Saturday, April 02, 2022


The concrete guys worked till it was dark last night.

I think they wanted to get as much done yesterday as possible, so they didn't have to spend all day today getting all the prep work done.

ABOVE:  I think today 'all' they have to do is lay out the rest of the steel mesh.
They have done about a quarter of it so far.
So, hopefully they get that done and can enjoy at least half a day 'off' this afternoon.
They have been working 15 hour days this past week!

As for us?
We get to watch and feel lazy.

And that's all I have for now.
Catch ya later.

ABOVE:  10 am:  And...  Gio and his wife arrived nice and early and got the rest of the mesh down and linked together.  Such a hard working, lovely couple.

I've just had breakfast (hot cross buns), now we are debating what to do with our day.

I'd like to buy some plain white sneakers for winter, so we shall probably end up at The Base a bit later on.

ABOVE:  Success!   We found some sneakers for both of us, on sale at Smiths Sports Shoes. SCORE.

We didn't linger at The Base as I was feeling really tired, clearly not quite over the fatigue yet.

ABOVE:  We got home and the kids visited us.  We did end up buying the Letterbox Book, and it's been quite popular to flick through.

ABOVE:  Even our little kids are enjoying it.

We were surprised at how lovely the book is, and it's size.  

ABOVE: This kid just loves photo bombing! 

ANON:  Yes, that kid is Dante.  He's a right hard case kid.  God help us all once he's a teenager!

Dinner tonight, to feed a crowd, was macaroni cheese and sausages, followed by Magnum Ice Creams for dessert.

It was lovely to have our usual crowd here ... but they have all dispersed, and it's just Stew and I now.

An early night is on the cards as I'm tired.
I went to bed quite early last night too.  
This is down to 'covid fatigue' I'm sure.
It will be nice to feel 'normal' again.  I hope it's soon!

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Ask them if they’ve had to fix up anymore of that other companies stuff ups. Maybe a cake or 2 for them or your amazing club sandwiches. 😁

  2. Great idea Blondie 👍👍 Chris is great at feeding the masses. We had fish and chips last night we're both a little unwell bugger it all 🙄🙄 Guy's truck is part of a funeral procession today for a 20 year old man who died from a rare type of genetically passed on liver cancer his father died of it at age 34 so very sad 😔 💙💙

    1. Awwww that’s so sad kinda puts everything into what’s most important aye 💖

    2. Sure does 💔 you never know what's around the corner. They ignored the people limits for a tangi as well 👍👍

  3. I can't believe this wasn't done with the asphalt. It will be awesome when finished.

  4. Anonymous3:11 PM

    If only I had a Steve! I'm putting kitset shelves together, 5 sets of them. It says put together in minutes. Yeah right. With my fat fingers and problematic eye sight I've spent 2 hours on 1 set!! Lol lol kj

  5. That child hasn't fallen far from the tree has he 🤣🤣

  6. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Who is that kid? It's not Dante??

  7. Kiwionholidays8:03 PM

    Glad you got the letterbox book
    Love wee treasures like that to read and share,
    Hope the driveway comes up a treat , lots of hard prep for them but you will love the results,

    Lovely family photos as well

    Cheers 🥂

  8. Woooohooo I'm so excited for you!

  9. Dante is just like his silly Dad!

  10. Anonymous4:53 AM

    The anticipation of the concrete pour is killing me and I hope I can sleep tonight!! ;-) Haha

    Ky Girl


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