Saturday, April 08, 2023


 It may be Easter, but today is really just a normal Saturday.

My plans are to head to a garden centre and buy some winter vege plants, and a new pot for one of my indoor plants.  It's outgrown it's pot and needs a bigger one.

I don't think anyone has any other plans for the day, so it might be another cruisy day here.

Steve has to work at least half a day, so I expect him and his little family will be over later on in the day.

I've asked all family to come to dinner this evening, we are going to do a 'Pot Luck' dinner.

That means I don't end up having to do too much.  I like that idea.

Some can't make it, so it will only be about 11-12 of us here.

That's a nice number.

I hope everyone is having an enjoyable Easter?  Are you doing anything special?

ABOVE: This girl!  She's in her pyjamas,  going over to Steve and Bex's last night.  She has been down to the supermarket like that too.  She's my sorta girl!  I just LOVE her socks.  Some amazing mother-in-law gave them to her for Christmas.  

Yeah, that would be me.  That was the year I gave everyone crazy socks.  It was so much fun shopping for them.

Right, time to get up and start the day.  

Catch ya later.

We have been out and about three times already today.


Plant shop... and now Chartwell Square  for lunch.

The roads and malls are super busy... everyone is out and about.

No doubt cos all the shops are closed tomorrow. 

Its just nuts.

Lunch at Chartwell was nice, we had a kebab and chips.

Then we went shopping at H & M.  Mike and Joyce got a sweatshirt each... so funky too!

I am gunna have to smash all my mirrors at home.  They are lying bastards!

The mirrors in the shops show me how fat I am! They don't lie.  *sigh*

Dirty rotten mirrors.

ABOVE:  This is the sweatshirt Mike bought.  I get to have it when it no longer fits him.. he's aiming at bulking at at the gym soon.

And of course, I'm gunna shrink, though I am sure it would fit me right now.  πŸ˜‰

ABOVE:  And that one is Joyce's one.   H & M have an awesome selection of sweatshirts etc in the menswear department, but NOT in the ladies department. 

ABOVE:  The kids playing hand ball on the driveway.  The dogs ended up being locked inside cos they kept getting in the way.  

I am so happy seeing the driveway being used as I envisioned it.  This could not have been done while it was still asphalt with loose stones all over it.

8.11 pm:  Dinner is over, everyone left full, mission accomplished.

Very pleasant evening and company.  So nice having family here.

But now.. it's time to just relax before bed.

Hit repeat tomorrow.


  1. Aw! She's so cute and colorful. No Easter plans here.

  2. Anonymous12:57 PM

    YEEHAH GO JOYCE πŸ€™πŸ€™πŸ˜† quiet day here we were going to Rod Stewart at the Mission but it's cold and rainy. I planted winter veggies too especially when a cauliflower is $13!! GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

  3. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Don't smash your mirrors - turn them round so you can't see yourself in them. Don't risk bad luck - you have had enough already. Audrey

  4. The hoodies look great - oh and I love Joyce's socks! I.hope you're all enjoying your family pot luck meal ... sounds fun!

  5. Love the hoodies

    Chris if you start negatively bashing yourself about your image and weight you will sabotage your great losses!
    You have stopped a lot of the outward stresses you have lost weight you look great you’re doing what you said you would all positives.
    If your boobs and middle worry you the most maybe just maybe a reduction operation?

    Or visualisation therapy techniques, no looking at past or before photos get rid of that striped top post nice dress pics everyday that make you look fab.

  6. Kiwionholidays9:43 PM

    Looks like a fabulous day with lots on n lots more memories to add to your book of lifeπŸ₯❤️

    It’s neat to see all ages mixing together and that’s what it’s all about for us as well,
    Each brings their own uniqueness and you and Stew are a big part of all their journeys,πŸ’―πŸŽΈ☕️πŸ–️

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  7. I will tell you what DOESN'T lie. Cameras. I can tell from your photos that you are doing quite well!
    It was fun to see all the family. An d Mike didn't require his annual Hair/beard transformation this visit??!!

  8. Happy Easter! Ours is tomorrow still. Prep day!


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