Saturday, December 23, 2023


 While I was sewing yesterday... I had a freakin' lightbulb moment.

When I am chopping the pointy ends off the runners, to make them square ended runners,  I'm left with two triangular pieces of the pattern.

I had been sewing them together and turning them into coasters.

But then.... LIGHTBULB moment:

ABOVE:  I could use them as the centre piece for the next runner!
So that's what I did with this one.  It has two joined up pointy ends as it's centre.
And it looks awesome!

ABOVE:  Now I have all these ends to stitch together and use as centres.  I'm so glad I hadn't gotten around to turning them into coasters.
Gosh it's given me so many more options for centres now.

ABOVE: These are four runner tops I've made in the past couple of days.  Two of them are already pre-sold.
Now I just have to quilt and bind them.
Might not happen today.  Or tomorrow.  Or come to think of it, any of the next 4-5 days.

It's gunna be Christmas after all!

I think Stew and I need to sit down today and discuss what, if anything, we need to do in readiness for the next few days.
We have friends and family coming tomorrow for lunch, then of course, more on Christmas Day itself.
It's looking to be lovely weather, which is neat.
Lots of pool time I reckon.

9 am, we went to the supermarket for our weekly Diet Coke run. AS EXPECTED..  every man and his dog is here. No trolleys.  Had to wait for the few coming back with a trolley man.
HUGE QUEUES at checkout.
But surprisingly,  we got through fairly quickly.
Heading home now, before then going for a wander at The Base. Cos we are crazy.

Again, surprised.  Not that many people in the mall at all.  Much like a normal Saturday really.
We wandered aimlessly for a while, then called it quits.
We don't need anything else.  We are all set.

So we came home and had lunch.
Then Stew went outside to do the lawns etc, and I did a little work in the sewing room.

It's now 1.26 pm, and I'm done.  Just can't be arsed doing another thing really.
I think Stew's just about finished too.

So, a quiet afternoon ahead.
ABOVE: Stew found the little pipes, so put them on my cutting table.  It means less bending for me.  I think that might be my Christmas Present.
He doesn't usually 'do' presents.
I just buy my own.

Well it's been a lovely afternoon/evening.
Steve, Bex and the boys came over for a swim this afternoon.  Stew jumped in with them too.
I was feeling a bit blah, so didn't swim today.

Dinner was chicken kebabs.

I'm now watching Telly in the family room, and his nibs is watching sport in the lounge.

It's been a warm day, but very overcast and humid.  Apparently it's going to rain for the next few days.  Wonderful.
A wet Christmas, and even more humidity coming our way.

Oh well... it will still be lovely spending time with family.


  1. I got to our supermarket just after 9 got the couple of things I needed & was home again by 9.25 😁. Later went to the pharmacy to pick up a script, flower shop for Christmas lilys and roadside stall for Cookie Time collie buckets & a kilo of cherries. All done & ready. Even wrapped the presents last night while the kids were out bloody hate wrapping, it used to be Gary’s job. Mine look like they were done by a drunk toddler (and I had not even finished my first glass of wine) 😂.

  2. You are crazy 🤪. Went to Pak n Save at 7.15 and even then it was building up at checkout. I still need to buy a gift too... dumb ass leaving it to the last minute 🤦‍♀️

  3. the pipes on the table legs are a great trick. I have some in the clay studio and we have used it on table legs at markets too - to get product higher up at a better level.

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    That's a great idea putting those pipes on your table. Will ease a lot of back pain. Did Stew give you my great news. Hasn't arrived it but it sounds possible my symptoms will get better and I'll be able to walk on my own two feet!

    1. Yes KJ he did, and I really hope it helps you so much! MERRY CHRISTMAS

    2. Anonymous7:51 PM

      I've got my fingers crossed. Can't wait for it to arrive.

  5. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Merry Christmas!! Ky Girl

    1. Right back at you!

    2. Anonymous3:28 AM

      Thank you! My son and his family come over today for us to celebrate. Then Monday I'll go over to their house to see what Santa brought. Can't wait! We have no snow though...but after last year, I am a-ok with that. Happy~Happy!! Ky Girl

  6. Runners look great! Swimming at Christmas would be a dream.

  7. fun idea with the runners! Nice to be able to go swimming on Chistmas!


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