Thursday, April 20, 2023



Well here we are, one day of isolation to go.

It's been a long week, boring as f*#k.

But, I did the 'right thing' this time, and just relaxed and let my body rest as much as I needed to.  That is why I am feeling so much better, much quicker this time around.

I can't wait until tomorrow.  Seriously, I will be going out first thing, just cos I can!

Our market on Saturday has a high chance of being cancelled due to wet weather.  It's supposed to be wet as hell on Saturday.

Worst thing, if it's cancelled we don't get a refund of our stall fees.  And this is the most expensive market I've booked us into.  So we stand to lose our money.

We will find out for sure some time tomorrow.  I'm not even going to cross my fingers.

I'm not going to even try to make plans for today.

Every time I say I'm gunna sew (or whatever), it doesn't happen!  I'm really just fluffing around all day, lying in bed, or sitting in front of me laptop watching shit on YouTube/Instagram, or the telly.   Plenty of time to get back to normal... next week. 😂😅😊



I was so surprised, I did a second test.  Still Negative.
How bloody awesome is that?
I'm technically FREE..... but will stay home today just to be safe.

Gosh I reckon those Anti Virals did the trick.  The nurse did say they would stop Covid in it's tracks.  JOB DONE.

I'm not gunna lie, I still feel rather tired.  But sitting on me arse all week doing nothing has a lot to do with that.  Time to step it back up and start doing shit again.

Two hours in the sewing room, cutting strips of fabric for runners, and I'm done.
I started sweating like a pig, shaking and feeling ill... yep.  Another blood sugar low.
So off to the kitchen for some lunch and a nice hot, sweet drink.

And this sad git did not get to sleep at all.  My mind kept going over the things I still needed to do IF we go to market on Saturday.
So I went into the garage and took all the old prices off all the runners.
Then I measured all the runners, and put the measurements on the back of new price tags for each and every runner.

ABOVE:  Out with the old (left) and in with the new.  Now when someone asks me what is the measurement of a runner, I can just flip the price tag over and BOOM!  There it is.
That little job took me about 2 hours.  
Now I just have two more small jobs to do and we are set.
I will get them done tomorrow.

Stew arrived home early and took himself off to the pub for a couple of hours.  Now he's home and we are both just sitting watching the telly.
I have to stay up till 11 to take me Anti Virals, then I can go to bed.  I can't wait, I'm bloody tired.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I am cleaning out my walk in clothes closet.

    Like took every single thing out and ruthlessly purged. I let the neighbors look first and then donated to a local resale shop.

    My husband scrubbed the whole thing.

    I bought new hangers and bins for the shelves. Carefully organizing what I am saving.

    Bought a few new things, like 3 new nightgowns.

    My husband’s closet is next.


  2. Glad you are feeling and testing better!

  3. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Good to see you are moving in the right direction. Congrats on testing negative. And enjoy increasing your activity as you can. Ky Girl

  4. Glad you are feeling better, meds must have done the trick.

  5. Yeah for negative result

  6. Anonymous1:29 PM

    YAY for you!! Just had lunch with my parents they're moving into a Lifestyle Village up here in two weeks can't wait 🤗 27 degrees here today gotta be good GM 💙💙

  7. Great news on the negative test. I hope you still take it a bit slower for a bit. Hugs.

  8. I’m glad you are recovering much better this time

  9. Still rest tomorrow a but at keast. Covid tiredness can be dreadful. Good luck with. The weather for market.

  10. Good to hear you are covid free. Rest up and take care.


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