Thursday, December 28, 2023


 Well, when we went to bed last night, we'd had the pool pump on for hours and hours, with a massive dump of Chlorine added.

That chlorine was supposed to 'bind' to the minuscule crap floating around in the pool, then sink it to the bottom.

IF that has happened, when we go out there today, we need to do a very slow vacuum of the pool TO WASTE, which means that water on the bottom of the pool is sucked out of the pool and it goes down the drains.  NOT recycled back into the pool.

If all goes as expected, we then re-fill the pool as it will be down about a third, and all will be honky dory again.

I will take a sample of the water to the pool shop and they will tell us what we need to add, to get all the ph and alkaline levels bang on.

Luckily, we already have heaps of the necessary chemicals here, so there won't be any more expense involved.

So, if we have done everything correctly, our pool should be up and running perfectly by this afternoon! 

Gosh I  hope it is, it's been a process for sure.  Though, no where near as bad as last summer!

And ... I just looked at the weather forecast for the next two weeks.  And there's bugger all sunshine headed our way!  Seriously, it looks like we are in for rain and thunderstorms, and just a day or two of sunshine!!!

BUT, as we know from past experience, the weather forecast is just that, a 'forecast'.  Not set in concrete.  Mother nature has her own ideas.  So, we will live in hope we get plenty of sunshine, so we can enjoy our pool to the fullest.

While I lounged in bed this morning, Stew got up and went and looked at the pool.


We haven't even done the final vacuum yet.  Even though it looks amazing, Stew is still going to vacuum it as per instructions.

I can't believe all it needed was a filter media change, and a MASSIVE chlorine shock.

I had done chlorine shocks over the past few weeks, but NOTHING like the amount we put in it yesterday.  That was an insane amount to put in it, but IT WORKED.

Now we know how to keep it clear.  I'm damn relieved, cos it was doing my bloody head in I tell ya.

DAY 5 OF 14
And I have to admit, I've not stuck to this challenge at all!
Christmas was too much of a temptation.
All the different foods in the house were irresistible.
I am going to get rid of it all today, send what's left of the 'evil shit' home with the kids.
I've already sent heaps home with Lacy, Brylee and Bex, but there's more they can have.

I bought FAR TOO MUCH food in the first place.

I can stick to my challenge easier if I don't have that shit in my house.

My next weigh in at Weight Watchers is when they reopen on the 9th of January.
I would like to think I'm going to have a 'stay the same' or a little loss, NOT a huge gain.

So, time to get back on track, and be good.

ABOVE:  THIS ... brings me joy.
We had an amazingly big garden in our Cambridge home, and it was beautiful.

But this gorgeous, pocket sized little garden?
We have shaped it, and tended it, and thrown shit in it... and it's perfect.
Every time I look out the windows, I just feel so happy.

I hope you have a happy place too, and are enjoying your holiday break with family and friends.

7.12 pm:  Sorry I've been absent for most of the day.  I got busy, then I got tired, then I had a nap.
Then family arrived for a swim.

ABOVE:  Putting the 4 chemicals in the pool only took me about half an hour.  Then I tested the water and everything was bang on.
That made me very happy.

Look at this:

ABOVE:  The difference is HUGE.  It couldn't be any clearer.  The boys jumped in and were immediately screaming about how they could see EVERYTHING!   
It looks so inviting now.

Once the family left for home, Stew took himself off to the pub for his regular boys night get together.  I wonder how many of them are still in town, or have gone away for the holidays?

While he's been out, I've tidied up the sewing room in readiness for doing some work in the next day or two.

Bearing in mind we are going up to Auckland for a few days next week, I might even leave it until we come home.

I am going to sign off for the day now, as all I plan on doing from now till bedtime is watch the tv, and maybe start my Christmas jig saw.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. That's a lot of work but so worth it to have a clean pool. I don't think you don't pay water usage charge there so refilling (or having a bath as you will be soon) is not an issue. We pay per litre here and it's made us very frugal.

    1. I am still very frugal having lived in Auckland! And while in Cambridge they brought in water metres too... so it's a habit to try and save water that I've learnt over the years. We are not 'frugal' but we certainly don't waste water.

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I took Christmas and Boxing Day off my diet and it was my first time off in over 8 months. Got back on track yesterday and even though that food made me so sick it was all I wanted yesterday. I ended up having a nap just to stay away from the food, feel like an addict after having that food again but feel better today. My scales were up 3.2kgs after two days of that eating, down 1.9 today, 1.3 to go and then I continue on my journey.

    1. Isn't is AMAZING how quick the weight can go back on ? Yet it takes so much longer to get it off! Just not right. I hope you drop the rest of the gain quickly... I haven't been brave enough to get on the scales!

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Yes it would take me a month to lose what I gained 😦

  3. The back yard is just beautiful!

  4. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Obviously you have blues and purple in your garden, Christy in Sydney

  5. Your garden is giving me ideas for ours in our new place. It will be small but I want a happy place, too!

  6. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Well done with the pool and isn't it a relief when it works. Praise Be!!! We are having cyclonic weather over here in Australia. The oldies who live over a hour away - had no power and no mobile Optus coverage. This drama all started on Christmas night mind you. I got home and me mum texts over Facebook and says the power went out and dad was asleep and they only have one torch (of course - who raised them??) and her mobile power is 23%. I am telling her how to use the computer to power her phone. Nope cannot understand, send various photos diagramming the steps. Finally she is down to 11% and she works it out. She decides to wake dad and give him the torch (he just recently had a amputation and they sleep in separate rooms because he takes so long to go to the loo during the night)and she found some candles. Next day boxing day - go back down there with hot water in thermos (because a cuppa is needed) more torches, a portable table burner with little gas cylinder to cook with and little xmas lights to leave in toilets so they can get up at night and not fall over. Well the drive down - all the trees have been torn and the traffic lights are out and a gazillion people are going camping with boats and caravans. My sister half way needs to pee - put all the servos are closed and we are crawling along at 30mph. But anyway the next day the power came back on at 9pm so they are back to normal again. But there is still so many pockets of suburbs that are still not with power it's so hard when it drags on for days and if people also have damage to their houses too. We saw lots of bins just in random spots and in ovals. And a trampoline in a weird spot. My daughter also lots power - totally different spot close to the city but that was due to a lightning strike to a power pole. She was 7 hours without power. I did see Kmart has a mobile power bank to charge which is solar powered ( I think people use them camping) but it would come in handy. That is if you can do the long lines at Kmart these days- which is a hard no from me. Anyway hope you can get a good relax knowing your pool is back on track and so will your eating. And I also want to try your eating plan it seems really straight forward. I also don't do breakfast except for coffee. But I still do the larger meal at dinner because me other half would through a big wobbly over changing that. But it seems very doable. Happy whatever this is between xmas and new year. Maria(Australia)

  7. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Sorry for the long rant.

    1. I have heard about all the terrible storms over in Queensland and Victoria... and the sad loss of lives. Such a horrible event to happen on Christmas (or any time really). I'm happy to hear your family are safe and well... and have power again.

  8. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Thanks Chris, Yes it's not been a great time for lots of families. Mother Nature can really pack a punch. Some heartbreaking news of young 9 year old girl lost her life. There has been 10 deaths due to these wild weather. Some people have drowned but it's not any safer on the land with falling trees. I noticed England is also getting tornadoes. Exciting times ahead for your new addition to the family great way to bring in 2024. Maria (Australia)


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