Sunday, February 04, 2024



  I've got a few more photos from last night's dinner to share:

ABOVE: Me and my Griffin.

I don't think I've ever sat on his lap before.  He was a bit surprised.

ABOVE: Doesn't Bex look WONDERFUL!  She's lost about 14 kilos since having Lily!  Wish I could lose it that fast.

ABOVE:  Us girls... Me being the oldest, and Lily being the youngest.

I believe in the next few years someone will make me and Stew Great Grandparents!

Imagine THAT!  I don't feel that old, seriously.

Now, back to the day.

What are we doing?


I don't feel like having plans today.  Let's just go with the flow.


1.25 pm: Well after a couple of wet days, it's back to sunshine and roses.

Mike 'n' Joyce are spending the afternoon with Steve 'n' Bex.

Stew and I went to the Hamilton Gardens for a lovely lunch.

Now we are home and enjoying a quiet afternoon.  Swimming.  Lying in the sun.

A bit later on I will be working in the sewing room.

ABOVE: The girls in the sun... they won't stay there for long, it gets too hot for them.

ABOVE:  Stew enjoying a lovely, quite time in the pool this afternoon.

ABOVE: And then kids arrived, and he was Mr Popular.

I had been in and out of the pool from 12.30 till about 3, it was SO LOVELY.

It's now 7 pm, everyone is eating dinner.
Us 'normal' people had rissoles, spaghetti, cheese and scones.
Steve and Mike are having Asado Short Ribs fan baked in the oven with unsalted butter and eggs.

And after dinner we will all settle down for the evening, the kids will no doubt head home at some point, leaving Stew and I to ourselves till bedtime.



  1. You all look so good
    Bex have you cut your hair? It looks great and wow 14 kilos time a buy new clothes me thinks you look fabulous.
    Chris you can really see all your hard work walking you look great.

    1. I thought she had cut her hair too blondie but then another photo with her head sideways. Great job Bex with loosing baby weight you're look great.

  2. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Love these pics! You all look lovely and so happy. ❤️ Caroline

  3. Bex looks fantastic! It's fun to see Joyce and Griffin as well! Love Griffins hair! And Diet Coke - - - You have a fantastic tan!

  4. Anonymous1:49 PM

    You are all looking healthy and happy. Well done on the weight loss Bex, it taken me over 12 months to lose that amount of weight

  5. Anonymous5:25 PM

    You looking fabulous and so happy - I am glad that you have such strong family connections and so many various age groups. It's humid, and rainy here all the time and we have heaps of mosquitoes and toads breeding. Great. Can't wait to see the bathroom!! reveal. Hopefully no more annoying setbacks. Maria(Australia)

  6. Anonymous1:39 AM

    What the heck are rissoles and fan baked asado?

    1. Rissoles are meat patties, and asado is a name for the type and cut of beef. Fan baked in the oven.


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