Monday, December 18, 2023


 What to do today?

Well... I have quite a few more Christmas Family Parcels to 'wrap' up and put under the tree.  That will get done today.

Then I will be able to relax.

But before that... Lacy and I are doing a mall walk.  Well before the shops open, to avoid the craziness.  So many more people are shopping now, stands to reason of course.

So, once I've had me walk, I'll come home and get the wrapping done, then I am going to start ironing all the runners.  And stocktake.  

ABOVE:  Stew's hard work yesterday, putting up the trellis for the passionfruit vines to grow up.  Gosh I hope they do well and we end up with fruit in a couple of years.   

ABOVE:  I moved the rhubarb plant to this area as well, and it's doing so well now!  

ABOVE:  Stew showed me this little grape vine yesterday.  He'd saved a tiny plant when we chopped down the grapevine around the back, and planted it behind a shrub.  It's taken a couple of years, but it has finally started to grow.

He showed it to me yesterday, all proud of himself.

How neat, a little baby from the original really big vine that was here years ago.

I hope it continues to grow.

Lacy and I got away bright and early this morning, so there was virtually no one at the mall.

ABOVE:  I would love to know just how far we walked!  Maybe Stew can work it out for us.

edit:  Actually, if I go by our usual 'pace' we walked approximately 4.8 kms, maybe a bit more.

Now that I am home, I'm going to get on with my jobs.

One big job done.  I've just done all the runners, pressed and laid out flat for the next month.

ABOVE:  I made my first Braid Runner at the end of June.  Since then I've made 51 of them.
And sold.... 31.
That's awesome!  They are my most popular runner by FAR.
And the very bright ones?  Not as popular.  So I won't be making any more of those.

Now I'm on to my next big job.  Finishing off the Christmas prep.


1.  They couldn't go under the tree right now as every family parcel contains chocolates.  They would melt in the sun room.

2.  What a brilliant idea doing 'Family Parcels' instead of wrapping everything individually!
It will be fairly obvious who gets what in each parcel!
I've not gone overboard this year on presents, as I have a big plumbing bill coming up with installing the bath and new taps etc.  (that will be in February sometime)

I am so relieved those big jobs are done.

And a bit like GRRRRrrrrr AT STEW RIGHT NOW!
We were booked into a holiday at Bethell's Beach right after Christmas, for 4-5 days.

This morning he informed me that he's ON CALL over that time, so we can't go then after all.

OMG.  I thought we would be 'safe' leaving then, so we would be here when Bex and Steve's baby was due, so we could watch the boys.

I just talked to Stew and he's out of the 'dog box'.  We are now going up to the beach on New Year's Day, and staying for a few days... or as long as we like really.  We will play it by ear, and how Bex is doing of course.

I am so looking forward to the break away, just the two of us.
Strolling along the beach.  Soaking up the sun.  Paddling in the water .. NOT swimming cos of SHARKS!  
We are both so very wary of sharks, they are very prevalent on our coast line at this time of year.

We have Lacy lined up to house sit, Steve and Bex are taking the dogs daily, so it's all organised.  Now I just have to get through the next two weeks.  💗😊💜😌💚

6 pm:  I've been pottering around the house this afternoon, doing odd jobs.  Watering plants, gardens etc.  Talking of gardens, I better go and switch the soaker hoses to the second round of gardens.
And that is done.  In half an hour I will go out and turn them off.

Stew just got home.  Time to relax.

Well it's our usual evening, just relaxing in front of the telly.
I managed to flood two of the gardens and the pool by forgetting the hoses were on!  Whoops.
Oh well... the gardens ain't dry eh? lol
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Garden is looking sooo good 👍

  2. Interesting about the bright runners as those would be the ones I would be drawn too. Alas I live too far away to be a customer. Well done on your Christmas prep. I cancelled my shopping trip due to more snow. The joys of living in the north.

  3. You are so organized! It's impressive. Knowing what color schemes you made and which ones sold.

  4. Your New Year break sounds blissful.

  5. You have me wondering what goodies are in those gaily wrapped packages, waiting for Christmas morning. I am sure someone will be delighted.


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