Wednesday, December 27, 2023


 Today is going to be all about sorting out our freakin' pool.

I'm dragging Stew down to the pool shop, so we can get new sand for the filter, and have our water analysed to see what's up with it.

I am really hoping we can get it crystal clear really soon.

It just puts me off getting in it when it's cloudy.

At least this year it's NOT shonky chlorine.

I'm using liquid chlorine, so not doctored, padded out with calcium, granulated chlorine this time.

All going well... we will be back in the pool by tomorrow.

Until then, I am seriously tempted to get into the sewing room and do a little bit of work.

There is NOTHING to do in the house, so no harm doing some sewing right?

ABOVE: This is the ham Steve and Bex provided for Christmas Day Lunch.  It was/is the nicest, tastiest ham I've eaten in a very long time.

I am going to make sure we get the same one from now on.

ABOVE:  At the pool shop, and got what we needed to change the sand in our filter.  We've chosen to change to 'glass' instead of sand.  Seems it's better?
And now the guys have to do that, then we 'shock' the pool and run it for 24 hours.
Then on to the next step, vacum it very slowly to WASTE, and then top it up, and take a water sample back to the shop to find out what we need to do to get the water 'right'.
Quite a process, but it will be worth it.
I hope.

Lunch today will be enjoyed with family here again.  So I've got out sausage rolls and cocktail sausages, and heaps of sweets!

I just went to the supermarket for some T-Bone steaks.

And the checkout operator I got was SO SLOW I wanted to kill her on the spot.  By the time she had served the person in front of me, the operator in the next checkout beside me had served 3 people while I just stood there waiting... waiting.... and the queue behind ME was three deep with very angry people like me.

I could not believe how she just took her time, fussing over what bag to put what in, scanning everything in SLOW MOTION!  I kid you not, she was like, I've NEVER seen anyone move so slow!

When I finally got to put my 5 items on the counter, she asked me if I wanted a bag?
And I was like, HELL NO!  You might take 5 minutes to decide if you need one or two bags!  Should the beef go in the same bag as the pork?  FUCK NO.

Well, that's what I wanted to say.  Instead I just smiled and said NO thanks.

Piss off of the day, for sure.

Luckily I can laugh now.  Just for once I wish I'd gone through the self-checkout!

Kids are due here soon, so I better get off here and sort out the food.

ABOVE:  And there ya go, men at work. 😂😅 They got all the old 'sand' out, and put in the new  glassstuff.  Which looked exactly like the old 'sand', so it probably wasn't sand in there at all. Derrr.  Either way, it's all clean shit in the filter now.

Lunch is done and dusted.  Kids have all gone home again.  We are just gunna chill out until the pool has filled up again, we lost about a third of the water. Then the kids will be back for a swim before dinner.

I cannot believe it!  Our pool is already SO MUCH CLEARER!  It's bloody amazing.  Just changing out the pool pump filtering system has literally done the job.

We all had a swim this afternoon.  Everyone noticed how much clearer and cleaner it was and felt.

I've now put a mega load of chlorine in it, and the pump is on for the next 12-24 hours.  
I am picking that by this time tomorrow, it will be looking even better.
I'm so happy.

I know it's early, but I am signing off for the day.
We are only going to be watching the telly till bedtime now.  
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like a delightful day! Warmth, sun, and swimming. While I don't want to complain about warth.... We had the warmest Christmas on record. The third "non-white Christmas" on record, and it has been raining! This is actually not good. We rely on snow cover to keep things underground (pipes) from freezing when the temps REALLY drop. Ya - I would rather swim in the sun!

  2. You haven't mentioned pool cleaning this year but good it's not cost as much as last year time and money. I've just been grocery shopping for our family day tom wasn't to mental but I only do online now so couldn't find anything I was after lots of repeat treks down aisle and 4 shops to get unfilled sponge. So just had couple pain killers and put away perishables and plonk in a chair with coffee for a bit.

  3. Today is one of those days I would love to have a pool, even with all the work involved. I went to Parnell Baths this morning & Milford Beach this afternoon.

    1. Usually it's not a lot of work ... really! Last summer it was shonky, padded out bloody granulated chlorine. This year is was us not realising the filter sand needed changing.

  4. Anonymous9:30 PM

    That's great news about the pool. Not hot enough here for me yet. But warm. Enjoy. Kj


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