Tuesday, December 05, 2023


 I really enjoyed shopping yesterday with Lacy.

And as I still have a few gaps to fill on the Christmas present list... I might just head out this morning and try to find what I need.

I had NO IDEA what to get for two particular people.

Both don't NEED a damn thing... so it's difficult.

I talked to Stew last night about one of those people, and we might have solved that dilemma. 

The other person might end up getting a gift voucher.  Then that person can get something they like.  

Once I'm home from the shops, I will continue working on the two runners I started yesterday.

Just cos I hate having nothing to do, and I really do love being productive, and making things that are lovely.

Is it normal to wake up earlier and earlier as ya get older?

I've been waking up well before 6 am for quite a few months now.  It means I'm bloody knackered by mid afternoon.  

I mostly resist having a nana nap, because if I do that, I'm not tired at 'bedtime'.  My normal bedtime is around 11 - 12 at night.  Which means I'm only getting about 5 hours sleep a night.  BROKEN sleep at that, cos I wake often with getting too hot.  

Sometimes I do get back to sleep around 7 am, but always wake up again pretty quickly.

Any hints on how to break this cycle, and actually get a decent night's sleep?

And on that note, I'm outta here.  

Catch ya later.

Walking through Farmers just now and Lacy says "Look at that!"... so I turn my head to look at that. 
And I walk straight into a plinth with perfume in it. It nearly topples over. The perfume inside DOES topple over.  WHOOPS.

No damage was done. I just looked like a dick.

And then Lacy started feeling a bit unwell... too many shops, too many people.

So we left the mall and found a coffee shop outdoors... and sat down for a little while.

ABOVE:  I really love the one in the middle... she looks so .... discombobulated. 
She went home after we had morning tea... and I continued shopping.

ABOVE:  I think I still have two things left to get.  But mostly, my Christmas shopping is DONE.

Oh yeah, I bought 10 new tea towels, cos sometimes ya just have to chuck out the old for new ones.  They do get manky after a few years.  
I use the old ones as rags btw, I don't just throw them in the bin.

ABOVE:  I decided to cheer up me front door wreath too.  Gave it some colour.  Like me Christmas tree.  

ABOVE: These two twats called in this afternoon... I'd asked them to buy me a hair slide to hold the front of my hair off my face.
So they did.
Then they proceeded to eat crackers, relish and lollies for afternoon tea!
Lacy... OMG!  She was putting my Tamarind Chutney on LOLLIES!  She loved it.
She's fucking weird.

I put a blonde hair dye in my hair last night.  It went YELLOW.
So I bought some toner stuff... the girls just smeared it through my hair.  Results tomorrow.
I might have purple hair.

After the girls left, I did a bit more Christmas prep, then lay down.  Cos that hair shit gave me  a headache.  
It's the smell I think... it's very strong.

So, I lay down on the couch for an hour or so.  Then Stew arrived home.

We yakked a bit.
He put out the bins.
And now we are watching the news on the telly.

And that's me for the day.  My head is still fuzzy.


  1. Oh…. The sleep dilemma…. I take magnesium nightly to have a restful sleep and ease achy legs - that may be worth a shot? I find the magnesium powder mixed in a glass of water just before bed works best… I found mine at chemist warehouse. It’s Ethical Nutrients.

    1. Hmmm.... I think I have some in the pantry. I was taking it for leg cramps last summer. Must see if I have any left. Thanks for the reminder.

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      I have started using magnesium too but I try and get into bed by 10. It stops my brain thinking and I'm more restful when I wake up for pitstop. Straight back to sleep. Kj

  2. Hehe ops πŸ€ͺ sorry.....guess my brain fart was pay back, thanks for the morning tea date xx

  3. Their fault for putting a display right in your path!

    1. Hahahahhahahahahahhahaahahaahahahha oh bit it kinda wasn't lol πŸ˜† sorry, it was a 'you had to be there' moment πŸ˜†
      Hahahaha Ma bumped into it, then grabbed the display to stop it from trying to do its thing, while giving it a bear 🐻 hug to stabilize it, she did the look both ways, dusted herself off....then we gapped it, stage right.....

  4. Definitely try the magnesium Chris. Works for me as far as sleep goes, but most days I'm still up by 6am.

  5. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I am also awake by 5:30-6am. That is an improvement, it used to be 3:30-4:30am wake time.

    I wake feeling good/wide awake and ready to get going, so most days I get up and start my day immediately.

    I take a nap early every afternoon, about an hour, packed in heat packs. I absolutely need this nap to help control arthritis pain. I wake from that nap feeling very good.

    Between the two, I average 7-8 hours sleep. Which for me is very good. I have a life long history of trouble sleeping.


  6. You have had some amazing colors at a salon. But you have also had some duds. I remember a picture that was just PERFECT after a fresh color. I'm sure it was at the previous city you lived in. But - your hair is worth it. More than other things because you "wear" your hair every single day. If only you could KNOW they would do a beautiful job. I also remember you paying top dollar for shoddy work! IDK what the solution is.... I hope your toner mellows it out. It would be interesting to see you in purple hair - thats for sure!

  7. Omg that middle photo lol πŸ˜†

  8. Sleep what is that....some nights I'm still awake at 4 some I don't sleep at all so I sleep late which buggers up the day even if get up early still no sleep gggrrr


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