COIN PURSE! Gee thanks for that idea Sharon!  I will be adding them into my production line now. 😉😊

I ended up  having a late 'lunch' today.  So might not have anything at 7 pm.  Or just a piece of fruit.
I am still going to have dried mango, cos I LOVE IT.  But I'll drop the dates and cranberries, I wasn't enjoying them very much.

Stew is due home shortly, and we will take down the gazebo, it's nice and dry now.

Well a very quiet day on here I must say.  Oh well... I try to be interesting.

Stew is home safe.  Feet up.  Watching the telly till bedtime now.
Catch ya tomorrow.  Where I will be just as friggin interesting as I was today.  Pffft. lol


  1. Wow!! You girls are so clever!

  2. Ohhhh can I get the blue glasses case?
    And can you make me a FBG one that’s a neat idea coin purse size onesie handy too!
    Where is the market again…

  3. Oops I just saw the FBG one could you make me 2 then you don’t have to lose 2 straight away thinking of my mum as she has severely arthritic hands are the open close system easy if so yes please too a coin purse size one if that’s ok.

  4. Great idea to have glasses cases. One more thought though... I've made my own for our glasses and I don't have a closure at all. I make narrow ones specifically for smaller reading glasses and slightly wider ones for sunglasses. No need to have them close at the top, they are just to protect the lenses. Maybe that could be easy for you going forward, especially a good way to use up scraps.

  5. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Adhesive will likely leave marks on your leather type sofas and possibly the upholstery fabric sofas too. If you get tired of these Slinky’s after a time, might be stuck using them to cover damage.

  6. I am so going to order those sofa tables...thanks so much for showing us.

  7. So go to mitre 10 or Bunnings yo can buy rubber I think draw liner’s patterned to stick under those things easy on easy off will grip to couches easy and slinky will grip to that.
    Boom shot I’m on a roll today!!

  8. Christine2:32 AM

    I’m out of town again so must post as anonymous for some dumb reason. I like the glasses case idea. Hope they sell! And coin purses too!

  9. I sell tons of the sunglasses cases but with a zipper. Someone was showing me some closures like that but she makes them from metal tape measures.

  10. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Be careful with dried fruit intake - they have more calories than regular fruit and more sugar xx Colleen


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