Wednesday, February 07, 2024



 I've had quite a few nasty comments of late. (HIDING behind ANONYMOUS)

And NOT PUBLISHED, cos I refuse to give them air time.

I am so thankful I put comment moderation back on! 

I THINK I KNOW WHY so many PEOPLE don't like ME.

I'm opinionated.

I'm a strong personality.

I call a spade a spade.

I have a fat gob. I can be too much for some people.

I'm pushy, and want things my way most of the time.

I swear too much.

Black is black.  White is white.  What's grey?

I don't have to be right all the time, but I think I usually am.  If I am wrong, I can accept that though.

I don't tolerate idiots too well.  Some people are fucking idiots.

I'm not a fool, and won't tolerate anyone treating me like a fool.  

I cannot stand people lying to me, particularly when I know they are lying.

ABOVE: Some people HAVE TO keep me at bay, because they have built their lives like a stack of cards. 

I know FAR TOO MUCH, most of which they don't even realise.
That must be scary.

ABOVE:  YEP.  There are people out there who just can't help doing that.  And sadly, it happens far too often.


I'm off for a walk early this morning.  Getting back into my usual routine.
Stew is back at work today.

When I get home I will head into the sewing room and do some work.

RHONDA:  I will be visiting a 'proper' butcher this morning to see if I can get some liver and kidneys for Stew.


10.27 am:  And today's walk was in Cambridge with the FBG's.
It was so neat to be back there, chatting away the entire walk with my friends.
I am now determined to get over there at least once a week.
The company is always lovely.

ABOVE:  I didn't even notice this was a long, slow incline.

ABOVE: It was a very overcast, hazy, misty morning.  Just perfect walking weather for me.

ABOVE: One of the things I do enjoy after an FBG walk is the yakking at a cafe. 

ABOVE: Today's walk stats.   Slower than my usual pace, but still very enjoyable.

Once I left the girls, I went into Cambridge town centre, as there is a really good butchery there.
And they open at 7am, so I didn't have to hang around waiting for them to open.
As luck would have it, Wednesday is the only day they have offal in the shop!
So I grabbed...

ABOVE: A good supply of Beef kidneys and liver.
That should keep Stew going for a while.  Thankfully they are cheap as chips.

ABOVE:  Don't ever wonder why a decent steak in a restaurant is so expensive!  That's why.

And that's me for now.  I'm getting cold just sitting here, so might just get moving.

2.02 pm:  Well I didn't move much.  I had some lunch then have been working on my jig saw!  Weirdly, I don't feel like sewing again today.
Oh well, I don't NEED to add to my stash at the moment anyway.

What am I saying?  I do need to make more Kiwiana runners!  Grrrr.  Maybe later.

The plumber is coming back in an hour.  I am like... how do I not say anything 'scathing' to him?  

I want to call him a fuckwit.  

But better not I suppose.
Bite your tongue Chris... just shut up! Be NICE.

I.  WAS.  NICE.  I said it was just one of those things we all do sometimes (silly mistakes), and he fixed it within half an hour.  

ABOVE:  It was just a rejig of the piping to line up with the bath's plughole. 
Now I reckon Steve and I can drop the bath on top of the pipes and it should be good to go.

It became a stinker of a hot day once all the cloud burnt off.  It's now 6.33 pm, Stew is home and I'm done for the day.


  1. Todays post is the description of my HUSBAND. Exactly. 100%. He can rub people the wrong way - too. If it was ME in a certain situation it would be completely different. Even if we were trying to make the same point. It must have something to do with a "strong personality", black is black, no grey.... I think the difference is the grey. I have grey - he doesn't. Does that make sense?
    I just discovered this goofy girl on social media. I was intrigued by her. She has a saying "I don't receive that" . I think it pertains to your negative comments issue. You are doing the same thing by moderating comments and not letting them get to you. . She actually has a t-shirt that says "I don't receive that". I will link a 51 second video of her explaining.

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I googled “which foods are high in iron?”. I was surprised at the wide variety.

    Someone else noted this in comments a couple days ago -

    “You can enhance your body's absorption of iron by drinking citrus juice or eating other foods rich in vitamin C at the same time that you eat high-iron foods. Vitamin C in citrus juices, like orange juice, helps your body to better absorb dietary iron. Vitamin C is also found in: Broccoli.“

    I too am having a hard time with “stupid”. I have no desire to explain or defend, I just find myself moving away from stupid.

    I gravitate toward positive, productive, simple.


  3. Anonymous7:59 AM

    My biggest hate is liars Chris. My stepson (42 yo) finds it soooo easy to lie and I can spot it a mile off. I never challenge him but choose not to see much of him. I am also very much like you, my filter is lacking but I tend to keep my thoughts to myself.....except when I don’t. Marie, Melbourne

  4. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I think the older we get the less crap we can tolerate, we’ve been there before. At the moment I have a son who is lying to us but we know so why do it? All I want is a peaceful life. I’ve tried to sign in through google but I can’t 😂😂😂getting old.

  5. You don't suffer fools and I respect you for that. Hugs.

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    So sorry Stew has to eat real liver. I could never do that. I'd have to take the pills. Sending him wishes that he turns his low anemia around quickly. I know it is hard to ignore the haters....I just feel sorry for people like that. It is they who have sucky lives. So forget them!! Ky Girl

  7. Cant stand liars. You are better off without those people in your life. The way I look at it as I get older, if people dont like me,they are free to kiss my ass and leave me the F alone. These same people will probably need you one day,but you can just be done. Its ok to be done.

  8. Anonymous11:13 AM

    The name of the Butcher, Wholly Cow 🤣 pmsl

  9. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Chris I have low iron stores. I am a blood donor and have my haemoglobin tested every 3 months to donate, and it’s high. But my iron stores 🤷‍♀️are low.(I don’t understand all this stuff). I take a Maltofer tablet every day, from Chemist Warehouse, they don’t clog you up, $55 for 100 in Australia. No point in me having liver etc as I’d throw up 🤮 but I love pate 🤷‍♀️Marie, Melbourne

  10. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Wait until the plumber explains how he made the mistake (everyone makes mistakes!) before you say anything scathing to him. You don't have to live up to your description of yourself, lol. Audrey

    1. OH we all know how he made the mistake! It's screamingly obvious. Total rooky mistake.

  11. Do you fill the hole in with concrete or anything? Or leave it exposed for maintenance purposes?

    1. There is no need to fill the hole as the bath sits flat on the floor, hence covering the hole completely.

  12. I like ypu Chris and I don't have to agree with everything you say to like you. I don't understand why anyone would bother reading and leave nasty comments. Easier surely for them to just stop reading if they feel that way. I think as in the past some nasty commentors have a personal motivation . Wish I lived near you and would walk and laugh with you. You are doing great and some people are just jealous.

  13. Anonymous12:39 AM

    My late husband would grill liver on the BBQ and it was really good. It cooks very fast that way. Liver is so cheap here too. I don’t get angry, I just walk away and let other person figure out way. They say things just to get you going Chris because they know they can. Gigi

  14. Glad to hear the plumber fixed it quickly. Looking forward to you big reveal. Keep cool.

  15. Wow can I relate to the problems with people. I get so fed up with the level of stupid I face some days. Most times I can ignore it but believe me it can get to me on some days. Glad your day ended on a positive note.

  16. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Liver and bacon yummy. It's evidently yummy on the BBQ too sliced thinly. Who are these stupid idiots trying to upset you. Hope not the same ones as last time. You've got more lovers than haters Chris and Stew. I hope Stew recòvers quickly. I was anemic with my last pregnancy. I had to eat Silverbeet..I couldn't stand the smell of it cooking so had to go outside lol. Haven't eaten it since. Kj


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