Tuesday, December 19, 2023



ABOVE:  I sat looking at the table of gifts for a while, then said to myself "It needs to have a tree there".... so I moved it, moved it.

NOT the main tree, it's still in the sunroom.

The pre-lit one was a perfect fit for there.

Gosh I love it... I'm really feeling the Christmas spirit now.  

Today's plans?  I don't have any!

Maybe I will have to do some sewing... cos I can't just sit and do nothing can I?

And clearly I need to make more Braid Runners.

So, let's just wait and see what I get up to eh?

 Last night I was contacted by a lady who saw us at the last market in Tamahere.

She just loves the Black 'n' White runners, and has placed an order for two, in specific sizes for her tables.

And she wants bowl cosy's too... so that's a nice little bonus for me savings.
AND it means I definitely have to get back into the sewing room and do some runners.

NOT that I mind.... I love being busy in my happy place.

I seem to live in supermarkets at the moment.

I've just been for the 3rd time in a week. Still stocking up on Christmas foods, so I don't find the shelves bare on the weekend.
Now all I have to get is the fresh meats, salad makings and bread.  I HOPE.

It was, as I thought it would be, absolutely mental in the supermarket.  What with customers, and staff madly re-stocking shelves... it was a mission to get in and out in a decent time frame.

One more time... till Christmas.

And as Stew said, we will end up with far too much food, as per usual.  Oh well... that just means the kids go home with lots to eat afterwards.

It is nearly midday, so time to stop all the jobs and take a lunch time break.

ABOVE:  I've been forgetting to put this up! 
Don't' worry, I've NOT fallen off the wagon at all.
I'm sticking to my new challenge, even though I am still finding it difficult.  My energy levels are still incredibly low.
But... I hope that things settle down soon.
Bearing in mind, next MONDAY, (Christmas Day), I am allowing myself to indulge in EVERYTHING.

So, today is DAY 9 OF 15.

Tonight is my last official weigh in at Weight Watchers for the year.
I am pretty sure I will have a loss.  This no carb/no sugar thing is working.  I can feel it/see it.
Even though the lack of energy is a right pain in the arse.

I think what I'm missing the most is sugar!  I didn't think I was having too much sugar, but yeah.  Maybe I was.   Think Caramel Cornflake Slice.... OMG.
Christmas Day is going to be super indulgent. I am going to have a little of EVERYTHING on the table!  
Drooling just thinking about it.

I've just had a late shower, washed me hair etc.  Now I need to dry said hair, and put some face on. Then I'll be ready to head off to WW a bit later.

WEIGH IN:  I LOST 1.8 KGS this week.  Another 'Lowest this Year' result.  I'm very happy.

And that's a wrap on my day.  Winding down now.  Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    My daughter works at an autism clinic. She has over a dozen therapists in her pod.

    We make them something for Xmas each year. This year we made each a pair of microwave cozies, two sizes. The large started as 12” squares, the small started as 10” squares. I used the same directions you use (thank you).

    We used up a lot of my scraps (yeah!). The cotton batting was leftover (from the edges) from quilts I have made. The cotton fabric was left from various projects. So no expense at all (another yeah!).

    Last year we made cherry pit microwave bags.

    We are looking for next years project.


  2. I went to the supermarket yesterday to get the duck fat potatoes in case they sold out before Christmas, I ended up spending $95!!!!! It is Christmas not the bloody apocalypse - the shops are shut for ONE day 😂. However, I am well prepared for a meat, cheese & olive famine lol. Planning to do a big wine buy up plus the fresh veges etc on Saturday morning- EARLY

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I also went to the super market lol. It wasn't to bad thankfully. Couldn't find brandy snaps tho. Dam it.
    Bex 💚

    1. I GOT THEM ALL !!!!!!

    2. Get brandy baskets instead - Waaay easier to fill :-)

  4. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I have to shop on the weekend for the last bits and pieces for Christmas Day. Need jelly for the trifle too.

  5. hope you had a good weigh in!

  6. fantastic result Chris. Well done.

  7. That is a HUGE loss!

  8. Woohoo, way to go Chris. Terrific loss. Well done

  9. Rhonda8:31 PM

    Great loss. Your challenges certainly work for you. I’m thinking your tummy could be in all sorts of trouble going from such a strict eating regime to indulging in rich Christmas goodies for one day. I’m sure you’ll be moderate and careful thou.

    1. Moderate? yeah nah. I'm going to be like a bulldozer and guzzle everything in sight! But just joking. I will have a little bit of most things and enjoy it immensely. If my tummy revolts, well I'll deal with that too.

  10. Impressive loss ... well done 🙂

  11. Just come in to see results for WW, congratulations Chris great effort.

  12. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Great weight loss!! a lovely Christmas present for yourself....I have to laugh we all complain about the amount of people in the shops, but we are there too !...lol. Peta

  13. Super job on the WW Chris. Enjoy the holidays.

  14. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Woo! Woohoo on the weight loss. You got it now...low to no sugar and carbs. ;-) Ky Girl

  15. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Wow! That's an awesome loss Chris. Good on you. Kj


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