Friday, February 02, 2024



I have heaps of stuff I need to do in the sewing room today... we sold quite a few runners on Monday that need to be replaced.  AND bowl cosy's.

But, top of the to do list is vacuuming the house.  It's a tip thanks to Coco.  She keeps bringing in dead leaves and leaving them (munched up), all over the floor. 🐶 🙐🙒🙓🍃

I visited the kids last night, before meeting up with Stew at the pub.

And after a while Miss Lily woke up and had a feed, then Bex said she was going to bath her.

Only, she asked me if I wanted to do it?

What a dumb arse question... OF COURSE I wanted to bath her.

ABOVE: And like most new borns, Lily does not enjoy her bath.  Give her time.  😂😊

ABOVE: I am pretty sure I freaked Bex out when I flipped her darling little baby over in the bath!

Lily LIKED being on her tummy in the bath... for a little while anyway.

It has been MANY, MANY years since I bathed such a tiny baby!  Memories to cherish.

ABOVE:  Isn't she just so beautiful.

Right, enough baby spam, I better get a move on...


2.44 pm.
Sorry, but seems I can only go..go..go for so long before me batteries die and I'm done.
There was no walk this morning.
There was no vacuuming this morning.
There was bugger all going on this morning in fact.
I was TIRED.

I just went to the supermarket.
Parked PERFECTLY in my lined space.
A woman pulled in beside me, all skew-wiff... WAY to close to my car.
She got out and banged her car door on my car.  She said "Oh Sorry".  Then she got back in her car to get her bag, and then DID IT AGAIN!  I was fucking furious and called her a bad name.
She just walked off.

WHY?  Just WHY do people do that????

Anyway, I came home after grabbing a few items and realised I'd not updated all day long!

So here I am.  

And now I'm going into the sewing room to lay out some runners.   Got my steam back.... 

We have some rain... blessed relief from the heat!  Probably turn into a sauna once the sun comes out again, but oh well.  At least we have the pool to cool off in.

ABOVE:  I spent a couple of hours in the sewing room this afternoon.  I got some work done, even though I really didn't feel like it.

Stew is home now, and we are looking forward to a quiet evening in front of the telly.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. So sweet and her little red hair is just adorable

  2. There is never enough baby spam.... The sleeping pic is darling!

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      I agree, beautiful photo.

  3. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Yes, so cute!!!! Peta

  4. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Ahhhh. This would be a great pic to have framed for your new bath. ❤️

  5. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Little Lily is such a dot 😍 she certainly looks happier on her tummy 😂 GM 💙 💙

  6. Lily is adorable. So tiny!

  7. Lily is such a pretty little baby.

  8. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Lily is the most peaceful sleeping baby I've ever seen. You can tell she is well cared for. Ky Girl

  9. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Never to many baby photos. That one her sleeping is one for a frame Felicity

  10. Anonymous2:35 PM

    She is adorable and so teeny. She looks so content after her bath. Maria(Australia)

  11. Lily looks so cute and adorable love the photos.

  12. Crazy parking story. I can not believe she did it twice.

  13. Love the baby spam ... so sweet that Bex invited you to bathe Lily ... beautiful memories for sure.


  14. Adorable baby. It drives me crazy when people do that. I purposely parking in no mans land to avoid being bumped and wouldn't you know it some arsehole will come park right beside. How annoying!


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