Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Would ya look at the time? I have really slept in today, had a wonderful sleep for a bloody change.... might have had something to do with all the exercise we got yesterday!

Not a lot planned for today, boring old fart I am. Am on the look out for a decently priced Queen size bed for the big bedroom upstairs, once Mike leaves (fingers crossed this weekend!) that room will be EMPTY... can't have that! I have priced new ones... and looked at a few on Trade Me... so we will just have to wait and see what happens there.

Going to wander up to the kids school today too, the class lists for this year have been posted on the window at school, so we will go see who is in what class. They will only be there for the first term of this year .... by hook or by crook we will not be here come May!


  1. Chris, you are MOVING... don't buy a bed until after you move!! I suppose you need it for the open homes? Could you move something else there in the mean time? You crazy shopper lady you.

  2. No it doesnt look yik... do you need it set up as a bedroom tho Chris??? Isnt it set up like a rumpus room???
    Hey I know... get a dirty friggin great billiard table up there.. and a bar and you will have it sold in no time... the male of the couples will fall in love with it and walaaaaaa all sold.. wooohoooo just make sure you have scotch on the bar and the deal is done!!!

  3. LOL at Wanna - sounds like SHE would move in if there was scotch on the bar!! haha
    I agree with Lynda - don't spend money that you don't have to. Maybe at the new house you won't need another bed. Or if you must have one, can't you rent one from one of those places that rent furniture to people selling their homes?

  4. If the room is really big you probably don't even need to show it as a bedroom. I'm not much help huh?

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Hey Chris, I'd borrow or beg a bed if need be as its only going to be for a SHORT time, or make it up as a spare boys lounge - fold out couch, bar, tv, train set... bookshelf for magazines... why, you could put your sewing machine in the corner so it's a really versatile area for mum and dad's get-away... Every parents wants that.

  6. To look good for selling the house I think it needs a bed - but unless you need a bed for your new house it does seem like it could an unwanted expense. Like B suggested wonder if you could rent one, I know our neice had furniture put in their house to make it look good for the market. Not sure where she got it from though.

  7. Anonymous9:44 AM

    i think that bed looks fine, save your money and buy something nice when you're moved and settled... :o)

  8. I would use the settee for sure. No point lugging another bed up to Auckland.

    Do you have a floor-plan made up. That should show how many bedrooms the house has.... some people can be dumb. If it doesn't have a bed in it, they assume it's not a bedroom!

  9. I agree with the above-don't buy a bed you are just giong to have to move again....but no, I wouldn't use that pull-out in there either. I don't have any ideas though either-sorry!
    I'm not small-just short-155cm :)(had to throw that in!)

  10. I agree with Lynda, DON'T buy a bed just yet.
    The sofabed will suffice for now so potential time wasters (oops I mean potential buyers) will see that the room is big enough for a queen bed.

  11. That would look fine up there!!


    needs to indicate the size of the room

    sian is whacking the enter key as i

  12. No don't buy another bed, use the setee thingy.. waste of money otherwise and more to move!!!!!

  13. Anonymous2:15 PM

    It seems im a little late in helping with the bed issue, but i still have to say im in agreement dont buy a new bed. Save that shopping trip till you have moved.

  14. How did you manage to run out of diet coke lol
    Hard to believe schools just about to restart...some of the schools down here have started already...where is the year going

  15. You ran out of diet coke!!!!!!! You have been pre occupied!!!! Hope to come in on Saturday morning. Have a wedding in the afternoon to go to but think I could do with "time out" if I'm feeling better. Where is the place???? Have a great night. :)

  16. The bed look great that way. Everything is always so neat and tidy in your house!!!

  17. No diet coke!!
    And i also agree with everyone about not buying a bed!!

  18. I know the concensis has already been made but I have to say I agree with the other chicks ... don't buy the bed, the settee is just fine!

  19. I agree why bother buying something when you are moving. One less thing to worry about. So glad you finally got a good nights sleep. Sure makes the day all that much better. Hope you have another wonderful day.

  20. Too bad you don't live close by. We're going to get rid of our queen. Our oldest child has our old queen, but it takes up to much space in her shared room.


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