Tuesday, April 25, 2023


 While visiting friends the other day, I noticed they had one of these things on their couch:

ABOVE:  I have always thought they looked like a good idea.  You can use them as above, or even just sit them on the sofa beside you, doing away with the need for a coffee table.

Now that I've taken the large coffee table away from in front of our lounge suite, in the family room, it was the perfect time to actually get us some.

So on Sunday I ordered a twin pack, in that natural wood colour.  

Hopefully they will arrive by the end of the week, or early next week.  

Gosh it's so much fun doing online shopping!  I really should do it more.

I confirmed our order for a zippered front for our market gazebo yesterday.  I hope it arrives quickly too.

It's a public holiday today (ANZAC DAY), so Stew is home. Not sure what we will get up to, if anything.  But maybe another river walk is on the cards.

Catch ya later.

1.30 pm:  Whoops!  Again, forgot to update regularly.
Ummm... I didn't do much this morning.
We didn't go for a walk as my tummy was a bit dicky.
Dinner last night was rather rich.

After lunch I went into the sewing room and worked on a little project that popped up.
Bex had this bright idea to make some XYZ's, and I jumped on board too.

She's had to do a small part of the XYZ's for me, as it just wasn't working with fabric.
So, it's been fun.   And I will have a new product to take to market on Saturday.
I'm not showing you what the XYZ's are until I have a few finished.  Right now I've just got one finished.

I have stopped now as we are expecting visitors this afternoon.  My brother-in-law Richard and his family.  I don't remember the last time I saw Olla and the kids, but it's been a while!

I checked back on the blog... last time we saw Richard was just after this past Christmas.  Olla and the kids?  Years.  Looks like it might have been way back in 2016?

And... our visitors have been and gone.  It was just so nice to see Richard, Olla and the twins again.

ABOVE:  I can't believe I've had Richard in my life for 50 years now!  And Olla for at least 26 as well.

ABOVE: The twins, who are now 19!  I first held them when they were just teeny, tiny NICU babies.  Dewi and Vern, both really adorable young people.
Coco had to be bribed with a piece of a scone to sit there!  Little bugger.

It's now 5.10 pm and I'm off to Weight Watchers soon.  I'm just going to weigh and go today.  I'm really tired and the chairs there are bloody uncomfortable!
I want to come home, put me feet up and enjoy a bloody scone!   
I made cheese scones for afternoon tea, but didn't have any.  
My turn after weigh in!  😂😅😊

I got to Weight Watchers.  I was the only person there!
I was away last week with Covid, so didn't get the message that there was no Weigh In today.
I should have know that right?
It is a public holiday after all.
What a dick.
So I came home and weighed in here.
DOWN 750 grams.
I'm happy with that.  It may be an 'unofficial' weigh in, but my scales are exactly the same at the WW ones.  So I'm taking it.

Now I've enjoying my evening after a lovely dinner.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Morning. Where can you buy those? Briscoes?

    1. I dont know. I've only ever seen them online.

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      IKEA also sell them in Australia for $15 each. Perhaps you have ikea in NZ Marie, Melbourne

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I have four of those wooden things Chris. They do away with multiple coffee tables. Marie, Melbourne

  3. I had not heard of those wooden thingies, they look very useful.

  4. Good weight loss Chris u doing so well

  5. Nice family catch-up for you. Good loss as well

  6. 750 grams (1.6 pounds) is excellent! Congrats!

  7. Well done Chris on the WW. Lovely you got to spend time with the family.

  8. Well done on the loss. I like your meal plan. Your company looks like lovely people.


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