But never mind. Stew and I are going out this morning. We have a list of things to do and get.
Grocery shopping.
Black fabric shopping (for the Braid Runners).
The new light bulb didn't fix the light in the sewing room, it must be the starter thingee. So we will be getting a new one of those today.
Stew has a prescription to pick up. Once we have done all that we will come home.
Then Stew can adjust the belt on our treadmill, so we can use it again. It's been out of commission for a few days now.
Dante did a little 'rap' last night, so I asked him to do it again for a video. He told me he had a 'better' one... so I videoed that...
And he knew it.
We all cracked up laughing.
ABOVE: Steve's going for the 'Viking' look, much like Mike does.
It will get shaven off eventually, once Bex gets sick of it, or he keeps eating it with his lunch. 😂😊😋
I am going to start another Braid Runner at some point today, using the new fabrics I got yesterday. Gold/Orange/Pink/Lilacs. Might be stunning?
Won't know till it's finished really.
11. 10 am: Stew has gone to the supermarket on his own. I had a few little jobs to get done around the house.
Then went into the sewing room to sort out the next runner/fabrics.
Still not quite sure I'm happy with them.
It's a process I tell ya!
Once Stew is home and unpacked the groceries, we will go out for the other couple of things.
OH and the skies are BLUE!!!! Wonders will never cease.
ABOVE: This is the new line up.... NOT A HINT OF BLUE anywhere!
Totally unlike me. But I think this one will be just lovely.
I got it all cut out, and will stitch it up tomorrow.
Now ... stopped working in the sewing room, as we have visiting grandkid (s).
Liam is here right now, and Emily will be here a bit later on.
After they leave at dinner time, Stew and I are going out to dinner ourselves. We are going to our local Indian Restaurant to meet up with some friends from Cambridge. Looking forward to that.
ABOVE: We had another lovely dinner this evening. Our friends C & K were lovely company. Home afterwards, and a nice quiet evening ensued.
That rap was not only hilarious - but really well done! That kid has confidence and swagger! Steve really is looking a lot like Mike right about now! My hubby has been growing his beard for years now and it still is nowhere near what Steve has got going there! Impressive!
OMG Steve that's a look mate 😆 no mention of the rugby lads??? You're probably still bummed. Blue skies here too keeping fingers crossed it lasts for a couple of days GM 💙💙
Parents to several adult kids, and 14 Grandkids (aged 1yr old to 24 yrs old). FYI: We have a large 'family', but due to many and various reasons, we only see a few now. It is what it is. Attitudes. Personalities. Narcissism. Grudges. Perceived slights/favouritism. Backstabbing. etc. DAYS. OF. OUR. LIVES. SHIT. So, you get to see those who we choose to see, and those who do still see us as FAMILY, and who love us unconditionally. The rest can live their lives and just leave us alone. Thanks.
New Zealand, it's in the South Pacific... and it's NOT a part of Australia! We are home of the All Blacks rugby team, the Kiwi (bird, but can't fly) and lots of bloody neat people!
WHO AM I? Here's where to find out.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
This post is going to be a WHO AM I, and my family run down... it is for people who have not been here from the start.
CHCH today for me .... Christmas houses how fun it will be.
ReplyDeleteThat rap was not only hilarious - but really well done! That kid has confidence and swagger! Steve really is looking a lot like Mike right about now! My hubby has been growing his beard for years now and it still is nowhere near what Steve has got going there! Impressive!
ReplyDeleteAnd we had RAIN for the first time in months! Still need more - so keep your blue skies!
ReplyDeleteHilarious he is his fathers son I bet that’s school yard banter, too funny.
ReplyDeleteMy dad had a beard Samuel has a beard I love beards on men so manly!
But I also love smooth as silk skin shaven.
OMG Steve that's a look mate 😆 no mention of the rugby lads??? You're probably still bummed. Blue skies here too keeping fingers crossed it lasts for a couple of days GM 💙💙