Tuesday, February 20, 2024



Bex sent me a photo of Miss Lily last night:

ABOVE:  Her little 'frog legs' are finally starting to fill out a bit. She is now 5 weeks old, and is doing very well.

ABOVE: Miss Marley Moo is going to the groomers today.  She will transform from a fluff bucket to a naked tart.  She hates going, poor girl.

While she's at the groomers, I will work on a couple more runner tops.

I'm expecting a delivery today of the black fabric I use for all the joining strips and backing fabric for the Braid Runners.  Just in time too, cos I'm down to my last meter of the black fabric.  I sure go through a lot of it.

I now order it online from Spotlight, that way I am sure of getting the quantity I need, and it's free delivery over a certain amount, so why not.

So that will be my morning...


1.22 pm:  clearly it's MUCH later!  lol

The day has gone like clockwork.

Marley went to the groomers.  My exercise for the day was chasing that little tart around and around my car, then outside so I could put her harness on and take her to the groomers!


ABOVE:  Once at the groomers, I had to drag her out of the car and into the shop.  TIRING.

My fabric arrived.   All there and accounted for.

I now have 6 runner tops made.

ABOVE:  I'm  not sure if I should stop now and quilt and bind them all, or just keep making a few more first.


ABOVE:  Or should I take a break and jump in our crystal clear pool?

I have FINALLY found the secret to keeping the pool totally clear.  Run the pump for at least 8 hours a day!  Yep.  The instructions are to do that, but I'd not been doing that.

Power conserver that I am, I was only running it for half that time.  Not doing that again.  I love seeing it so sparkly clear and clean.

We have a very cloudy day today, but it's still stinkin' hot.   Might just go jump...

LOL... into bed!  I tried to have a Nana Nap.  Didn't happen.  My brain was still in the sewing room, so I went back and made two more runner tops!

So today I made 5 runner tops.  Not bad going if ya ask me.  Now I suppose I will have to quilt and bind all 8 over the next few days.

Freakin' quiet on here today eh?  I might just bugger off now, have some dinner then enjoy a quiet evening.



  1. Definitely a smart way to order the fabric!

  2. I would be floating around in that turquoise water......

  3. Ohh I need that pool…it looks beautiful.
    Another HOT day here 🥵

  4. Enjoy that pool!

  5. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Marley looks adorable! And the pool too!


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