Saturday, March 30, 2019


Today Stew is taking me into Hamilton and helping set up our gazebo at the Claudelands Racetrack because... this is what I'm doing with a team of Fat Bottomed Girls today:

ABOVE:  I am taking part in an annual fundraising event for the Cancer Society.

Individuals and Groups walk around the track from 10 am till 10 pm, having raised sponsorship in the weeks leading up to today.

It is a relay walk, so we need to have someone on the track all day carrying our baton.  I plan on being there all day till 10 pm, walking when necessary, filling in gaps, and just enjoying the event.

We need to pack food and drink, clothes for hot or cold weather and then get moving.
I will try and update during the day, but I do expect to be fairly busy.

Most of us in the 'FBG Mapping Group' are attending the relay, so we are also going to be working on maps for the FBG's walks, so I doubt I will be idle.

ABOVE: a rather nice photo of my two eldest girls, I nicked it off their Facebook page! lol


We are set up... Stew and I were the first TEAM here... so we got the VERY BEST site! It's so much fun already!!!

We've been photographed and interviewed... it's going to officially start shortly. We will be walking soon!

ABOVE: I'm in demand painting our arms! Keeps me amused while not walking.

The day is going so well... 

11.30 pm:  I've been home for a little while now... had time to eat some dinner.
It was a fantastic day!

I will post more photos tomorrow, but for now I will leave you with just one:

ABOVE:  Crossing the finish line for the last time in 12 hours.  It was a long, long day.  I did NOT walk all the time.  I didn't even walk that much, due to my back/butt still giving me a bit of pain.

BEST THING EVER????  Our team won a prize. 

It was for 'Best Team Spirit'... I couldn't be prouder of our girls.



  1. Good on you and the FBGs. A great cause. xx

  2. Well done to you and the FBGs ... as sparkling merlot says above ... excellent cause! Is there anywhere your readers can go to, to support your team by adding to the sponsorship total?

  3. Cancer society. Everyday hero's relay for life. THE FAT BOTTOMED GIRLS TEAM .. I'm in that team.

  4. A great cause.....I hope you have a great time.

  5. Man - you are a busy bee! Looks like a lovly event.

  6. I have done that event twice!! Loved it have an awesome day,/night.

  7. Found the link for anyone wanting to add to Chris and the FBG's fundraising efforts ...

  8. Pack up time nearly girl

  9. Awesome effort team

  10. Woohoo! Great job!


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