Saturday, January 23, 2021


 We are doing it.

Heading off for a mini break.

First of many we plan on taking from now on.

Life is taking on a new routine for Stew and I.

We are taking more time for US, doing things we want to do and not having to cater to any one else.

So, this is our January jaunt.  

Off to Taupo and Kinloch.

First stop will be visiting my cousin, Janice, in Taupo.  Well... she's just out of Taupo in a rural area.

I've not seen her since October 2017.  So quite a while.  I'm sure it will be lovely to catch up with her.

After visiting her, we shall then head over to Kinloch and spend the afternoon, evening and half of Sunday with my Aunt and Uncle.

Ethel is my Mum's youngest sister.  It's always lovely catching up with Mum's siblings.

Frank and Ethel have a fairly large property just out of Kinloch.  It will be interesting to see what they have done with the property.  When they bought it, the 'back yard' was very much a blank canvas, with NOTHING but grass.

Because we did all our packing last night (not that we need to take much), all we have to do this morning is throw everything in the car and leave.

So... less yakking... off we go!


3.45 pm, and we are having a very pleasant time. We've just left my cousin's home and are now on our way to Kinloch.
I will do a big photo update late tonight.
ABOVE...fruit salad i made for dinner.


ABOVE... a glass blowing place outside Taupo. Beautiful stuff... HORRIBLY expensive.  Bought none.

ABOVE...Janice and baby George.  Hes a 'wild' piglet, not a domesticated breed. But he's been hand reared by Janice and is just adorable. 
Like nibbling toes.
Needs to learn some manners! 🤣😅

ABOVE: George meeting cute cows.. he didn't like them. 

ABOVE: I on the other hand loved the cows.

ABOVE: FEEDING THE BABY. He sleeps through the night now. *snort*

ABOVE: The lovely views from my cousin's  home.
The piglets name is George. He's  6 weeks old and very pampered.
He was highly amusing.

The evening has been spent yakking with my Aunt and Uncle. A roast lamb dinner was enjoyed.
Now... 10.14 pm and we are all off to bed.

Catch ya tomorrow. 



  1. Have a fun trip. I think it's lovely that you are making an effort to take trips AND visit family.

  2. Well deserved break enjoy

  3. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Have a lovely weekend away. Safe travels 🚗

  5. Hope you and Dad have a lovely weekend aways, please stay safe on the roads and yea xxxxx
    Love you Both 🙏💜💙
    #Lacy 💙

  6. Kiwionholidays3:30 PM

    I know you will have a fab time n catch-ups etc

    Can only be good for you all ,,

    Love wee mini weekends away refreshes everyone for the week to come 🌹🌹🌹🍇🍞

  7. Taupo markets Sunday lakefront by fire station

  8. Kiwionholidays11:48 PM

    Late checking this aftys posts but neat pics of you and Janice can see the genes there
    Lovely property n the wee piglets super cute too, n your cow,

    That fruit salad looks very yummy

    Neat to know you are enjoying the break away

    Cheers 🥂

  9. Ha ha! I nearly snorted at your comment about the piglet sleeping through the night. LOL! Looks like a great little weekend getaway. Love the cows too. Liz

  10. Oh my gosh, I loved the view from your cousin's home. It's so peaceful and calming. It looks like you and Stew are having a wonderful visit with your relatives.

  11. OMG! Those photos are all great! Love you and George. And the pic of Janice feeding George - I love the look on her face. The clouds make me miss summer. It is cold and gray here. My dog freezes his feet when he goes out and keeps lifting them up. He won't wear booties. And it's not even that cold - it is ABOVE zero after all (or above -17.7778 to the much more logical Celsius people of the world).

  12. Look at that cute little piggy lol.


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