Thursday, December 14, 2023


 It has been twenty years since I went to Weight Watchers in Palmerston North, at my heaviest weight ever.

Over the next 19 months, I lost a staggering 61 kilos.

Then life happened, as it does.  (Surgeries, moving house, kids etc)

And I re-gained 2/3rds of that weight.

Up and down, up and down.

The story of my life.

I was feeling very despondent a couple of days ago, wondering why I was even bothering anymore.

ABOVE: Then I did this.  And it showed me that I am doing JUST FINE.

I needed to see these photos.

And... I think I will keep going. 😊  I may be 20 years older now, but life is for living, the best and healthiest you can be.  And feeling GOOD about yourself.  I must not lose sight of that.

Today I am going to work on a new runner.

It's another funky bird one.

Dante and Archer are coming here for the morning.  Bex's second to last day at work.

Oh and a reminder to myself.... Coco has an appointment at the Groomers at 11 am.  MUST.  NOT.  FORGET.

DAY 4 OF 15
I'm going to cook myself a chicken and feta frittata for lunch today.  With a small lettuce side salad.  I'm rather looking forward to it too.

ABOVE:   I know next to NOTHING about energy drinks.

While at the supermarket yesterday, I was standing beside a 'tasting set up'.  For V.  There are two new flavours.

I've never even had a V drink before, but as I was standing there for soooooo long, I decided to try them.
Cos well... I am lacking in energy right?

I tried the Lime and Lemonade first.  HIDEOUS!
Then I tried the Pineapple and Watermelon.
So I grabbed 4 to take home.  

ABOVE:  So, according to the nutrient details, there's nothing in it except Caffeine and a few other vitamins, minerals and Guarana extract.
Hmmmm.... what part gives you the energy?

Are these drinks any good?  
Do you drink V?

Give me some feedback please.  I don't want to be taking something if it's evil.

WOW!  That V drink certainly gave me a pick up.  My eyes felt like they were bulging outta me head... but in a good way.  I'm still feeling quite upbeat 4 hours later!

The boys and I went over to Lacy's to visit her and her guinea pigs.

Coco got dropped off at the groomers after she got to check out the guineas too.

ABOVE:  Lacy is certainly turning her new home into HER HOME.  The inside is looking really lovely and homely, and she's working on the outside.  The little greenhouse arrived yesterday.

ABOVE: Coco checking out the Guinea pigs.  I'm sure she just wants to breast feed them!  lol

ABOVE:  Onyx and Chocolate.  No prizes for guessing who's who.

ABOVE: The boys had a whale of a time chasing those guinea pigs around the house.

They have now left with Bex, and I've got my Chicken and Feta Frittata in the oven.
I'm not even that hungry now.

ABOVE:  My lunch was delicious.  I didn't use a recipe for the frittata.  I just precooked the chicken and onion, then threw them into the bowl of whipped up eggs, sundried tomatoes, feta cheese, and seasoning.
Baked it in the oven, and made a little side salad while waiting for it to cook.
BOOM.  Lovely lunch (my main meal of the day).

Darling, there's enough left for your dinner. 💙😊😋

And now... it's time to just chill out for a while, it's been a busy morning.

7.09 pm:  I've been in my sewing room, getting my latest Funky Bird Runner ready for stitching.
I'll be doing that sometime tomorrow.
Doubt I'll get it finished in time for Saturday's market.

V Drinks.  I think I will have one on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, before I go for my walk.  As a pick me up, set me up for the day type of thing.

I'm sure 3 a week won't hurt me.  And I really like that Pineapple and Watermelon one.

Stew is at the pub, due home in about an hour.
So, I've stopped working now and am about to turn the telly on for the first time today.  Coronation Street is on a bit later, and after that I'll be heading off to bed.


  1. You are looking fantastic, keep up, you go girl.

  2. You've come a long way. You look fantastic right now!!

  3. Wow Chris!!! You have done so well and the photos tell a thousand words for sure! You have found what works for you and you should be very proud of what you have achieved this year.

  4. Wow that is a major achievement. You look fantastic Chris. The photos are great inspiration. Chicken and feta frittata sounds yum - just might make one myself .

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Internet search clarified - the “energy” appears to be all stimulate from the caffeine. It appears to be like drinking strong coffee.

    Have to be careful not to drink too much.

    Like you cannot substitute this for your Diet Coke.

    So it appears, if you are not allergic to it and have no problems with caffeine, or your heart, that you can have some, the way you would drink a very strong coffee, early in the day.


    1. Thanks Vickie. I would only ever have one a day if I continue to drink it. And I might.

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      More Internet data on caffeine levels -

      A mug of black coffee typically has between 65mg and 120mg. That's for an 8-ounce cup, so 8-15mg of caffeine per ounce.

      Pepsi One: 55 mg
      Mr. Pibb: 40 mg
      Sunkist Orange: 42 mg
      Wild Cherry Pepsi: 38 mg
      Pepsi-Cola: 38 mg
      Mountain Dew: 37 mg
      Diet Pepsi: 36 mg
      Coca-Cola Zero: 35 mg
      Coca-Cola: 34mg
      Diet Coke: 30.4 mg
      Dr. Pepper: 27 mg


    3. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Another factor to consider -
      I don’t know if you drink regular Diet Coke or caffeine free Diet Coke. And I don’t know how much of that you drink.


    4. I drink regular diet coke, and I see it is one of the lowest caffeine drinks. Yaaa.

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Putting together those photos was really brilliant. I would not have thought of it. It is a fantastic comparison. You have done very well under a lot of tough circumstances.

    My major concern for myself is - on and off the toilet, in and out of car, in and out of bath tub, in and out of lower chairs/couches, ability to do inclines and stairs - all as I age. Extra weight does not help my knees or back, at all. Strong muscles also helps all of that.


  7. Dam Mumma you're looking hot 🔥 xx

    1. Lacy you are an idiot! 65 year old Grandmas DO NOT LOOK HOT. But thanks for the nice words.

    2. Yo your my Mumma and I'll call you hot when I want 🥰
      You are looking blinken good for your......youth 😁
      Love from the #1 idiot lol

    3. Lacy is right , ya know! You look great!

  8. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Heart specialists recommend no more than one can a day of any energy drinks. It's the caffeine and guarana that gives the energy kick. Plus, loads of sugar in some brands. They do have no sugar brands, too. As with anything, moderation is the key. All caffeine drinks should be kept to a minimum including soda, coffee and energy drinks. But, you know, you only live once so enjoy! But, please note energy drinks can be linked to heart attacks so yeah, definitely go easy on those. Much love. xx Colleen. PS you're looking great! xxx

  9. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Meh……energy drinks not for me. Have had one in my life and it tasted crap. A guy at work drank them consistently and his teeth were rubbish. I did buy a very high in caffeine pre-exercise coffee, took it before a class, driving there I thought my face would burn 🔥 up, then during class I very nearly shit myself. Marie, Melbourne

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    And I forgot to add Chris you’re looking fabulous. Just keep focusing on your health and wellness. I would add in a bit of strength exercise as well. I was at a restaurant recently and a largish woman could not get up from the table at end of meal. Her companions tried for 15 minutes to lift her, didn’t happen. Until a strongish man lifted her. She was dying of embarrassment. Marie, Melbourne

  11. Can't even stomach the smell of energy drink

  12. Anonymous12:54 PM

    You look great Chris.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Marjorie as I am not signed in.

  13. Anonymous1:57 PM

    You're lookin' fantastic!!! Bravo!!! Ky Girl

  14. Michael Harvey2:18 PM

    Hey Mum,
    Your low on energy at the moment because your body is still in the adaptation phase of not having carbs. Your body won't be "fat adapted" and effectively running in ketosis until about the 2 week mark. Suddenly reducing your carbs below 50grams a day will also usually give people the "keto flu" -headaches/dizzyness/the shakes for the first 2 weeks. Just gotta trust the process and allow your body to adapt. Once your body is in steady ketosis, it will utilize body fat to make ketones for energy (or dietary fat once your body fat % is where you want it to be). My opinion on the energy drink - find a source of caffeine that doesn't involve artificial sweetners. They have been shown to spike insulin in the same manner simple sugars would. Elevated insulin levels will block your hormone signaling from your fat stores, meaning your brain can't "see" how much energy your body has stored as fat, leading to increases in hunger signaling.

    Love you ❤️

    1. I doubt I will continue drinking the V as it is rather expensive and probably not worth it in the long run. I already knew about why I was low on energy. My carb intake is incredibly low at the moment. I do plan on taking one day off a fortnight, as I do not want to live denying myself the odd treat. If that stuffs up the 'Ketosis' ... so be it. I'm not doing a Keto diet after all.

    2. OH and the V drink took away my feelings of hunger totally! I liked that.

  15. You are looking amazing. Even better than the second pic from 2005. As for energy drinks, a big no from me. They can be quite addictive with the caffeine and if you then stop you get horrendous withdrawal headaches. Even one a day every day is too much. And they ain't cheap! Basically full of artificial crap.

  16. I think I started reading your blog in 2006, that's about when I started mine when I had started a new job and was bored lol.

    1. Then you started the same year as me Julie. I've 'known' you since Trevor and Griffin were just little boys!

    2. I just checked, and you started blogging in November 2007. 13 months after I did.

  17. Yum, frittata looks great. I love a frittata and it's a fantastic way to use up left over vegetables. I'm glad you did that comparison photo, it really makes you realise how far you have come.

  18. You have worked hard and it shows! Well done.

  19. Yummm. Looks perfect!

  20. Anonymous3:12 PM

    My daughter ended up in hospital years ago because her lab results sky rocketed. Turned out she was drinking everyday. While she was there the girl in the next bed was very ill and turned out she was drinking V too. She had nothing wrong with her before. Put me off it. Kj


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