I have fallen into the "I will soon" basket.... you know.. I will start my new diet/exercise regime tomorrow/next week bla bla bla.

THIS is the next small change I made today:
I took the WII out of the lounge and set it up in the garage... it was driving me NUTS... the constant noise and them rolling up the new rug so it wouldn't fluff up all over the floor while they were standing in front of the telly..... I could have put it upstairs in the rumpus room with the Playstation, but then Griffin would be constantly asking me to switch the plugs over from Playstation to WII and that would drive me nuts as well! Anything that drives me nuts has got to stop.... I eat when I'm annoyed!
I also went upstairs and looked at the exercise equipment... IT'S A START.... *laughing now*.... maybe tonight I will go up with Stew and actually DO SOMETHING!
WE have spent the afternoon out in the country with a girlfriend, I am feeling so much better! Maybe I have been isolating myself and staying home too much!
JANENE: I did post your comment, cos it is pertinent! I do worry about the size of me coffin-to-be!!! You just reminded me of how I don't want to be the size of an elephant ! Thanks for that, I am in no way offended, or worried or anything! I love's you for caring.
MANDY: I do have a treadmill actually! And the exercycle... AND I WILL GET ON THEM TONIGHT. I PROMISE! Then I might just follow that up with a bit of STEW....lol.
End of Day: and I feel blessed to have so many friends who care.... THANK YOU.