Thursday, February 01, 2024



Another gorgeous day looms ahead.

And I will be stuck inside for the first few hours, doing the second coat of paint in the bathroom.

Once that is done... and the other stuff is put on top of the walls, we can work on getting the ACTUAL BATH put in place.

That is not going to happen until Mike gets here on the weekend, as he is fit and young... so can help Steve do it.

I don't want Stew doing it.  Reasons.  But not going into that right now.



Our dinner last night was very nice for a 'Bar/Restaurant' type establishment... :

ABOVE:  No, he wasn't being rude being on his phone!  He was checking something out for us. (btw, I had pencilled eyebrows on.)

I think I am going to go with Mel's recommendation, and talk to a lady in Rotorua about getting me eyebrows 'done'.

When something has been on your mind for YEARS, it's probably time to do something about it.

Thank you for all your input on the issue.  I do appreciate it.

ABOVE: We had shared Dumplings as an entrΓ©e.  They were very yum.

ABOVE:  A Shredded Chicken pizza to share.  No fries ... didn't need them.

The pizza was very 'standard' for that type of place.  Nothing to write home about.

ABOVE:  I enjoyed two little bottles of wine, all on me own.  I drink it like it's water really.  Goes down fairly fast, then I'm every so slightly pickled!  

It's rather enjoyable being slightly pickled. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜†

It was really nice being out and about on a lovely summer evening.

I don't know why we don't do it more often.

And... back to today.  

I want to get on with the painting, and GET.  IT.  OVER.  WITH.  It's NOT fun.  It's messy and tiring.


12.49 pm:  Well I've been literally flat out all morning, doing odd jobs around the house.  I also popped out to the mall for a lightbulb for me new Scentsy Burner... got the bulb home and the damn thing still didn't work!


ABOVE:  And then.  Bugger me!  I 'noticed' the on/off switch on the power cord.  Hmmmm.  Switched it to ON. ... and the bloody thing worked.
How blonde can ya be?
I have two other burners.  They both have a button on the base to switch them on.  I'm not USED to having a different on switch.  Just sayin'.
But yeah.  BLONDE moment.
I've not been 'able' to use that burner for weeks!

So as I said, I have been busy with odd jobs all day.  It's now time to stop and have some lunch.

YUSSSS!  All the painting is DONE.  Now it is time to start assembling things.  The walls can have their finishing touches, then the bath can go in.
The the shelves will go up, and I can finally do the titivating.  
I hope it will be all done by Tuesday ... 🀞.

It is now 4.40 pm, and I expect Stew home soon.  It's 'pub' night and I am thinking of going with him.  

9.26 pm:  Well I did indeed end up at the put with Stew, but not before I spent an hour or so visiting Steve, Bex and kids. 
I have a couple of photos to share of darling Lily tomorrow.
For now... it's almost Coronation Street time, so I'm outta here.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I would love to have the courage to get eyebrows put on! They do amazing things these days. I love a relaxed pub meal out on a summer's day/night. We don't do it often but it's such a treat when travelling in the motorhome to find a country pub where we can stay close by (no driving after drinking!). How exciting getting your bathroom sorted, I'm looking forward to the finished look.

  2. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Happy Birthday Liam!! he is handsome boy...Peta

  3. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I'm sorry, but I'm behind-the-hand giggling at your recent senior moments. The tyre shop yesterday, the scentsy on/off switch today... they sure do catch up with ya! Much love xx Colleen

  4. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Haha the scentsy cord blonde momentπŸ˜†

  5. Ohhh can’t wait for the room reveal
    Driveway x2
    Outdoor area
    The house will look lovely …..

  6. The bathroom might be fundamentally finished by Tuesday but you will be titillating that room for weeks πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  7. Looking forward to bathroom reveal pics.

  8. Looking forward to the unveiling!


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