Saturday, April 15, 2023



ABOVE:  And we are up with the sparrows, getting ready to head off to Tamahere again.

I've had to pack all me winter warmies, AND summer shorts and t-shirt... to cover all the bases.  The weather is so unpredictable right now.  At least it doesn't look like rain today.

Khady gave me a Birthday gift yesterday.  As she said, it's either VERY late, or VERY early.  lol

She was at a market and saw this 'thing' and thought immediately of me, so got it.

ABOVE:  I can see why she got it for me 😂😅😆.

And she didn't even know I've got a 'heart wall' in my bedroom!  I will find the perfect position for it when I get home later today.

And.... that's enough waffling for now, I need to get ready and outta here.

Catch ya later.


MORNING.... Sunrise.

1.5 hours later and we are all set up.
I was warm while setting up, but now its cold.
Very overcast with a chilly wind.

ABOVE: A new stall with gorgeous felted creations.  (Posted with permission)

Stew has gone to get us some brunch... a chicken burger. Can't wait.

ABOVE: For DOGSTARS. Me in my stall.

There is a Choir Group here from Mountain View High School  in California, they are touring New Zealand. They sang a couple of songs in front of our stall before... I videoed  them. I will upload that once we get home.

ABOVE: A beautiful little girl with her Lovie.
We are doing very well today.
And enjoying all the yakking and smiling faces.
Nice to see Amanda and Maitland too.

2 pm, safely home again.  It was a very good day, lots of sales and lots of nice people around.
But, it is good to get home and put one's feet up.
It's a tiring few hours I must say.

ABOVE: A LINK to a little video of the singing Choir that visited the market this morning.  They were lovely to listen to.  Such nice young people.
They went on to Hobbiton after being at the market.  I bet they enjoyed that too.

Now... not sure if I shall stay in the family room and just relax, or lie on me bed and have a nap.

7 pm:  So, no nap.  I've got Mike's cold and feel quite miserable.  Sore throat.  Snot from hell.
Congested sinuses.  Ikkkk.
I DID do a Covid test this morning before going to Market, before anyone asks.  I don't have Covid.

Amanda, Maitland and Liam are here for dinner.  We are getting Pizzas.  Diet be gone.
I'll be good tomorrow.  Gotta live the moments.  

It's a Pizza moment.

ABOVE:  Poor Marley is feeling the cold after her groom, she's sits and shakes and shivers.  So Amanda tucked her up under her sweatshirt.  Awww so cute.
Then Stew said "Dinner time" and that dog shimmied out of there so fast!

It's now 8.10 pm, our visitors have been fed and have left.
Back to just the two of us.

And his nibs is watching a 'shoot em up, bang bang' movie.  😖😒  So I'm gunna put my headphones on and listen to some true crime thing on YouTube or Netflix.

The evening is sorted.

This cold is kicking my butt, now I can appreciate how Mike felt.  
Amanda sounds like she's got a similar sort of cold too. 
I think Panadol is next on my agenda tonight. 

Catch ya tomorrow.

OMG... cars parachuting out of planes?
What a crock of shit.
The movie is called Furious 7.
Who even believes that shit can possibly happen?


  1. Good luck at the market!

  2. How pretty. Good luck today!

  3. Get a pic of YOU in the booth.

  4. Oooh looking good 👍. Love the felt stall too!

  5. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Looks fabulous. Hope you have a great day.

  6. Great to hear that you had a good day at the market. The little girl looks very happy with her new Lovie. Great singing from the choir - how cool that they are visiting from California. 😊

  7. So pleased it was a good market today 😁

  8. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Sounds like you've had a successful day. Did you sell all your pouches and wallhangings? Love your new ❤️ kj

  9. Love that cow heart glad the market went well for you yes time to relax.

  10. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Russia has parachuted tanks out of a plane before - takes a lot of parachutes though. Audrey

  11. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Oops, I hope your cold is short lived, get better soon. Ky Girl

  12. Oh no not a cold! Feel better soon. Take care.


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