Friday, April 21, 2023


 Grrrr... I may be testing NEGATIVE for Covid now, but I've still got a damn annoying cough.

I hope it doesn't last too much longer cos my stomach is sick of it.  At least I know I'm not contagious anymore.

I have two small jobs to get done today, in readiness for market tomorrow.  The forecast is for RAIN today, and showers on Saturday.  So it will be a wait and see situation.  The market organisers are going to make the call sometime today.

In the meantime, I will go out and get some money changed for my float.  That's about all I need to go out for today.

Once I get home I'm heading into the sewing room to finish off a small job.  Then I will probably be done for the day.

My energy levels are completely stuffed right now.  It's probably going to take a couple of weeks to get up to speed again eh?

But, small steps.  I'll get there. 😊

OH!  I have a bloke coming to look at the non-reclining chair in the family room sometime this afternoon too.   I better have a mask ready for him... Although I'm no longer Covid Positive, I think he should still wear a mask in my house.

Amazingly (AGAIN), Stew has not caught it off me either!

12.20 pm: What  a neat feeling!  I went out and about.  Just down to my local post shop and supermarket.  Wore a mask.
Got my jobs done.  Home again.

And then the technician arrived from Nick Scali.  I asked him to wear a mask for his own protection, which he appreciated.  

ABOVE:  I was so sure he would end up taking that chair away, and we'd be left with a stinkin' gap for months!
But NO.
He found the problem in like 5 minutes.
It was the transformer that takes power to the chair.  It had power to it, it showed up as working, but it wasn't.
So the nice guy put a new one on, and boom.  Chair works.   
I thanked him and sent him on his way.

I have everything ready for market, so am now just tidying up the sewing room a bit.
Then I'll have me lunch and a nap.  (hopefully)

I do plan on taking it easy for a while yet, as last time I didn't and did pay for it with fatigue for months.  SPARKLING warned me could happen again, so I'm taking heed.

4.30 pm:  Just read (and was informed via social media), that there's been yet another smash 'n' grab at Michael Hill Jewellers, this time in Chartwell Square.  That's just down the road from us.

ABOVE:  Security guards caught one of the five involved.  He's only 15 so NOTHING will happen to him.  He will get a slap over the knuckles and get sent home to repent on his sins.
God our justice system fuckin sucks.
So sick of this shit happening, and kids getting away with it.  What does that teach them?  NOTHING.  Laughing all the way to the next 'job'.

I've been busy in the sewing room this afternoon.  I actually got some sewing done for market tomorrow.  IF that happens.
It's raining right now, and as it started quite late in the day... it's not looking good for tomorrow.

Still waiting to see if the organisers cancel it or not.  Frustration abounds.

ABOVE:  Today's sewing efforts.  Two bright and happy runners.  
I have promised myself I'll not make another damn thing now, until I've finished my orders!
I'm the worst at forging ahead with stuff for market, and forgetting orders.  Derrr.

Oh and the other thing I'm going to do once my orders are done,  is finish all my UFO's or PHD's.

UFO =  UnFinished Projects
PHD = Projects Half Done

I think there's a couple more Acronyms too, but I don't know them.

Nearly 5 pm and it's getting dark.  And cooler.  And I might just stop working now and just relax for the evening.  At some point, if the market is on, Stew and I will need to pack the car.  Later.

7.25 pm:  Well!  Even though the weather forecast is for RAIN, the market is going ahead!
Stew and I will get up early tomorrow and make a personal call then.  If it's pissing down I doubt we will go.  And we will lose our market fee, but we won't get wet, now will my products.

So... 6.30 tomorrow is 'decide time'.

Till then, a quiet evening ahead of us.  It's really cold now ... time to get me blankie on.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Unfortunately, when I had covid, the cough and tight chest stuck around for weeks. I do have a persistent cough anyway (menopause related) but it made it worse. Glad you feel better, though xx Colleen

  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Hi Chris - that's so annoying about the cough but good that you a free to leave the house - I have had some coughs in the past just hang on, mainly at night - I had to have cushions in bed so I wasn't laying too flat - seemed to minimise it a bit.

    Have you tried fishermen friends - they are minty mints - quite intense flavour - sometimes I get the urge to cough when in shopping centres not sure if its to do with the air-conditioning - now I keep those mints on hand and they take the edge off - sometimes I need 2 at a time.

    Just thought it might help while your in the stall tomorrow - so other people don't get the wrong idea about your coughing I know I have had the evil eye thrown my way if I start coughing. Well that's if it doesn't end up raining. Your due for some good luck so hopefully it starts today regards Maria(Australia)

  3. The cough will hang around, unfortunately. As for the energy levels - and you won't like this! - take is as easy as you can for the next couple of weeks or you could end up knackered for months.

  4. Glad your couch was an easy fix. We had a dispute with a new (piece of crap) couch for ages! We even bought the BS insurance. BTW they are experts at saying whatever your problem is.... it is NOT covered. The couch technician came and basically decreed the couch totaled and we were able to get a new one. But, it had to be from the same ashhole store and it took months! But it was replaced, barely.

    Take it easy this weekend with your shows. I suspect they will be extra tiring.

  5. Leeann6:11 PM

    I thought that was Stew and you sitting on that crim!

  6. Fingers crossed the weather eases up and you get to have the market. Great to have your chair fixed so efficiently. Good to hear you are slowing down a little and giving your body a chance to fully recover 🌷

  7. Sparkling is right, as much as we all know how much you hate taking it easy, it is important you relax, take breaks & don’t over do things so that you don’t end up suffering for weeks. Good luck with the market tomorrow 😊

  8. I hope you get to go to Market today. That will be a lovely change of pace after being so isolated. The 2 new runners are really cute. The possibilities are endless for those things!

  9. I hate that they don't give you money back if it rains like that!


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