Saturday, January 12, 2008


Got lots to do:

- trailer tyre is flat (must get fixed).
- morning tea with the girls.
- Town with Stew and kids, pay bills, look for rug to put in lounge!
- Get house and section tip top for tomorrow's Open Home.
- Date with Hubby, dinner and movie.

So guess what? Don't think I'm going to be parked in front of this computer much today! Probably not tomorrow either! So if ya don't hear from me, don't ask why! Life goes on....

SCORE! Our neighbours are having a Garage Sale this morning... so the kids scored some new toys... and we got two really good unbrellas...

Morning tea with the girls was lovely, lots of chatter, lots of catching up ....LOVED IT! I also did a wee bit of shopping ... and found this amazing colander at STEVEN'S in the Plaza:

It goes from this:

To over the sink like this:

To squished flat like this for storing!:

I love it! Best thing, it was on sale, down from $39.95 ot $31.90. Another bargin. And I did need it, really I did! AND it's blue and white.

Weigh in day... I LOST : 400 grms, so I'm bang on for my weekly target. While it's not a lot this week, I have already had breakfast AND lunch so it's not too bad! I'm really happy actually, cos I'm bloated as hell with impending "monthly" even though it is really 3 weekly! Hope the Gyno can give me some good news on Monday about a hysterectomy!

Slow and steady.....
End of Day: dinner was lovely, the movie was.... a friggin horror!!! Steve and Mike said I would LOVE IT... knowing full well I hate horror movies... we saw I Am Legend with Will Smith.... they will pay for that! Somehow, someday, someway....
NSV: WE had NOTHING to eat or drink at the movies..NOTHING!!!! That is a first. nite nite.


  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Hi Chris,

    It sounds like a busy time for you indeed! Good luck with the *open house* tomorrow. I shall keep my fingers crossed for you hun :-D

    Also, I hope that you had an enjoyable morning with *the girls*.

    Have a lovely weekend...

    LL x

  2. Awwww, a date with hubby!!! I think that's nice that you make time for each other. I bet you crack each other up!

    Good luck with your massive 'to do' list!

  3. Have a lovely lovely day, it sounds so nice and have a fabulous date with your hubby! XCathy

  4. AS if you need more stuff to move to Auckland with!!!

    Hope open home goes well tomorrow

  5. Have a fabulous weekend!

  6. Anonymous2:19 PM

    What a fun day!! Lunch with your ladies, shopping, then dinner with Stew? Not too shabby! Enjoy!

  7. I need a date with my Hubby. Why don't we ever do it? Oh, yeah...not babysitter, ha.

    Glad you have some time with Stew. Like the colander thing, I want one.

  8. That's a nifty strainer-very cool!
    Enjoy your big night out dear! (like you need anyone to tell you to enjoy it-LOL!)

  9. Great loss Chris!! Good to see the line head on downwards:-)

  10. You do know how to find a bargain dont you! Am impressed with your powers!
    And well done for the weight loss!

  11. Colander is cool...
    Well done on your loss this must be chuffed...
    catch ya soon...
    (spend arvo in hosp myself today... hooked up to friggin heart monitor... pffffftttt... have to wait now for cardiology unit to contact me for app now and to get fitted for some type of monitor to wear for 48 hrs....
    heart is doing dicky things... )She'll be right mate... haha

  12. Anonymous10:15 PM

    hey spunky! i meant that i was jealous that it was cold enough to be thinking about a sauna - sorry i am a bit derr about getting my point across sometimes!

    Love the colinder!

    Will be bac heaps - so blogroll away!

  13. You are one busy woman. Good job on the weight loss. i have ben trying to lose a bit, not coming off as easy as it came on, why is that?
    Hope you have a good time with hubby..

  14. Well done on the loss hun. You are well on target woohooo



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