Sunday, January 01, 2023


I sure in hell hope 2023 is mine and Stew's year. We have set in motion some changes that should make a huge difference to us.

We are no longer allowing people to pull our strings.

We are no longer allowing toxic people to get to us in round about ways, using situations to their advantage.

We are no longer getting involved in stuff that isn't up to us to sort out.

We ARE going to look after ourselves, and do what makes us happy, and healthier.

We will continue to love our family and do whatever we can for them, but not to our detriment any more.

I wish everyone a wonderful 2023, happiness, health, love and loving people around them.

Don't ask me what our plans are for today.  I have no idea.

I won't be doing a huge meal like on Christmas Day.  Just back to normal now.

At dinnertime Stew and I will be going to the movies.  I don't think we went even once last year, so we are starting the year on a movie high.  😅😆😊 

ABOVE: Latest on the parcel fiasco... it's actually LEFT the USA.  I think.  Maybe it's flown out of Los Angeles and ends up in Washington?  

I did the math, and that parcel travelled approximately 4,931.6 miles or 7,936.6 kilometres WITHIN the USA before it got on a plane to ... here?   CRAZY.

ABOVE:  More of our funky little tomatoes.  We won't be getting many more, the two plants we had are coming to an end.

I suppose I should plant more eh?  Yeah.  But not today.

ABOVE:  Happy New Year Girls.  We love you little buggers.

Stew and I stayed in bed till 8.30 again, it's so nice!

Now... I've got carrots on the boil for our lunch.  I'm making my lovely Baked Carrot dish, to be accompanied by Smashed Baked Potatoes and Beef Rissoles.

That will be our 'main meal' of the day.

Tonight we are going to indulge in an ice cream at the movies, and hopefully a frozen coke too.  I'm calling that 'dinner'  😂😁😀.

A bit later today we are going to plant some of my succulents in the front garden to fill out the gaps.   And then 'fence' it off from Coco, so she doesn't dig them up.

2.30 pm:  Our 'dinner' was lovely.  Very filling.  And that's the idea.  

Stew and I just spent half an hour moving the front bedroom's bed around.  Major job as it's got heaps of stuff stored under it (it's a hydraulic storage bed).  We just finished and now I can reach to open the window again. 
It's all about getting as much air/breeze through the house at this time of year as we can.  Having the front door and garage door open now is bloody WONDERFUL too.

I'm going to take 10, then remake the front bed in some nice, fresh linen.

ABOVE:  A review:  We enjoyed this movie.  It was an easy watch, a feel good sort of movie.
No violence.  No plot twists.  No murders.  Just a lovely feel good movie.
I recommend it to anyone who likes an easy to watch, wholesome movie.  
Tom Hanks was lovely in this movie, as was his son Truman, and the rest of the cast.  

We are now home, and going to enjoy a quite couple of hours before bed.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. It sounds like you have good changes for the new year in mind, ones that you can control. I hope that package makes it to you, it is on a twisty journey. Happy 2023.

  2. Happy New Year!!! I can't believe the package traveled across country only to come back and ship out of LA! I called Parcel Monkey to see what was going on and they had no answer other than it had to go to their Chicago facility first. PRAYING things arrive intact and not broken!!! XOXO Nicole

  3. Good ideas for starting the New Year. I hope you can adhere to your decisions. I guess every situation is unique. Enjoy the movie. Give us a review. Get some Taco Bell! Puzzling with my Mom is looking more likely at the moment than live music at a bar. I am thinking of growing little tomatoes in my house this winter.

  4. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Have fun at the movie. And gosh, ice cream at the movie theater is fancy. Enjoy!! Ky Girl

  5. Sounds like you're starting the New Year well.

  6. Almost midnight here - So Happy New Year!

  7. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Here's to a (hopefully) great 2023 - best wishes to you all from this side of the pond :D
    Tracy, Cornwall,UK

  8. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Happy new year Chris I hope it’s a good one for you .

  9. Love your post Chris. Great start to a better year.

  10. Happy New Year to you and yours.
    I had planned to make a drastic change in my life this year but, sadly I can't make it happen right now, so going to make the best of life and take a lot more ME time, as who know how much time we have left.
    Thanks for the review of the movie, I love, love Tom Hanks that one is certainly on my to see list.

  11. Happy New Years! Sounds like a nice day, productive and relaxing too!

  12. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I was thinking of going to see that movie. Now I will. Get bored with my own company these days. Can't wait to get back to work full time.


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