Friday, April 26, 2024



Sadly, Stew has to go to work today.

So does Steve.

That means Mike and Joyce get to hang out with me and Bex, and the kids.

I am heading into town first thing to get a repeat prescription.

Then I'm off to The Base, or Chartwell Square,  for a couple of things.

I'm not sure what Mike and Joyce will do, whether they tag along with me, or go over and spend the day with Bex and the kids.  Time will tell.

ABOVE:  Joyce and Lily last night.  Sooooo cute.   

Seeing Joyce in that tracksuit made me want one!  I might even get me one today, just to wear around home.  It looks so comfy and warm.

I was talking to Steve last night about ovens and cooktops.  I was totally set on eventually getting Westinghouse appliance to replace what's already here.

But he found some by Samsung that will suit the existing spaces better.

The reason I'd not looked at anything apart from Westinghouse was because I HATE too much choice.  And we've got Westinghouse fridges/freezers, and they have never given us a moments trouble. 

ABOVE:  But, Steve showed me this Samsung Induction Cooktop and I was like.... "OH my gosh, look at the blue lights!"

SOLD.   lol

I'm going to look at it, and a Samsung oven today.  

And that's me for now... catch ya later.


11.46 am:  The kids and I are back from a VERY SURPRISING shopping trip!

The plan was to just LOOK at the Samsung appliances today.  But once in the shop we were surprised to see the appliances I wanted were on sale, even lower in price than the current advertised 'SALE' price.

It was a BOO BOO on the shops behalf, they had forgotten to take down the last sale price signs, so we called them on it, and got BOTH appliances for the 'old' sale price.

Mike and I both told the salesman that if the price is displayed at XYZ in the shop, they had to sell it at that price.  He had to agree.

AND then he gave us another small discount as well, so it was just too good a price to NOT BUY THEM TODAY!

ABOVE:  The new Induction cooktop, and the oven I'm getting is the one behind me at my chest height.  Black with Stainless Steel handle and control panel.

ABOVE:  I saved $1,302 JUST on the Cooktop !!!!!

ABOVE:  And on the OVEN I saved $762, cos he took a little more off that than the sale price.

So all up, I saved $2,064 on both appliances.

I am just so happy about that.

And now I am waiting to have an electrician come around (next Monday) to work out if we need our wiring/amps changed to accommodate the Induction Cooktop.  It's a bit exciting.

After that bit of fun, we did a little clothes shopping.  Joyce and I got some lovely winter PJ's.   I will show you them tonight, once we are both in them!  lol

Now, it's lunchtime.

Mike and Joyce will be going out a bit later with Dante and Archer to some place where the kids can play.  An 'Escape Room' for kids is top of the list.

Well the buzz from this morning wore off after lunch... I got a grumbly tummy from my lunch.  Not sure why, I had food that I have almost every other day?  Annoying.

Got family here for dinner this evening.  We were going to do a family dinner tomorrow, but plans changed.  Lucky I'm am organised person, it isn't much to throw together a bigger dinner for everyone.  And Steve and Mike do their own 'thing', in that they cook themselves meat/eggs/cheese.  They are both on the 'Carnivore' Diet.

It's certainly helping with Steve's Pancolitis and gut issues.

I'm already in me new PJ's! They are so comfy.

7.26 pm:  What a delightful evening we are having.  Everyone had a lovely dinner, we had roast chicken and veges for the grown ups, Asado Beef Ribs for Steve and Mike and cheerios and veges for the boys.  Lily had... milk.

After dinner, I glance over to Steve, wondering what the hell he was doing by the plants on the kitchen counter?

ABOVE: See that pointy cactus?

Steve was PICKING.  HIS.  TEETH.  with it!!!

WTF?  We have tooth picks, but no.   He availed himself of me freakin' plant!   Just a bit funny.

And that's a wrap on our day.  It's been so lovely.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. You probably will have to get your electrics changed for the induction cooktop but you won't regret it. I love how yours has the flame effect. I'd tell you what we have but the house hasn't been finished and I can't remember what we chose in June last year! Switching to induction in our previous house was a game changer. Just make sure you carry a magnet with you when you shop for pots and pans. If the magnet sticks to the bottom it will work on the induction.

    1. Almost all of my existing pots and pans will work with the induction cooktop, which is rather lucky. I did buy a couple more before I realised my existing ones worked on induction, so I'm giving them to Mike and Joyce, along with my little portable, single element induction cooktop.

  2. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Ohhh wow what a bargain 😘

  3. The ohh what a bargain comment was me…

  4. Those blue appliances are going to look fantastic! Happy for you! Of course, they have to sell them for the price advertised. If it was an old sale... Irrelevant. They were clearly willing to sell at that price before - so no worries!
    Since my Pickleball addiction began, I seem to wear "sweats" 24/7. Work (ceramic studio) play (Pickleball ) and sleep! They are just as comfy as jammies and I can run around all day in them too!

  5. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Did you get some trackie dakkies?

  6. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Congrats on the new appliances and on the fantastic discount! Woo! Ky Girl

  7. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Hi all sounds good, except your upset stomach...I sent you an email.....Peta

  8. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Fantastic savings on the oven and hot plates

  9. Steve is hilarious!
    Glad he found a diet that is helping!


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