Sunday, April 16, 2023


 Stew and I are driving out to Te Kowhai today, to do a 'reccy' of where the market is next Saturday.

That way we work out the best way to get out there, having only been there 2-3 times before.

And that was a few years ago now, before the Hamilton Expressway dissected the 'normal' way to get there.

Once we've done that, we are heading back into Hamilton and going to Stew's work.

To see if his car fits in the underground carpark with the roof box on.  If it doesn't, we will have to take it off and only put it on the car for market days.

So, that will take a couple of hours.

Then I suppose we will come home and I will get on with my sewing orders.

And Stew can watch some sport on the telly, which he loves doing.  

HOLD ON, I just remembered!

We need to get the pool ready for winter, and get the cover on.  So yeah, Stew won't be watching sport till that is done.   I think we need to buy a net attachment for the long pole thingee, to scoop leaves off the bottom of the pool.  Add that to the list.

Someone asked me yesterday, what did I sell at the market?  Sorry, I forgot to answer.

I sold a bit of everything!  It was a really good day.  So many compliments about my products, how lovely and colourful my stall was etc.  I really love that, it makes my day.

And now... I'm off to do a couple of boring housework type things, before we go out and about.

I think I mentioned I have a cold?
I started coughing/sneezing and had a sore throat on Thursday.
I took a Covid test yesterday morning, before market, just to be safe and diligent.  It was NEGATIVE.

ABOVE: Well hell!  That would explain the past three nights from hell.
Last night was particularly bad, I ended up in the bathroom vomiting.  Such fun.
My throat is super sore too, just like last time.

So, I have to isolate for 7 days from the start of my symptoms, so I should be right for the next market on Saturday!
That's a relief, as it was a very expensive market to get into.

I will be wearing a mask for added protection though.  Can't be too careful.

As for today?  I will be staying in our car when we go out.

No swimming this week.  No Weight Watchers.  No Card Night.  BUGGER. 

Stew has to take a test every day for 5 days as he's a household contact, but he can go to work.  I think he will wear a mask at work just to be careful though.

3.40 pm:  It took 20 minutes to get to Te Kowhai, so a nice distance.  As the market next Saturday starts at 10, that means we don't have to get up with the sparrows.  Excellent.

Stew's car fits in the underground carpark with our roof box on... so we don't have to take it on and off in between markets.  

We got takeaway Indian for our lunch, with me staying in the car the whole time we were out.

After lunch, I had a nap.  It didn't make me feel any better.  My throat is killing me.  
Stew has worked on the pool, and it's almost ready for the cover to be put on.
Then it will be all set for wintering.

ABOVE:  Stew did a wonderful job getting the pool ready for wintering.
He 'swept' the bottom, scooped all the leaves out, gave it a hefty dump of chlorine and filtered it.  Then I helped him get the cover on.
A good job done.
I hope next summer is a better season than our last one.

It's now 6.41 pm and I'm going to sign off for the day.  I know it's rather early, but seriously, I'm not gunna be doing anything else for the day.
Except cough, cringe cos of me throat and feel bloody miserable.
I hope I am feeling a bit better tomorrow.


  1. Kiwionholidays11:09 AM

    Time poor atm but you are onto it early my friend, so please rest n relax I know like us here it’s not easy πŸ₯πŸ’―but you’ve got this !
    Take care of yourself n couple of days n you will be πŸ’―%
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  2. Hope you have a mild case and recover quickly. Hugs.

  3. Wow you have a busy day planned and now sewing and at home hope you feel well soon

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Ohhhh pants that sucks rest up and look after yourself GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

  5. I am not surprised there is Covid in the house. I think Mike looked a bit sicker than a "cold". Oh well - as long as you all heal up nice and quick. My son and his fiancΓ© just got over it. She still has no taste/smell though. (after a month)

  6. Oh no ... sorry to hear you have a second bout of Covid. Rest up as much as you can, drink lots of fluids, and take care of yourself. I hope you're feeling better soon 🌷

  7. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Well phooey! I hope you feel better soon and that Stew doesn't get it. Drink lots of water, hydration is the name of the game. ;-) Ky Girl

  8. That sucks Chris. Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Anonymous11:41 PM

    It will be super interesting to see who, if anyone else, gets sick in your family since so many of you were exposed.

    We have had Covid at our house twice.

    December 2020 my middle daughter had it, and was quite sick. Three of us (husband, me, youngest daughter home for holidays) were very directly exposed, none of us got it. (Pre vaccine.) Crazy, I know.

    July 2022 my husband caught it at a conference, his only symptom was a runny nose. I got it from him, slightly more symptoms, but very very mild. Our middle daughter who was still living with us at the time, never caught it. (All fully vaccinated with all boosters.)

    I just checked last week, here in USA if we had the new booster after September 1, 2022 (my family all did), we are set for now until new shot available (much like annual flu shot).


  10. Is this your 2nd time getting it? We finally don't have any cases to speak of around here.

    1. Yep. 2nd time. And its as horrible as the first time.

  11. I rarely get sick. Never had Covid, thankfully. If I ever do get sick it is the razor blades in the throat. Nothing else. It is soooo very painful. I know how you feel! Ouch.

    1. Yeah my throat has kept me awake all night so far. It's so, so painful. It's now 4.40 am... still no sleep.

  12. Sorry about the positive Covid. Hope the worse passes quickly.


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